Two Dear Old Friends… « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Two Dear Old Friends...


It is dinner time on Thursday as I type this intro. I am pretty much finished packing for the big Alaska trips. Whew. I am leaving at 6am for our 11:30am flight to SLC. The ride to JFK can be as short as 50 minutes but traffic can be beyond horrific and I cannot afford to miss the boat on Saturday morning 🙂

This blog post took about 2 hours to prepare and should be published automatically at 6:00am on Friday, August 20, 2015.

Alan and Sara Levine

I have been friends with Alan and Sara for well more than three decades. We first met some time in the late 1970s (or maybe the early 80s) at a NYC Audubon Society meeting. That was just when I was getting interested in birds. At the time photography was nowhere on my mind. Alan and Sara were about as nice and generous as anyone you would care to meet. Alan was a noted ophthalmic surgeon and had many interests including graphology (the study of handwriting) and later on, bird photography. He once mentioned that my signature was very avian.

Over the years I stayed at the Levine’s then home in the Rockaways in Belle Harbor, Queens, NY. I stayed in their Manhattan apartment. And most often I stayed in their condo on Sanibel, back when Ding Darling was worth visiting. We dined together often. I knew their kids and grandkids and they knew mine. In addition to generous both Alan and Sara were gentle, always smiling, always happy. If you buy any of their used gear you will certainly be getting some good Karma. The Levines recently moved to New Jersey to be close to their kids.

I created each of the images below a while back with the lenses that they are putting up for sale–not their lenses but the same models. You will have to admit that the images look pretty good despite my then relatively crude RAW conversions and image optimization skills. As usual, it ain’t the lens and it ain’t the camera, it’s what’s in the heart, soul, and mind of the person holding the gear….

E-mail Exchange

I wrote the Levines last night and asked them to give today’s post a quick read. They were kind enough to get back to me despite being in the middle of a big family celebration. Here is my response to their e-mail.

AM: Hi Guys, re:

A&S: We were deeply touched by your warm and affectionate description of our long friendship. I think your readers will enjoy learning of our history.

AM: Me too. 🙂

A&S: Here are some minor corrections:

In the 2nd line of Alan and Sara Levine…….”Alan and Sara WAS….” should be “Alan and Sara WERE.” ( We don’t want to grammatically offend any of your English teacher clients.)

AM: Duh. I teach folks that…

A&S: Right after that: “OPTHALMIC” needs another “h” to correctly become OPHTHALMIC

AM: Thanks.

A&S: Technically, Belle Harbor is in Rockaway Park. Far Rockaway is further east on the peninsula and is mostly a place with a lot of low income housing developments. I would suggest you just simplify things by stating it as “….home in Belle Harbor, Queens, NY”

AM: I did that but wanted to mention “the Rocakways” so I did.

A&S: We remember, so clearly, your cross country mii motor home trip with Elaine and a white cat named (??) Snowball starting from our house.

AM: That was Sugar. She survived Elaine by a good many years…

A&S: I can just see your trailer squeezed into our tight driveway. We always felt that your new career as a professional photographer was launched from our place in Belle Harbor. It may, or may not, be so, but we will always think of it that way.

AM: That is correct. We headed from your home to a joint meeting of the Eastern Field Ornithologists and the ABA, the American Birding Association Canon 600mm IS USM Lens (the old six) in very good+ condition was sold for $4999.00 by Dean Newman in late August, 2015.. It was there that I met the late Roger Tory Peterson. I had given him a copy of one of my early booklets on bird photography. He stood before the gathering and stated, “Arthur Morris teaches you more about bird photography in 40 pages than I learned in 40 years….”

A&S: We are very excited about this posting, and look forward to the sales. I’ll let you know how it goes.. Have a great trip to Alaska; it s one of our favorite places. Many moons ago we went there for a month with another couple, camped out in trailer in Denali and even made it out to Pribiloffs. Great time and great photos. Love to you and the family, Alan and Sara

AM: Thanks and ditto and later and love, a

Selling Your Used Photo Gear Through BIRDS AS ART

Selling your used (or like-new) photo gear through the BAA Blog or via a BAA Online Bulletin is a great idea. We charge only a 5% commission. One of the more popular used gear for sale sites charges a minimum of 20%. Plus assorted fees! Yikes. The minimum item price here is $500 (or less for a $25 fee). If you are interested please e-mail with the words Items for Sale Info Request cut and pasted into the Subject line :). Stuff that is priced fairly–I offer free pricing advice, usually sells in no time flat. In the past two months we have sold almost everything in sight. Do know that prices on some items like the EOS-1D Mark IV, the old Canon 500mm, the EOS-7D, and the original 400mm IS DO lens have been dropping steadily. I just learned on Friday morning that Dean Newman’s Canon 600mm f/4L IS USM Lens (the old six) in very good+ condition sold for the asking price, $4999.00.You can see the complete listings here.


Image #1: Green Jay, Roma, TX. Image copyright Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART.

This image was created with my old 500. Several folks now lead workshops to Roel Ramirez’s ranch in Roma, TX. I am not sure how many mention that I was the first bird photographer to visit…. Roel was another sweet and gentle soul. Using the image above prompted me to call him last night but I have been unable to reach him….

More Brand New Listings

Used Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS Lens, the “old five”

Alan and Sara Levine, friends for probably more than thirty-five years–they are among a very small group who knew my late-wife Elaine–are offering a used Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS lens in excellent condition for $4200. The sale includes the lens trunk, the front lens cover, and insured shipping via FedEx Ground. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made. Please contact Alan via e-mail or by phone at 908-325-2080 or 908-391-1522 (Eastern time zone).

I owned the old five for more than a decade as it was lighter, easier to travel with, and easier to use in the car or on the ground than the old six. It was and is a superb piece of gear and I made great images with it with both the 1.4X and 2X TCs. Alan’s lens is priced right on the button to sell quickly. artie


Image #2:Fish Crow wheeling in flight, Merritt Island NWR. FL. Image copyright Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART.

This image was created with my beloved “toy lens.” Hand held it was killer for flight. Now I am really liking Image Stabilization for hand held flight….

Used Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L Lens

Alan and Sara Levine are also offering a used Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L lens in excellent plus condition for $899. The sale includes the front and rear lens caps, the lens case, the lens strap, the original box, and insured shipping via FedEx Ground. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made. Please contact Alan via e-mail or by phone at 908-325-2080 or 908-391-1522 (Eastern time zone).

I put my then beloved “toy lens” on the map more than 20 years ago by pioneering its use for photographing birds in flight. Wow, did I love that lens along with the Canon A2 camera body and Fuji Velvia pushed one stop to ISO 100! Though I sold mine a few years back it is still a great lens for flight for those who do not depend on IS and it makes a great starter lens as well. Put it on a tripod with the 1.4X III TC, a 7D II, and the Mongoose M3.6 and you will enjoy 896mm of effective reach. Again, this lens is priced to sell. artie


Image #3:Bald Eagle tight flight, Homer, AK. Image copyright Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART.

I borrowed the old 300 IS for my first trip to Alaska for eagles. This image was my fave with that lens.

Used Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS Lens

The Levine’s are also offering a used Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS lens in excellent plus condition for $3175. The sale includes the front and rear lens caps, the lens trunk, the lens strap, and insured shipping via FedEx Ground. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made. Please contact Alan via e-mail or by phone at 908-325-2080 or 908-391-1522 (Eastern time zone).

The 300 f/2.8 lenses are the #1 choice of the world’s best hawks in flight photographers. And they make a great hand holdable rig when coupled with either TC. Yup, you guessed it: this one too is priced to sell. artie


Image #4: Snow Geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, NM. Image copyright Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART.

This image was used as cover art on Scott Weidensaul’s “Return to Wild America” where he revisited the journey made 50 years before by Roger Tory Peterson and a Brit by the name of James Fisher.

Used Canon EF 100-400mm IS L Lens

The Levine’s are also offering a used Canon EF 100-400mm IS L lens in excellent plus condition for the silly low price of $629. The sale includes the front and rear lens caps, the lens case, the lens strap, the original box, and insured shipping via FedEx Ground. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made. Please contact Alan via e-mail or by phone at 908-325-2080 or 908-391-1522 (Eastern time zone).

I loved my old 1-4 for a decade and made hundereds of saleable and memorable images with it. Denise still owns here and loves it It is a sharp and versatile lens for the beginning or intermediate nature photographer. I think that this might b the lowest price ever for this item…. artie

Used Canon TS-E 24mm Lens

The last lens that Alan and Sara are parting with is a used Canon TS-E 24mm lens in near-mint condition for only $499. The sale includes the front and rear lens caps, the hard case, the original box, and insured shipping via FedEx Ground. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made. Please contact Alan via e-mail or by phone at 908-325-2080 or 908-391-1522 (Eastern time zone).

If you are considering buying this lens you will know that it is a specialized item for architectural and landscape photographers. artie

Your Favorite?

Please take a moment to let us know which of today’s four images you like best, and why you chose it. Many thanks for helping to keep the BAA Blog interactive. artie

Living on the Wind

I mentioned Scott Weidensaul above. He is an amazingly skilled and prolific author as well as an avid birder and a superb naturalist. I read “Return to Wild America” and enjoyed it. “Living on the Wind,” however, is a must read for anyone interested in birds. Scott was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in the general nonfiction category for “Living on the Wind.” It is the only natural history book that I have ever read where nearly every turn of the page resulted in goose pimples.


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In all blog posts and Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors. Just be right :).

12 comments to Two Dear Old Friends…

  • Kim Sherwood

    What a rich post, in so many ways! Beautiful bird and habitat photography, as usual, but also insight into a relationship that spans decades, experiences, and lives well-lived. Good hearty-Artie stuff! I greatly appreciate the way it was all woven together. By the way, if you ever want to visit Roger Tory Peterson’s old stomping grounds, I explore them here in Western NY all the time, year-round.

  • I am totally enamored with #4–it is a work of art, as much or more so than many of your great photos. I’ve read a number of Scott’s books and was privileged to hear him speak last year at our Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival. Then the next day I facilitated an equally enjoyable field trip with him. He’s a wonderful guy.

  • Jeff Sielski

    Hi Art, All images are beautiful!!

  • Ted Willcox

    Image #4 is my favourite, why? because It is Beautiful!! Looking at the image makes me feel like I want to walk down that road.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Thanks Ted. Clouds like that are rare at Bosque, almost as rare as seeing geese on that road! artie

  • The eagle close-up is riveting. The concentration in the bird’s eyes, the talons hanging loose and ready, and the pitch of its wings and head all tell us that some intense predator/prey action is only a moment away. Great shot!

  • Bernhard

    “As usual, it ain’t the lens and it ain’t the camera, it’s what’s in the heart, soul, and mind of the person holding the gear….”

    This really speaks to my heart. I remember the great blues artist, the late Muddy Waters who once said: “It’s not enough to have virtuosity. You have to put some Soul in it, man!”. I think this goes right with every piece of art. Your pictures have it and with a lot of learning from you, some of my pictures have it, too.


    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Thanks Bernhard. Hope that Ruth is doing well. More on the Galapagos trip soon. a

      • Bernhard

        Hi Artie, Ruth is fine. And yes, the bald eagle picture is great and the one that I like most. It speaks of power and energy, just what we all need these days!
        Have a nice trip!