Got Camera Body Questions? « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Got Camera Body Questions?

Got Camera Body Questions?

I will be doing an interview in the next week or so with top Canon tech rep, my good friend Rudy Winston. If you have any questions on these camera bodies please leave them below in the Comments section:

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR


Canon EOS-1D X Mark II DSLR

Feel free to ask question about an individual camera or to ask comparative questions. Please do not ask questions where you could easily ascertain the answer with an online search. If I cannot answer your question definitively myself, it will be considered for the interview.

5D Mark IV Videos

Here is a link to a really good video done by Rudy detailing the still camera features of the 5D Mark IV.

And here is a video by my friend Drew MacCallum that demonstrates the Dual Pixel RAW technology.

Watching either or both videos might spark a really good question or two.

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35 comments to Got Camera Body Questions?

  • Cheri

    One more question Artie … Is there a stated range (in feet) for using the built in wifi feature with the android/iOS apps in regards to remotely controlling the camera and viewing files? How far can I be from the camera? (Assuming my cellular wifi connection is strong) .. Thanks!

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      I have not clue. You will need to find out from someone like-minded once the camera is available.


  • Jonny Verheyden

    I have several times should purify my sensor, I have more dirt on the sensor than with my 5D Mark III.
    I think the high frame rate has to do with it.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      At this point Canon is not admitting any problems and most folks are not reporting any. I would get your camera to Canon for a sensor cleaning and have them test fire it before returning it.


  • Jonny Verheyden

    Arthur thanks for your blogs every day, fantastic.
    I do not react so quickly because my English is not good.

    But this question would I like to ask at the canon people:

    Is there a solution in the works to prevent pollution on the sensor of the 1DX markII?
    There is much more pollution to the sensor than the 5D Mark III for example.

  • Jonny Verheyden

    Arthur thanks for your blog every day, it’s fantastic.
    My english is not good that’s why I’m not so quickly give a response.
    But this question, I would like to ask it at the canon people:

    Is there a solution in the works for the pollution of the sensor in the 1DX mark ii ?

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Not sure what you mean by “pollution of the sensor.”

      Please try to explain.

      Since Canon cleaned my 1DX II sensor a second time, all has been well. They said that the first sensor cleaning job was done poorly…


  • Matteo Bianchi

    I have a question concerning the 5d mark IV, about the memory cards supported.

    I am surprised that the camera supports only the sd cards uhs-I, but not the more recent standard uhs-II. Actually, the sd cards uhs-II can have (depending on the model) a much higher transfer rate than the cf cards udma 7 (up to over 300 MB/s), and hence the performance of the camera would benefit greatly of this additional speed.

    So, my question is if there is any hope that the sd card uhs-II will be supported via a firmware upgrade, in future, or if there is some hardware limitation in the camera.

    Thank you.

  • Arne Kiis

    How does the 5d4 compare to 5dsr and 1dx2 with respect to noise in medium-high ISO range, say 800 to 6400? Thx!

  • Marlo Casabar

    I currently am shooting with the Canon 7D MK ii. What is the image comparison of the 5DIV cropped down to the 7DII size?

    To better explain. The 7DII has a 1.6x crop factor. If you were to take a photo with both bodies and the same lens and then you cropped the 5DIV image to match the shot taken by the 7DII, which image is better?

  • Elizabeth M

    Does the 5D4 have 7ps capability when dual pixel AF is selected?

    How does the ISO performance of the 5D4 compare to that of the 1DxM2?

    Aside from frame rate, use of Cfast cards and more battery power, are there any major features/components available with the 1DxM2 that aren’t available with the 5D4?


  • Frank Sheets

    Hi Artie.

    Good timing in that a question for me came up yesterday. I was watching a 3rd party review (Northrop) of the new 5D MK IV and the subject of Anti Alias (AA) filters came up with the claim that the use of these filters can impact image sharpness. He made a comparison (numerical) of several bodies, including the 5dIV, 5DSR vs some Nikon and Sony bodies that do not have these filters, apparently showing increased sharpness on bodies without the AA filter. The 5DSR does not have such a filter, while many other Canon bodies do, including the 5DIV and 1DXII. By the way, the numbers for the 5DSR were vastly better than any other bodies, including non Canon that were included in the review. Not knowing what the heck he was talking about, I did a little research on google, and apparently these filters were developed mainly due to problems associated with video (something about Moire which I don’t get).

    My question to Rudy would be: is the claim true that built in AA filters can impact sharpness as compared to bodies with similar sensors that do not, and, if that is the case, considering Canon made the decision not to include this filter in the 5DSR (actually 2 versions considering the 5DS has the filter) would Canon be considering different versions of newer bodies. If Rudy is of the opinion that AA filters do not impact image quality, I would love to hear his explanation as to why. I also learned that at least at one point, folks were taking AA filters out of bodies. Apparently they felt there was a significant impact. Of course such and action voided any warranties.

    That’s my question of the day!


  • Kerry Morris

    1. David P brought up a point about the “…..fine adjustments to be made after the image is taken. These adjustments include focus fine tuning that can help you ever-so-slightly adjust the focus point to bring out extra details, shift bokeh around for improved composition, and reduce the impact of ghosting on your photos.” I would love to know more, or even see before and after shots for comparison, if they exist.

    The key to that is two-fold: what is “ever so slightly”? And can it work with images made with super-telephotos and TCs. Do see the Drew MacCallum video on that very subject linked to above.

    2. also, are the dials and menus arranged the same?

    The 5D IV is laid out exactly the same as the 5D III but for the addition of a single new AF Area Selection mode button. See the first video.

    3. I would also like to know more about using 2 cards, CF and SD. if you fill the CF photos will go onto the SD automatically.

    Don’t know but somebody out there does. I never use SD cards as I would lose them in an instant.


  • With Canons iSA (Intelligent Scene Analysis) and iTR (Intelligent Tracking Recognition) systems, can any of these bodies be programmed to allow the metering system to follow focus points? In other words, if I wanted to use spot metering, can the camera spot meter based on the active focus point and not just the center point?

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      I do not understand why anyone would need to use spot metering with digital capture… The short answer is that I do not know.


  • Joe Subolefsky

    Another question does it have the same silent shooting mode as the 5DIII ?

    I’m hoping so, every spring I spend almost a month shooting wild wood duck up close at water level from blinds and it has made all the difference in what the ducks will tolerate. I’m sure that feature came about with wedding shooters in mind but it does have its place with wildlife as well.

  • Cheri

    Does the battery grip from the 5DM3 fit the 5DM4, and can you confirm that the batteries are the same in both bodies?

  • What is the dynamic range of the 5DMK4? Will it be 14 or 13 or less when dxo marks will make their test on it?

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Hi Yves,

      Please explain this:

      “…when dxo marks will make their test on it?”


      • According to, where you can compare all camera brands, the dynamic range of the
        Canon is
        1DXMKII : 13.5
        5DSR : 12.4
        7DMKII: 11.8
        While Nikon D810 : 14.8
        Sony A7RII : 13.9
        A7R : 14.1
        According to these data, Canon is behind Nikon and Sony on dynamic range. So, I am wondering if they have made any improvement on this.

        • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

          Thank you. Can you guess how many times in 15 years of digital photography I considered, thought about, or was aware that my images were affected by the dynamic range of the camera I was using. Correct: zero… But heck, that’s just me as they say.

          Time will tell I guess for those who are concerned with this.

          respectfully, artie

  • Karl Fiegenschuh

    In this morning’s post there was a discussion about the challenges of achieving sharper images with the 5DS R (and 7D Mark II) compared with the 5D Mark III and Mark IV due to pixel density (if I understand it correctly). I’d be interested in hearing Rudy’s take on this: Is it indeed harder to get sharp images from the 5DS R and would this mean it isn’t a good choice for bird photography, especially hand held?

  • Joe Subolefsky

    How is the focus ( speed and accuracy ) of the 5DIV compaired to the 1DXII when extenders are used either the 1.4 or 2x.

    I’m really not a sprayer and prayer so I’m not concerned with the frame rate difference. I use the in-camera HDR a good bit I’m assuming it’s the same as the 5DIII I just sold yesterday. Either way I’m buying one of the two this week.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      That question is already in my Word file; great minds think alike.

      If possible, please use my B&H affiliate link for your purchases. Best of luck with the camera(s).
