Tuesday July 18, 2017 Stuff « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Tuesday July 18, 2017 Stuff


It is nasty and windy and raining here on Kodiak on the morning of Tuesday, July 18. I am not sure if the float planes will be flying today. If they are, and I hope that they will be, I will be offline until sometime on Monday, July 24. If you have any questions on the BAA Online Store or on an IPT or on anything BIRDS AS ART-related, you can call Jim or Jen weekdays at 863-692-0906 or shoot them an e-mail.

In the meantime feel free to surf old posts by clicking on the drop-down menu for Postlists on the orange-yellow tool bar above. Or, you can find several blog posts on the topic of your choice by entering it in the small, rectangular search box at the top right of each blog post and hitting Search.

With love till then, and best and great picture-making, artie

11:30am Update

The weather improved. Half of the group is en route to Katmai via float plane and the last three — including me — will be on the way in about two hours.

6 comments to Tuesday July 18, 2017 Stuff

  • Its always a great learning when Artie says something.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • byron prinzmetal

    Thanks for getting me to look at the exposure analogue scale. It was poking me in the eyeball all along. Dumb eyes or dumb brain.

    I think the misunderstanding about M mode and ec having no effect whatsoever is when one means manual mode is M on the function dial and iso is set to a specific iso number.

    On the other hand, when in M mode AND iso is set to auto iso, ec does work by changing the iso values up and down at least on my 7d2, 80d and m5. On the higher end of Canon’s dsrl’s I have no clue.

    Is this the best way to take bif images, that is a whole different question.

    Have a safe trip.


    BP, YAW> As I have been saying, Auto anything in Manual mode is not Manual mode and makes zero sense to me 🙂

    with love, artie

  • David Policansky

    Good luck with your travels. South-central Alaska’s rainy season has begun.

  • kevin Hice

    Well good morning Artie and hope you have a successful trip.For me a little scolding can be good not so sensitive to think I don’t need one every now and then. Gives one a wake up call.I know I misspoke on the exposure compensation. I have been going to manual mode more often and using it for flight images quite a bit.For me I have used the wheel so much in Av mode I just keep calling it the Ec wheel when in manual it is not adding any exposure.Plus when one has dyslexia we get confused in many ways.Always have gotten aggravated when writing down numbers. Like hearing,copying down a phone number and the brain always recognizes the second number. Terrible at trying to tie knots.When I look at the analouge scale after using the AV mode for so,long the brain is still registering as the EC wheel.Still learning and thanks Artie I would not have your patience.