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This image of a Sandhill Crane was created late in the day (8:05 pm to be exact) on June 17th with the hand held Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Lens with Internal 1.4x Extender (at 274mm) and the Canon EOS-1D X Digital SLR camera. ISO 1600. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop: f/4.0 in Manual mode. Two sensors to the left of the central sensor/AI Servo-Surround/Rear Focus on the bend of the wing active at the moment of exposure. Click here if you missed the Rear Focus Tutorial. Click on the image to see the larger version so that you can best judge the sharpness of this image. Your browser does not support iFrame. |
Canon 200-400mm f/4L IS/Internal 1.4 Extender: You Guess the Shutter Speed
This image was created in very low light just as the sun was disappearing behind a big cloud. Note the gentle back-light on the bird’s bustle. You are invited to leave a comment stating what you think the shutter speed was. Reminder: The focal length was 274mm.
The mowers were out today at Indian Lake Estates. They destroyed this lovely patch of wildflowers. You gotta love it….
All images courtesy of and copyright 2012: Denise Ippolito. Click for a larger version. |
A Creative Adventure/BIRDS AS ART Swan Island Dahlia Farm Instructional Photo-Tour, September 11-15, 2013: 5 FULL DAYS: $1649
Limit 16/Openings: 2
Join Denise Ippolito and Arthur Morris at the Swan Island Dahlia Farm in Canby, Oregon (just south of Portland) for a great learning and photography experience. Swan Island features more than 40 acres with over 350 varieties of dahlias in a plethora of colors, shapes and sizes, making it one of the largest growers in the United States.
For the schedule and complete details click here and scroll down.
Images copyright 2012: Denise Ippoltio & Arthur Morris. Card design by Denise Ippolito. Click on the image to enjoy a spectacular larger version. |
Holland 2014 7 1/2-Day/8-Night: A Creative Adventure/BIRDS AS ART/Tulips & A Touch of Holland IPT. April 17-April 24, 2014 :$4995 Limit: 12 photographers/Openings 9
This trip needs 8 registrants to run so please do not purchase your plane tickets until you hear from us; right now we need 5 more folks.
Join Denise Ippolito, Flower Queen and the author of “Bloomin’ Ideas,” BPN Photo Gear Moderator, former Nikon shooter, and technical expert Peter Kes, and Arthur Morris, Canon Explorer of Light and one of the planet’s premier photographic educators for a great trip to Holland in mid-April 2014. Day 1 of the IPT will be April 17, 2014. We will have a short afternoon get-together and then our first photographic session at the justly-famed Keukenhof. Peter who is originally from Holland, will be our local guide/interpreter/driver. Most days we will return to the hotel for lunch, image sharing and a break. On Day 8, April 24, we will enjoy both morning and afternoon photography sessions.
The primary subjects will be tulips and orchids at Keukenhof and the spectacularly amazing tulip, hyacinth, and daffodil bulb fields around Lisse. In addition we will spend one full day in Amsterdam. There will be optional visits the Van Gogh Museum in the morning and the Anne Frank House in the afternoon; there will be plenty of time for street photography as well. And some great food. On another day we will have a wonderful early dinner at Kinderdijk and then head out with our gear to photograph the windmills and possibly some birds for those who bring their longs lenses. We will spend an afternoon in the lovely Dutch town of Edam where we will do some street photography and enjoy a superb dinner. All lodging, ground transportation, entry fees, and meals (from dinner on Day 1 through dinner on Day 8) are included.
For those who will be bringing a big lens we will likely have an optional bird photography afternoon or two or possibly three. The big attraction should be gorgeous Purple Herons in flight at a breeding marsh. We would be photographing them from the roadside. And we might be able to find a few Great-crested Grebes at a location near Keukenhof.
Click here for complete details and some previously unpublished tulip images. Click here and see item one for lots more tulip photos.
Images courtesy of and copyright 2012: Bill Mueller. Card design by Denise Ippolito. |
Old Car City Creative Photography In-the-Field HDR Workshop: Sunday, October 13, 2013/ 9am till 1pm.
White, Georgia: $250 plus a $15 entrance fee donation (cash only on the day of the event) that will go to charity. Limit: 16 photographers.
On October 13, 2013, Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART and Denise Ippolito/A Creative Adventure will be conducting an In-the-Field HDR Workshop at Old Car City in White, Georgia. Old Car City is about an hour north of Atlanta, GA and an hour south of Chattanooga, TN where they will, as noted above, be doing a full day seminar for the Photographic Society of Chattanooga on Saturday, October 12th. Click here for complete details.
On all blog posts, feel free to e-mail or leave a comment regarding any typos, wrong words, misspellings, omissions, or grammatical errors. Just be right. 🙂
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The image was made at 1/100 second. Hand held. Thanks all for playing. artie
1/250 sec likely, maybe 1/160
Darned if I know, but if the sun hadn’t quite set yet, at ISO 1600 and f/4, seems the shutter speed would be around 1/200. Wonderful image as usual.
Another SWAG, but I’ll say 1/125 sec..
No idea what the shutter speed was, but I love the image!!
I am going to say 1/60 for no other reason than that is min shutter speed I can get sharp shots on my 70-300 VR at 300mm
Then again I am using a crop sensor so it would be possible even lower on a FF
Whatever it was, the selection was excellent and the outcome great as usual 😉
Thanks Shane. Do understand that I make a high percentage of bad ones; I just don’t publish those….
I’m thinking like Bill and Richard. If you asked about the shutter speed it must be low. I’d say 1/30 of a sec.
I thought that because the ISO was quite high, the speed you be quite high but the moving leg is slightly blurred and this would not be moving all that quickly. So I will go with 1/30
My guess is 1/100 as your lens has VR.
Morn`g All, was wanting to go back and re-read Artie`s article when he did the analysis for making his change to the 600mm II lens from the 500 & 800mm lenses. Would you direct me to that blog date or send me the link. Much appreciated. Jeff Armstrong, a past workshop participant.
Here you go Jeff! 🙂
Thanks a stack Julian!
274mm + full frame + 4 Stop IS + master photographer = 1/40 second!
That’s my SWAG! 😉
SWAG = S wild ass guess
S = smart, super, silly, stupid, …..take your pick
Thanks Steve!
For you to ask for shutter speed, I am guessing it must be unusually low. So I am going with 1/30. Hoping to hear your pros and cons soon re the new Canon 200-400.
I may or may not do a formal review. But do stay tuned to the blog for the next three months to learn everything that there is about the lens.
Hi Art,
I really enjoy learning from your blog and site.
Although this is not relevant to your question, I really value your expert opinion on the following question:
Which lens would you recommend for wildlife photography, with a particular interest in birding. The Canon 200-400mm f/4L IS/Internal 1.4 Extender, or the Canon 500mm F4 II?
Many thanks
Malcolm Bernstein
If your primary interest is birds, then the 500mm f/4L IS II is the clear choice. Provided you can learn to make sharp images with the 2X. Why? The 1000mm to 784mm equivalent focal length advantage is a huge one. Why? The size of the subject in the frame is a function of the square of the focal length. So the advantage for the 500 II is 100 to 61.5. On the other hand, if you work primarily with tame birds and do lots of large wildlife, then the 200-400 with the Internal 1.4X would clearly be best for you. Note: the 500 II with the 2X pretty much necessitates the use of a tripod.
Folks, including you :), who have learned from the blog and who have had their questions answered are urged to use our B&H affiliate links to purchase all of their gear, especially the big stuff. It won’t cost you a penny more and would be greatly appreciated.
Canon 500mm f/4L EF IS II lens
Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Lens with Internal 1.4x Extender
I think your shutter speed was 1/80
OK, since its shot at almost 300mm you were probably shooting at 1/250. Which is 1 over the length of the lens. 1/274, to keep the camera steady. With the IS you might be able to get down to 1/100. But I’ll still go with 1/250. Nice image and sharp Artie.
Whatever the shutter speed may be; it’s a wonderful image. Keeper, printable, presentable and bears the hallmark of a great bird photographer. Just love it.
I am going to guess 1/200 or 1/250 based on the 274mm focal length of the lens.
High ISO at f/4.0 and a SWAG at sundown leads me to 1/100. At whatever speed it looks like a keeper!
Hi George,
What’s a SWAG?
I think the shutter speed was 1/50. Belated Happy Birthday.
Thanks John! artie
1/30th of second