Canon EOS-7D User's Guide: Save $5 on pre-production version this weekend only! « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Canon EOS-7D User's Guide: Save $5 on pre-production version this weekend only!

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Though this image was created with the 800/1.4X TC/MIV combination I used two 7D custom function tips so that I was able to hold focus on the bird even though the central AF sensor was not on the neck at the moment of exposure! This tip works for both cameras and is just one of hundreds of valuable tidbits the you will find in each guide. Be sure to click on the image to see a larger sharper version.

I spent 8 hours a day for the past four days locked in my lonely writer’s garret working on the long-awaited 7D User’s Guide.  It is almost finished.  I need to write a short section on Custom White Balance and tidy up the section on Micro-adjustments.   The 7D User’s Guide will sell for $30 ($29 if ordered through the BAA On-line store).  The Mark IV User’s Guide–it should be finished no later than Friday, April 9, will sell for $25 ($24 if purchased on line).   You will be able to buy both for $50 ($49 if through the On-line store).

Now here is the great news: call me anytime between 9am and 9pm on Saturday or Sunday, April 3 or 4 at 863-692-0906 with your credit card in hand and I will immediatley send you the current and nearly-finished draft of the Canon EOS-7D User’s Guide for only $25.   You can add the MIV User’s Guide now for only an additonal $20.   You will receive the finished 7D User’s Guide PDF via e-mail no later than Wednesday. 

I can honestly say that the 7D guide is amazing. Pretty much everything on the 7D is brand new and many folks have been seen shaking their heads in confusion.   Learn everything that you need to know about setting up and operating your camera so that you are able to consistently produce the images that you want.  This all new guide will open your eyes as to the possibilities.  I share all of my Menu and Custom Function settings along with the reasons for each choice.  I describe each of the five AF Area Selection Modes in detail and let you know which ones I use for what and why!  There is a ton of stuff in this guide that you will never see or hear anywhere else. 

Do note that neither the 7D nor the Mark IV guide covers the creation of video.  Live View operation is covered in both guides. 

I will ask each purchaser to let me know of any errors, omissions, or of anything confusing.  Talk to you soon. artie

ps: If the phone is busy or there is no answer, please leave a message or call back in 30 minutes.  Thanks and :).

13 comments to Canon EOS-7D User's Guide: Save $5 on pre-production version this weekend only!

  • birdsasart

    Hi Kent,


    Is there a 2nd draft of the 7D Guide?

    We have not sent any updates yet and will not for at least a few months. There was a pre-production version for a short while offered at a discount but we have been sending the real thing for several weeks now.

    The first draft gave me a ton of excellent information and advice on setting up and using the camera.

    Was your attachment marked “First Draft”?

    Before I received my 7D, I read a number of reviews of it and was concerned about focusing and BIF. My impression from these reviews was that the Auto Select 19 point AF with AI Servo lost focus when the background was messy (not sky or water).

    You can get in a lot of trouble listening to the on-line experts….

    After reading your Guide, I decided to try it. Because of some medical problems of my wife, I haven’t gotten out much to shoot, so I just went to a mall and shot gulls flying around, and found that AF was pretty good. What has your experience been shooting BIF with trees, etc in the background?

    That has and always be a difficult situation with any camera or system. Best bet is to use the central sensor only, keep it on the subject, and bump the focus if you lose the subject. Also, go to the User’s Guide and check out Focus Search Off. Be sure to study it carefully. Having that correctly can help when trying to photograph birds in flight against backgrounds other than sky.

    Thanks for an excellent Guide. If there is a 2nd draft, please send it along. I got more out of your guide than I got out of a book on the 7D that has a lot more pages.

  • Kent Wilson

    Hi Artie —

    Is there a 2nd draft of the 7D Guide? If so, I haven’t received it.
    The first draft gave me a ton of excellent information and advice on setting up and using the camera.

    Before I received my 7D, I read a number of reviews of it and was concerned about focusing and BIF. My impression from these reviews was that the Auto Select 19 point AF with AI Servo lost focus when the background was messy (not sky or water). After reading your Guide, I decided to try it. Because of some medical problems of my wife, I haven’t gotten out much to shoot, so I just went to a mall and shot gulls flying around, and found that AF was pretty good. What has your experience been shooting BIF with trees, etc in the background?

    Thanks for an excellent Guide. If there is a 2nd draft, please send it along. I got more out of your guide than I got out of a book on the 7D that has a lot more pages.

  • Trevor Quested

    I would like to purchase the manual at a discount price too Arthur.
    I have just purchased a 7D and a 400 5.6 USM lens and wish to learn its capabilities.

  • John Emerson

    I got the 1st Draft on Saturday and the 2nd Draft this evening.

    Thanx, JFE …

  • John Emerson


    The 7D Guide was a huge help.

    I recieved a loaner from CPS and without your information on the AF, I would have missed a lot of 7D’s capability.

    I agree with you regarding many of the image quality comments that I have been reading. I did a lot of tests at 1600 and was thoroughly amazed with the image quality. I shoot RAW and use DPP to convert. For me, the default setting in DPP for the Faithful Picture Style produces beautiful clean images, which did not need a lot of sharpening.


    • Thanks John for your kind words and the info that you shared. Did you get the 2nd draft? It got kicked back once even though the address was correct….

  • Jeff Cashdollar

    Could I get both guides, are you on-line.

    Jeff Cashdollar

  • […] For more information about the new e-books by Arthur Morris, click here: Canon EOS-7D User’s Guide […]

  • Can’t wait for the Mark IV guide, Artie! I’ve been checking out my new Mark IV this weekend here in Connecticutt, including trying out the video with my grandson playing frisbee! I’m impressed! Don’t stay locked up in that garret too much … 🙂

    • Hey Jim, I finally finished the next Bulletin (almost) and finished my entry into the NWF contest so I am gonna start the MIV Guide right now!