Contest Deadline Extended until April 30, 2012 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Contest Deadline Extended until April 30, 2012

Contest Deadline Extended until April 30, 2012

After careful consideration, and in view of the fact that so many of you have been struggling to meet the current deadline and get your images uploaded, and in view of the fact that Jim needed to leave early on March 30 for a doctor’s appointment, and in view of the fact that the word has been spreading like wildfire, and in view of the fact that some of you have not been able to redeem your free entries for your major B&H purchases as they have not yet showed up on the transactions report, we have decided to extend the deadline for entries until April 30, 2012. There will not be any additional extensions. We thank you for your understanding and for refraining from e-mailing your complaints or posting them here as comments :).

For those of you who have been in the dark you can learn more about the BIRDS AS ART 1st International Bird Photography Competition here or by visiting the main contest page here.

later and love, artie

4 comments to Contest Deadline Extended until April 30, 2012

  • @Charles, I finished the final clean up and upload very late too – I’m always a last-minute guy, even when I submit papers to conferences… But this time, thanks to the extension, I can at last say I was able to finish everything well before the deadline. 🙂

  • Peter Kes

    For now, please copy me on all questions/problems here: Fabrizio: I will change the rules, good point.

  • Charles Scheffold

    Awwww and I stayed up late last night getting my photos uploaded – at least it’s done 🙂

  • … but I suppose that a suggestion and a question are accepted 😉 The suggestion: perhaps you could update the deadline even in the rules page, just in case some people run into that page and not in this blog post announcing the extension. The question: is also the date for proclaiming the winner (I believe it was May 31) postponed by one month? Thanks.