The Best Getting Better??? « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

The Best Getting Better???


EOS-1D X Firmware Version 2.0: Expected Availability January, 2014

Dynamic Performance Updates for Better Results

Firmware Update Version 2.0 brings new levels of accuracy and versatility to the EOS-1D X DSLR camera’s incredible AF and exposure systems. Incorporating input from EOS-1D X users, with new systems created to deliver better performance, Firmware Update Version 2.0 offers smart solutions to improve the camera’s already stellar AF and exposure systems. Across a diverse range of subjects and lighting situations, with Firmware Update Version 2.0 onboard, the EOS-1D X provides enhanced intuitive and adaptable operation.

Improved Low Light Performance

Firmware Update Version 2.0 introduces major improvements for AF performance in low-light situations. When shooting in AI Servo mode, a new algorithm has been designed for better AF before shutter release, and the camera offers more options for release priority between shots, allowing the photographer to specify whether to place priority on speed or focus accuracy.

Improved AF Tracking: Acceleration/Deceleration

When photographing a moving subject, Firmware Update Version 2.0 helps the photographer to fine-tune AF performance based upon the nature of the action. By offering greater latitude in acceleration/deceleration tracking detection with additional -1 and -2 parameters, AF performance can be matched to the specific characteristics of the subject at hand. By specifying less or more speed variation, tracking across AF points becomes significantly more accurate.

Expanded Minimum Shutter Speed in Auto ISO

When shooting in Auto ISO mode, Firmware Update Version 2.0 delivers an extended shutter speed range, enabling the photographer to shoot at speeds up to 1/8000 sec. (With Auto ISO set, the previous minimum shutter speed was 1/250 second). Thanks to the new firmware, it is now possible to shoot with Auto ISO and still be capable of capturing fast action.

Manual Exposure Compensation in Manual Mode with Auto ISO

In response to user input, Firmware Update Version 2.0 enables manual exposure compensation in Manual mode with Auto ISO specified. In situations where photographers set aperture and shutter speed and depend on Auto ISO for the proper exposure, now they have the added option of manual exposure compensation to accommodate rapid changes in lighting conditions.

Auto Exposure Compensation in Manual Mode

With Firmware Update Version 2.0 the camera can automatically adjust the exposure compensation to match an aperture change. This is useful when changing focal length on a variable aperture lens and when adding an extender. By offering the option to adjust shutter speed or ISO to compensate for the change in aperture, the EOS-1D X DSLR camera helps ensure the photographer a new level of control without taking the camera from their eye.

From Canon

All of the information above comes directly from Canon USA. You can enjoy an illustrated version here.

My Comments

I will be glad to try and answer all questions related to the information above. I never understood exposure compensation in Manual mode with Nikon bodies. Maybe I will learn to understand it now…. I have lots of studying to do. Be patient as I am not sure if I will be able to get online at Remota Lodge this coming week or at Eco-Camp the next week.

If anything will spur me to doing a complete 1D X User’s Guide, the new firmware will for sure….


Bosque Sandhill Crane Composite; click on the image to enjoy a larger version.

Bosque del Apache 2013 IPT: โ€œThe Complete Bosque Experience.โ€ NOV 26-DEC 2, 2013. 7-FULL DAYS: $3399. Co-leader: Denise Ippolito. Introductory Slide program: 6:30 pm on 11/25. Limit: 12/Openings 8.

Please see the info on the short version of this IPT below if you will be spending Thanksgiving with your family.

Tens of thousand of Snow Geese, 10,000 Sandhill Cranes, ducks including point-blank American Wigeon and Wood Duck, amazing sunrises, sunsets, and blast-offs. Live, eat, and breathe photography with one of (if not the) world’s premier photographic educators at one of his very favorite locations on the planet. Top-notch Photoshop instruction. This will make 19 consecutive Novembers at Bosque for me. Nobody knows the place better than I do. Join us to learn to think like a pro, to recognize situations and to anticipate them based on the weather, especially the sky conditions, the light, and the wind direction. Every time we make a move we will let you know why. When you head home applying what you learned will prove to be invaluable. Includes all lunches and the Thanksgiving Buffet at the Crowne Plaza in Albuquerque. I hope that you can join me for what will be an unparalleled learning experience.

There is never a strict itinerary on a Bosque IPT as each day is tailored to the local conditions at the time and the weather. We are totally flexible in order to maximize both the photographic and learning opportunities. There is an introductory slide program on the night before the tour begins. We are up early each day leaving the hotel by 5:30 am to be in position for sunrise. After 18 years we pretty much know where to be when in what sky conditions and what winds. We usually photograph until about 10:30am. Then it is back to Socorro for lunch and then a classroom session with the group most days. We head back to the refuge at about 3:30pm each day and photograph until sunset. Then dinner with the group most nights. We always spend at least one afternoon at the ponds at the Albuquerque Zoo doing Wood Ducks and usually two mornings at New Mexico Tech doing American Wigeons. The rest is Snow Geese and Sandhill Cranes with the emphasis on expanding both your technical skills and your creativity.

A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your slot for this IPT. Your balance, payable only by check, is due now. You will receive an e-mail notifying you of that after you place your deposit. If the trip fills, we will be glad to apply a credit applicable to a future IPT for the full amount less a $100 processing fee. If we do not receive your check for the balance on or before the due date we will try to fill your spot from the waiting list. If your spot is filled, you will lose your deposit. If not, you can secure your spot by paying your balance.

Please print, complete, and sign the form that is linked to here and shoot it to us along with your deposit check (made out to “Arthur Morris.”) You can also leave your deposit with a credit card by calling the office at 863-692-0906. If you register by phone, please print, complete and sign the form as noted above and either mail it to us or e-mail the scan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail.


Bosque Snow Goose Composite; click on the image to enjoy a larger version.

Bosque del Apache 2013 IPT: โ€œThe Short Version.โ€ NOV 30-DEC 2, 2013. 3-FULL DAYS: $1199. Co-leader: Denise Ippolito. Introductory Slide program: 7:30 pm on 11/29. Limit: 12/Openings 4.

Tens of thousand of Snow Geese, 10,000 Sandhill Cranes, amazing sunrises, sunsets, and blast-offs. Top-notch Photoshop instruction. This will make 19 consecutive Novembers at Bosque for artie. Nobody knows the place better than he does. Join us to learn to think like a pro, to recognize situations and to anticipate them based on the weather, especially the sky conditions, the light, and the wind direction. Every time we make a move we will let you know why. When you head home applying what you learned will prove to be invaluable. Includes all lunches. I hope that you can join us for these three great days; they will offer a great learning experience.

There is never a strict itinerary on a Bosque IPT as each day is tailored to the local conditions at the time and the weather. We are totally flexible in order to maximize both the photographic and learning opportunities. There is an introductory slide program on the night before the tour begins. We are up early each day leaving the hotel by 5:30 am to be in position for sunrise. After 18 years we pretty much know where to be when in what sky conditions and what winds. We usually photograph until about 10:30am. Then it is back to Socorro for lunch and then an informal Photoshop/image review session with the group most days. We head back to the refuge at about 3:30pm each day and photograph until sunset. We may spend an afternoon at the ponds at the Albuquerque Zoo doing Wood Ducks and we may spend a late morning at New Mexico Tech doing American Wigeons. The rest is Snow Geese and Sandhill Cranes with the emphasis on expanding both your technical skills and your creativity.

A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your slot for this IPT. Your balance, payable only by check, is due now. You will receive an e-mail notifying you of that after you place your deposit. If the trip fills, we will be glad to apply a credit applicable to a future IPT for the full amount less a $100 processing fee. If we do not receive your check for the balance on or before the due date we will try to fill your spot from the waiting list. If your spot is filled, you will lose your deposit. If not, you can secure your spot by paying your balance.

Please print, complete, and sign the form that is linked to here and shoot it to us along with your deposit check (made out to “Arthur Morris.”) You can also leave your deposit with a credit card by calling the office at 863-692-0906. If you register by phone, please print, complete and sign the form as noted above and either mail it to us or e-mail the scan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail.


BIRDS AS ART 2nd International Bird Photography Competition

Learn more and enter the BIRDS AS ART 2nd International Bird Photography Competition here. Twenty-five great prizes including the $1000 Grand Prize and intense competition. Bring your best.

2014 Tanzania Summer Safari

If you are interested in joining us in Tanzania next summer please shoot me an e-mail and I will be glad to forward you the PDF with dates, itinerary, and price.

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We want and need to keep providing you with the latest free information, photography and Photoshop lessons, and all manner of related information. Show your appreciation by making your purchases immediately after clicking on any of our B&H or Amazon Affiliate links in this blog post. Remember, B&H ain’t just photography!


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In all Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or leave a comment regarding any typos, wrong words, misspellings, omissions, or grammatical errors. Just be right. ๐Ÿ™‚

IPT Info

Many of our great trips are filling up. Two great leaders ensure that you will not learn more anywhere about how to make great images. Click here for the schedule and additional info.

5 comments to The Best Getting Better???

  • Bill Richardson

    About time Canon incorporated exp comp in manual mode with auto ISO. Now if they would just bring back the big red square AF point in the viewfinder I would consider replacing my 1D4s. The new and dim AF squares just don’t work for my old eyes (and, yes, I have set it to full bright).

  • John Flynn

    Wow… Thanks Artie. I’m a long time reader and first time poster but as winter approaches and the birds leave the northeast I am planning on spending more time on the computer. I met you and Denise in Staten Island (we talked about Macs vs. PCs and I spilled my coffee all over the place). I have since gotten my equipment and the manual exposure compensation with auto ISO will become my new favorite way of shooting fast moving birds in trees as long as they’ve figured out how to work it with flash which I assume they will. Now I won’t be as jealous of my friend who shoots his D800 in Manual using flash. This is great news for warbler shooters :). Now if Canon can only figure out how to make winter shorter I will never look at another Nikon.

    Thank you for the hours you spend updating this blog. I have learned tons of great techniques and you have made learning so much easier.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      You are welcome John. You can learn to use High Speed Synch flash in ABP II. YAW on the time spent on the blog. Please remember to make all of your B&H and your Amazon purchases using our affiliate links; doing so is the very best way to thank me. artie

  • Ted Willcox

    I liked your last statement pertaining to the 1DX User’s Guide. I am patiently waiting, no hurry.

  • Artie…. thanks so much for all you do to keep us informed and educated. Your tutorials and guides are truly a blessing. Personally, they have been an invaluable tool in allowing me to be better at nature photography.

    All the best….
    Jim Boland