“The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds”
Alan Murphy taught the world to create killer images at backyard set-ups in his 106 page eBook, “Guide to Songbird Set-Up Photography.” In his latest effort, “The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds,” he has out-done himself. As I proofread this new e-Book for readability, I was amazed not only by the images, but by Alan’s innovative and creative techniques. Heck, in many cases, I was stunned by his cleverness.
This great brand new eBook is available by download right now for $50. Click on the logo-link below to get your copy. (PayPal payments accepted.)

A while back, Alan asked me to write the forward for”The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds.” Here’s what I had to say:
That Alan Murphy is a superb avian photographer and workshop leader goes without saying. His spectacular images—most often of songbirds in surreally perfect settings—have graced the covers of many popular magazines, the pages of countless books, magazines and calendars, and dozens of websites around the world.
The idea for Alan Murphy’s first eBook, “The Guide to Songbird Set-up Photography,” popped into my head not ten minutes into the great program he did for the Nature and Wildlife Photographers of Long Island group three years ago, almost to the day. I let him know my thoughts right after the conclusion of that program and thus, the songbird set-up guide was born. When we first teamed up to tackle that project, he shared the following story with me:
“Twenty years ago when I first became interested in bird photography, I purchased a copy of the original ‘The Art of Bird Photography.’ I was confused about several topics, including and especially the use of extension tubes. So I got Arthur Morris on the phone. Though he did not know me from Adam, he generously shared 30 minutes of his time with me and answered all of my questions. That is why, to this day, I go out of my way to be help other photographers.”
As I had zero memory of that phone call, I felt that it was most kind of Alan to share the story with me.
In his first eBook, Alan shared many long-held secrets that were carefully developed over time. It was a spectacular start and has helped thousands of folks—including me—to improve their craft and create stronger images. In his next effort, “The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds,” Alan has continued his tradition of sharing in ten, all-new, wide-ranging chapters. While the first eBook dealt mainly with attracting songbirds into photographic range, the new book teaches you to attract birds from many different families: shorebirds, roadrunners, quail and raptors. The latter group includes eagles, vultures, buteos, caracaras and accipiters. And there are, of course, dozens of never-before-revealed tricks for attracting those colorful songbirds: tanagers, flycatchers, warblers, orioles, thrashers, jays, longspurs, cardinals, larks, buntings and woodpeckers, among others. From your backyard to the deserts to the woodlands to arctic tundra, Alan covers it all.
As you read through the new eBook, the words amazing, simple, brilliant, clever, innovative, and practical will come to mind frequently. You will constantly find yourself saying aloud, “Why didn’t I think of that?”
His tips for feeding individual songbirds and then photographing them in flight are simply remarkable, as are those for dealing with bird species that habitually land on barbed wire. Who would think of attracting shorebirds into photographic range? Alan Murphy. And not only does he share his methods and techniques with you, he shares several of the great images he created using each of the strategies.
The chapter on using audio playback to attract birds into photographic range is alone worth the price of the book. In addition to a complete synopsis of the techniques he uses, it contains tips on the recordings themselves, the needed gear and the techniques he uses for specific bird families. And most importantly, he teaches you how to minimize any potential stress on the subjects.
The chapter on blinds and camouflage is full of practical suggestions that will help you in the field. And the one on using decoy owls to attract raptors into range for both flight and perched photography includes lots of stuff that is new to me even though I first began using my very own Cabela’s plastic owl—affectionately nicknamed “Hootie”—more than 15 years ago.
From constructing and designing effective ground perches to using insects and—yes, even road kill—as bait, it seems that every conceivable avian photography situation is covered in detail and includes easy-to-read, easy-to-follow instructions.
I for one can’t wait to get out in the field to try some of the great new techniques that Alan shares with us in “The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds.” Kudos, my friend!
Arthur Morris
Author of The Art of Bird Photography, The Art of Bird Photography II, and the remarkable BIRDS AS ART Blog.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Harris Co, TX. Nikon D2Xs (Replaced by the D4), Nikon 600mm lens, 1.4x TC, ISO 250, f/8 at 1/500 sec. Image courtesy of and copyright Alan Murphy. Your browser does not support iFrame.
In “The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds” you will learn to use audio safely and efficiently while eliminating or minimizing any potential stress on the birds.
Ruddy Turnstone and Blue Crab, Galveston Co, TX. Nikon D3 (Replaced by the D4), 600mm lens, ISO 200, f/6.3 at 1/800 sec. Image courtesy of and copyright Alan Murphy. Your browser does not support iFrame. |
Who ever heard of feeding shorebirds to attract them into photographic range? In “The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds” you will learn exactly how to do just that. In detail.
Great Kiskadee, Hidalgo Co, TX. Nikon D3 (replaced by the D4), Nikon 300mm/2.8 lens, ISO 1250, f/2.8 at 1/6400 sec. Image courtesy of and copyright Alan Murphy. Your browser does not support iFrame. |
In “The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds” the section on photographing songbirds in flight and routinely capturing them in spectacular poses will blow your mind. I cannot wait to try these incredible techniques.
Audubon’s Oriole, Hidalgo Co, TX. Nikon D3 (Replaced by the D4 and then the D5), 600mm lens, ISO 800, f/7 at 1/1250 sec. Image courtesy of and copyright Alan Murphy. Your browser does not support iFrame. |
In “The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds” you will learn to create ground-level bird baths.
“The Photographer’s Guide to Attracting Birds” is available by download right now for $50. Click on the logo-link below to get your copy. (PayPal payments accepted.)

NYC Weekend Nature Photography Seminar
Presented by Denise Ippolito/A Creative Adventure and Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Hilton Garden Inn, Staten Island, New York. December 8-9, 2012 from 9am-4:30pm.
Weekend: $169. SAT or SUN: $99. Lodging available for out of town guests.
Saturday: Image Capture Sunday: Image Evaluation and Processing
Hilton Garden Inn, Staten Island, New York. December 8-9, 2012 from 9am-4:30pm.
Weekend: $169. SAT or SUN: $99. Lodging available for out of town guests.
Saturday: Image Capture Sunday: Image Evaluation and Processing
Click here for complete details including the Saturday and Sunday schedules, club and group discount info, and registration incentives and for more info on the In-the-Field Seminar Follow-up Workshop.
Artie, the grizzled veteran, is widely noted as one of the premier bird photographers, tour leaders, and educators on the planet. Denise, who specializes in flowers, is the mega-creative up-and-comer, a popular lecturer, a skilled field instructor, and an amazing Photoshop wizard who will share her tips and tricks with you. Both artie and denise are full time professional nature photographers.
BIRDS AS ART Instructional Photo-Tours
Click here for complete IPT information including the current schedule and links to general IPT info, deposit and cancellation policies. and the required registration and release forms.
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Clicked through – bought the book – read the book! Well pleased!
Alan’s techniques are excellent and it great that he is willing to share them. Even if you aren’t going to use any or all of the techniques, it is interesting what they tell you about what is possible and how the birds react to different stimuli.
Will Alan’s book also be available on CD or DVD, Hope so.
Allan Warner Tacoma
Hi Alan, Only by download. Simply download it, save it to your laptop, and then burn a CD. 🙂 artie