You Be the Judge: Captive « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

You Be the Judge: Captive

You Be the Judge: Captive

The judging for the BIRDS AS ART 1st International Bird Photography Competition is complete. All of the judges including me were stunned by the quality of the images. We will be posting all of the images that were sent to the judges. Each of you will have a chance to judge the images. Please read the directions below carefully. Your votes will not determine the winning images but it will be fun to see how everyone’s votes compare to the votes of the judges.

Below are the ten images in the Captive category that were sent to the five judges: Darrell Gulin, Chris Van Rooyen, Julie Zickefoose, Tim Laman (who filled in for a honey-mooning Andy Rouse), and yours truly. Here is a big time thank you to Darrell, Chris, Julie, and Tim. And a big time thanks also to Peter Kes and Denise Ippolito for helping me choose the images that were sent to the judges. We worked very hard for nearly three full days to get from more than 5500 images down to the final 163.

The Captive category is for photographs of captive, zoo, pet, or rehab birds. Before you vote, please click on each image to view it at full size. Then pick your five favorites and vote them 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 with 5 being your very favorite. Like this:

Bald Eagle calling: 5
Flamingo head and neck: 4
Philippine Eagle: 3
Toucan: 2
Flamingo legs with shadow: 1

The “Sample Vote” values above are for illustrative purposes only. Please put each of your five favorites on its own line by hitting “enter” after each one. You can make your life easier by cut and pasting the name of each image that you wish to vote for. No ties; please assign a single digit, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 to each of your five favorites.

If you wish to comment on any or all of the images that you voted for, please do so below your five voting lines; this will make tallying the votes easier. Votes cast by those who fail to follow the formatting directions will be relegated to the Trash Bin.

A tally of the public vote along with the actual winning images for each category will be announced approximately 48 hours after each posting.

Sleeping waterfowl

Great Horned Owl on curved branch

Bald Eagle calling

Flamingo head and neck,Flamingo Gardens, Davie FL. Image copyright 2012: Patty Corapi. Canon 7D and the 100-400mm at 285mm. Settings were ISO 400, 1/1250 at f/5.6 with some fill flash. Thanks for the wonderful honor. And Artie – I thank you for all you have taught me over the years. Congrats to the other winners as well. Everyone did a wonderful job.

Philippine Eagle


Flamingo legs with shadow

Great Horned Owl vertical

Red-tailed Hawk

Barred Owl sleeping

161 comments to You Be the Judge: Captive

  • Paul A Thomas

    Flamingo legs with shadow: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Toucan: 3
    Barred Owl sleeping: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • John T.

    Toucan – 5
    Great Horned Owl On Branch – 4
    Red Tailed Hawk – 3
    Flamingo Head and Neck – 2
    Bald Eagle Calling – 1

  • 5 Philippine Eagle
    4 Sleeping Waterfowl
    3 Bald Eagle Calling
    2 Flamingo Head and Neck
    1 Great Horned Owl on curved branch

  • David Policansky

    5 (best) Sleeping waterfowl
    4 Philippine eagle
    3 Toucan
    2 Flamingo legs
    1 Flamingo head and neck

  • Ron Perkins

    Great Horned Owl vertical: 5
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Flamingo head and neck: 2
    Sleeping waterfowl: 1

  • Toucan – 5
    Red Tailed Hawk – 4
    Phillippine Eagle – 3
    GHO Vertical – 2
    Flamingo head and neck – 1

  • Pam Scott

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 4
    Red-tailed Hawk: 3
    Sleeping Waterfowl: 2
    Toucan: 1

    I would be proud to be the creator of all 10 of these photographs. Congratulations to all that made it this far.

  • Jamie Medford

    Toucan : 5
    Flamingo legs with shadow : 4
    Phillippine Eagle : 3
    Bald Eagle : 2
    Great Horned Owl Vertical : 1

  • Mike Eckstein

    Philippine Eagle:5
    Bald Eagle Calling:4
    Toucan : 3
    Red-tailed Hawk: 2
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 1

  • Jennie Stock

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Sleeping waterfowl: 4
    Red-tailed hawk: 3
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 2
    Barred owl sleeping: 1

  • MJ Speingett

    Red-Tailed Hawk:5
    Philippine Eagle:4
    Bald Eagle Calling:3
    Great Horned Owl Vertical:2
    Sleeping Waterfowl:1

  • Gordon Lindsay

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Toucan: 4
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 3
    Red-tailed Hawk: 2
    Sleeping waterfowl: 1

  • Andy Diamond

    Philippine Eagle:5
    Bald Eagle calling:4
    Flamingo legs with shadow:2
    Red-tailed hawk:1

  • Neil Hickman

    1. Toucan
    2. Flamingo legs with shadow
    3. Philippine Eagle
    4. Bald Eagle calling
    5. Flamingo head and neck

  • Col Seller

    Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Red-Tailed hawk: 3
    Great Horned Owl Vertical: 2
    Flamingo head and neck: 1

  • Giovanni Frescura

    Philippine Eagle 5
    GHO on the Branch 4
    GHO vertical 3
    Barred Owl 2
    Toucan 1

  • Timo

    Toucan 5
    Great horned owl on curved branch 4
    Eagle calling 3
    Flamingo head and neck 2
    Red tailed hawk 1

  • Calvin

    Does anyone else think that the contest have been much more fair if all 5 of the judges had an opportunity to judge all the images, instead of just the 10 images that were chosen by Arthur Morris and 2 other people?

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Calvin, I have addressed your concerns in a new blog post here.

    • Calvin, I submitted a number of photos in several categories, though none in this one. I have no idea whether any of mine made the first cut, but I do have confidence that Arthur Morris and the two other judges have the chops to be able to make the preliminary choices. I’m also pretty sure that there may be categories I entered, that if i didn’t make the finals, I will be convinced that one of my photos is superior to some of those that did make it, and if only different judges had made the selection, I might have won. Its a contest, it has judges. Judging is somewhat objective and somewhat subjective. If one chooses to participate, one lives with the rules and conditions of that contest. As far as the practicality of your suggestion, I agree completely with Arthur’s response. I personally don’t make a living with my photography, but I wouldn’t want to sit and sort through 5500 photographs as a judge. It took long enough just to sorry through my own photos. This contest was conducted in a process that is typical of juried competitions and I have no problem with that. I also think the ten finalists in this category are excellent photos.

      • “sort through my own photos”. I hate automatic spell checking.

      • Dennis Bishop

        Very well said, Dan.

      • Jan Luit

        I agree with what Dan says.
        If you want all the judges to judge all the photographs you would have to pay them.
        And then the entrance fee would become so high nobody would enter.


        I have no idea whether any of mine made the first cut.

        End Quote:

        If you won or had a honored photograph you would have got a request for a RAW file.
        As it says in the rules.

  • Sarah Mayhew

    Philippine Eagle 5
    Flamingo legs with shadow 4
    Toucan 3
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch 2
    Red-tailed Hawk 1

  • Neill Crawford

    Redtail Hawk 5
    Phillippine Eagle 4
    Toucan 3
    Great Horned Owl Vertical 2
    Sleeping Waterfowl 1

  • Shelly Bain

    Toucan 5
    Great Horned Owl on Branch 4
    Philippine Eagle 3
    Bald Eagle Calling 2
    Flamingo Head and Neck 1

    The catch light in the Toucan’s eye sold me!

  • Red Tailed Hawk:5
    Philippine Eagle:4
    Sleeping Waterfowl:3
    Bald Eagle Calling:2
    Flamingo head and Neck:1

  • Toucan; 5
    Sleeping Waterfowl; 4
    Flamingo head and neck; 3
    Red-tailed Hawk; 2
    Great-horned Owl vertical; 1

  • Edward Slaby

    Red-tailed Hawk 5
    Toucan 4
    Philippine Eagle 3
    Great Horned Owl 2
    Bald Eagle Calling 1

  • Brian Drinkwater

    Toucan 5
    Flamingo head and neck 4
    Bald Eagle calling 3
    Philippine Eagle 2
    Great Horned Owl vertical 1

  • Andrea Boyle

    Toucan: 5
    Great Horned Owl on branch: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Bald Eagle Calling: 2
    Flamingo head/neck: 1

    They came up differently on a long view, but zooming in was a good suggestion. It changed my choices.

  • Arla

    Toucan: 5
    Sleeping waterfowl: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Red Tailed Hawk: 2
    Great horned owl on curved branch: 1

  • Ann the beginner

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 4
    Toucan: 3
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 2
    Barred Owl sleeping: 1

    Thanks for this fun opportunity. It is difficult for me to rank the photos because they all seem so different. Toucan is very attractive. For some reason, it felt like a portrait (of a person) in a studio with indoor lighting. Was this a result of digital image processing, or it was photographed indoor (,or…it was just so perfect)? I feel that I probably should lobby for the Flamingo legs with shadow (although I only gave it a 2) because it seems to be the only photo with clear indication of its captive environment and its composition is somewhat different from others.

  • Jan Weld

    Toucan 5
    Flamingo head shot 4
    Philippine Eagle 3
    Redtail Hawk 2
    Vert Great Horned Owl 1

  • Robert Sabin

    Red tailed Hawk 5
    Phillipine Eagle 4
    Toucan 3
    Great Horned Owlmon Branch 2
    Great Horned owl Vertical 1

  • Howard Rivers

    Great Horned Owl on curved branch 5
    Flamingo head and neck 4
    Great Horned Owl vertical 3
    Barred Owl sleeping 2
    Philippine Eagle 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Red-tailed Hawk: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 2
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 1

    Thanks Artie – Good fun. Absolutely love the Toucan!!

  • Red-tailed Hawk: 5
    Phillipine Eagle: 4
    Sleeping Waterfowl:3
    Toucan: 2
    Great Horned Owl: 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Flamingo head and neck: 4
    Great Horned Owl on branch: 3
    Philippine Eagle: 2
    Red Tail Hawk: 1

    The Toucan just jumped out at me. Wonderful detail and choice of focus. The shape of the highlight in the eye really complements the artistic image. Lovely shape and complementary background on the Flamingo. I really liked the sense of environment with the GH Owl, and the bold in-your-face presentation of the Philippine Eagle. Great selections all around.

  • Hossam Sadek

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 4
    Great Horned Owl on a branch 3
    Toucan: 2
    Bald eagle calling 1

  • George Cottay

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Toucan: 4
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 3
    Red-tailed Hawk: 2
    Sleeping waterfowl: 1

  • Prem Balson

    Great Horned Owl vertical 5
    Philippine Eagle 4
    Flamingo head and neck 3
    Bald Eagle calling 2
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch 1

  • Doug zoern

    Flamingo legs with shadow: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Sleeping waterfowl: 3
    Flamingo head and neck: 2
    Toucan: 1

  • Marvin Falk

    Sleeping waterfowl: 5
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 4
    Flamingo head and neck: 3
    Philippine Eagle: 2
    Toucan: 1

  • Steven Read

    Red-Tailed Hawk: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Bald Eagle calling: 3
    Barred Owl Sleeping: 2
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 1

  • Jim Longworth

    Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Bald Eagle calling: 3
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 2
    Flamingo head and neck: 1

  • Marvin T. Smith

    Flamingo head and neck 5
    Phillippine Eagle 4
    Red-tailed Hawk 3
    Great Horned Owl Vertical 2
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Red-tailed Hawk: 4
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 3
    Philippine Eagle: 2
    Sleeping waterfowl: 1

  • Red-tailed Hawk … 5
    Philippine Eagle … 4
    Barred Owl sleeping … 3
    Sleeping waterfowl … 2
    Toucan … 1

  • Sandy McMillan

    Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Flamingo head and neck: 3
    Bald Eagle Calling: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • Charles Twine

    Red-tailed Hawk 5
    Sleeping waterfowl 4
    Philippine Eagle 3
    Bald Eagle calling 2
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch 1

  • Charles J. Scheffold

    Toucan: 5
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Flamingo head and neck: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Red-tailed Hawk: 4
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 3
    Philippine Eagle: 2
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 1

  • Bald Eagle Calling: 5
    GHO on Branch: 4
    Toucan: 3
    GHO Vertical: 2
    Philippine Eagle: 1

  • Great Horned Owl on curved branch : 5
    Bald Eagle calling : 4
    Toucan : 3
    Flamingo head and neck : 2
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 1