Tampa, Florida: Weekend Nature Photography Seminar « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Tampa, Florida: Weekend Nature Photography Seminar

Weekend Creative Nature Photography Seminar, Tampa, FL: February 23 & 24, 2013: $149

Limit: 50/Openings: 2

Join Denise Ippolito and me on the weekend of February 23-24 on the outskirts of Tampa, FL for a great weekend of fun and learning. Learn to improve your photography skills, your skill at designing images in the field, your creative vision, and your image optimization skills. Sunday critiquing session–see below for details. Limited to the first 50 registrants.

To Register

To register for the seminar you can call Jim or Jennifer between 9am and 3pm weekdays at 863-692-0906 with your credit card in hand. You can send a PayPal to us at birdsasart@verizon.net or to birdsasart@att.net. Or you can send a check made out to “Arthur Morris” for the full amount in US dollars to us here: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART, PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855; be sure to include a note with your clearly written e-mail address and phone number on it and print the words “Tampa Seminar” on your check. You will receive a confirmation letter approximately 3 weeks before the seminar.


Payment in full is due upon registration. Limit 50. We will keep a waiting list. Cancel before January 23 and receive a complete refund less a $20 processing fee. Cancel less than one month before the seminar and forfeit your registration fee unless the event sells out in which case you will receive a full refund less a $20 processing fee.

Seminar Schedule

Based on our experience at the highly successful NYC seminar we have fine-tuned the schedule to maximize teaching and learning opportunities.

Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm (Doors open at 8:00am)

9:00am: artie/slides: Tools of the Trade/Choosing and using lenses for bird and wildlife photography
10:30 am: break
10:45am: denise/slides: Blooming Ideas/Creating new and different images of flowers and trees
noon-1:30pm: lunch
1:30pm: artie: Basic Image Design
2:15pm: artie and denise: Pro Gear Handling Tips: Live demos: tripod, lens handling, flight photography, stalking, & packing tips. Vest info & lots more.
3:00pm: break
3:15: artie: Photoshop Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
5:00pm: the end

Sunday: 8:30am-5:00pm (Doors open at 8:00am)

8:30am: It’s easier than you think: How to clean your sensor without fear or trepidation/Live Demo
9:00am: denise & artie/slides: Creating Pleasing Blurs/Using slow shutter speeds, panning, camera movement, & more. Prestigious contests are now awarding prizes to creatively blurred images.
10:30am: break
10:45: artie and denise: Refining your photographic vision.
noon-1:30pm: lunch
1:30pm: denise/Creative Filters and Effects includes live Photoshop demo
2:45pm: break
3:00pm: Image Critiques. Submit no more than three 1400 X 1050 sharpened JPEGs via e-mail
before February 9. A selection of the submitted images will be chosen for critiquing.
4:00: artie: Getting the Right Exposure with Digital: It’s as easy as pie. If you have ten seconds with the subject there is no excuse for not getting the right exposure every time with digital.
4:30: Door Prizes
5:00pm: the end

Best Western Brandon Hotel & Conference Center, 9331 East Adamo Drive, Tampa, FL.


Mention the seminar: $65/night + tax. Regular rate: $109.95.

10 minutes from Tampa–40 minutes from St. Petersburg–less than an hour from Sarasota

1 hr 15 minutes from Orlando–less than 2 hours from Fort Myers

NYC Seminar Kudos

By e-mail from Sharon Hallowell:

I just wanted to take a minute to say “Thank you very much for last weekend!” I had a great time, and I learned an awful lot. It was a nice way to spend my birthday weekend, and you topped it off nicely by picking my number for the Think Tank Airstream rolling bag door prize; it’s something I’ve been wanting badly! I just finished transcribing my notes from the seminar days and can’t believe how much new info I garnered. I am anxious to put it to use. The day spent in the field, despite the foggy and wet conditions, were a big help to me. I really appreciated the individual attention you both provided. You are both masters in the field and it was a privilege to be able to spend time with you. Thanks also for the great lunch on Monday! Wishing you both a wonderful holiday. I hope that our paths cross again in the future. Thanks again for Everything! Sharon

By e-mail from Debbie Zilli:

Thank you both so much, Artie and Denise, for a wonderful weekend! It was great to meet you and I learned so much. Now I need to find the time to put all I learned to use; that is easier said than done!

By e-mail from BPN member Rachel Hollander:

Denise & Artie- I just wanted to drop you a note and say how much I enjoyed meeting you both and getting a glimpse into your extremely creative minds, your thought processes, and your workflows. I signed up for the B&H workshops in hopes that I’ll be able to sneak away from the office for a couple of hours. I hope to see you then. Thanks again for all the tips, tricks and wisdom.

By e-mail from Gerry Matteo:

Dear Art & Denise, I attended your Staten Island seminar and really learned tons. Thank you both for sharing your knowledge. I also purchased Denise’s book and can’t wait to use some of the filters. I feel that I am well on my way to making better pictures. Thanks again!

By e-mail from Jeff Friedhoffer

Artie & Denise, I wanted to thank you for a great weekend. I got a lot out of the two days of classes and the morning of shooting in Howard Beach was great despite the fog and rain. In just a weekend I learned so much that I would never have thought of by myself. It reinforced what I have read in Artie’s two books. Once again, thank you! I hope to see you both again soon.

Adapted from a Mark Hendricks e-mail:

I wanted to sincerely thank you again for the excellent seminar that you and Denise put on in Staten Island. It was very inspiring, educational, and informative and I received so much from the experience. I also wanted to thank you for the evening of friendship you showed to Carolina and me on Saturday after the seminar. I never dreamed in my lifetime that I would have dinner with a personal hero of mine and that that time would be filled with laughter and great conversation. What you have contributed to nature photography is nothing short of legendary as you are one of the best to ever pick up a camera. You’re an excellent photographer but what is more important is that you are a hell of a dude and a great man. I hope one day to convince you to have an IPT at Assateague Island and Blackwater! Either way you gotta come hang one day and have some of Carolina’s paella! I plan to make some images to make you proud. Again, my sincerest thanks to you brother. Mark

By e-mail from Sherb Naulty:

Hi Denise and Artie, Wow! I am still trying to process all that we went over in those two days at the NY Seminar and feel incredibly lucky to have been able to attend! You both bring such positive energy, amazing insights, and a world of experience to share with those who participate in your workshops. I am just in awe at the amount of information that we covered and have already begun to review my notes while they are still fresh. Artie said on the first day that thankfully he hadn’t built a business solely on stock photography world but on education; we are the lucky ones! Attending your workshops is a must a for anyone who is inspired by photography ….Your passion for the art/craft is contagious and evident each minute of the time we were there You both complement each others’ strengths and are downright superstars. I just loved these weekend and can’t wait to put some of the new info and techniques to use. I am especially eager to play with some of the software. And yes, CS6 is downloaded already.

In addition, I am tickled too that I won a tripod!! Thank you and thanks to your generous sponsors. Denise, I have already put on the head that I won at the Sunflower shoot. It will be my go-to set-up for macro work! I will let you know within a day or two about your Longwood Gardens workshop; I just have to see about a couple of things. Thank you very much. My very best, Sherb

25 comments to Tampa, Florida: Weekend Nature Photography Seminar

  • This was a great seminar! Thank you, Art and Denise, for your hard work and terrific presentation! Looking forward to future events!

  • Samuel Hopkins

    Do you ever have your Seminars in any other locations then Tampa… And if so do you every have them in South Florida, Ft Lauderdale area.. ?

    Thanks Samuel

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Hi Samuel, We do, but the drive to Tampa for the weekend and the Monday workshop would be well worth it. We are always looking for new locations. And, don’t tell anyone, but we are going to have the Tampa Seminar professionally videoed and produced and available as a boxed DVD set a few months after the event… But we are always looking for new places to teach–a big camera club or conglomeration of clubs along with a free or not-too-expensive venue are ideal.

  • Good Morning Art,

    I am considering this workshop, but I have a couple of questions I would like to ask you before I register. When would be a good time for me to call?

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Call me at 863-692-0906. I will be in the very cold pool doing laps from about 11:15 till noon :).

  • Art are you booked? If not what is the cost?


    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Right now, 5:41 am on 1/4/2013 there are 16 openings for the Tampa seminar. The cost as indicated is $149. artie

  • Grabbed two spots today!

  • Arla

    Saturday ends at 5 pm but I was wondering what happened at the other seminars? Does everyone get together for dinner?

    Looking forward to meeting the Grand Poobahs of Bird Photography….

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      53 would be a huge group for dinner but if you’d like to treat us to dinner I can guarantee that we will be there :)! In Staten Island we did have dinner on Saturday night with Mark Hendricks, his girlfriend, and Mike Cristina. artie

  • Mark Hendricks

    If you have the opportunity to attend this seminar, do it! The seminar is fun, it’s informative, and most of all inspiring. Denise and Artie are great people and make sure everyone has a wonderful time. Brother Artie I can’t thank you enough for such an amazing time in Staten Island. Can’t wait for the next time.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Thanks Mark. I can’t wait to taste some of Carolina’s paella!

      BTW, good luck in Miami and let us know how it goes!!!

  • Arla

    I’m in! Sent you paypal.

  • Ann the beginner

    Just sent a Paypal to you. Can’t wait to hear your talks!

  • Dave Smith

    Hey Artie….

    I’ll be there…Looking forward to it.. Merry Christmas to you and yours…

  • I’m in! Just so I’m clear, we can’t register until January, correct? Looking forward to it!