B&H Event Space Program on August 12, 2019: Lessons from the Field: BIRDS AS ART-Style « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

B&H Event Space Program on August 12, 2019: Lessons from the Field: BIRDS AS ART-Style

What’s Up?

We had a great afternoon with the Green Iguanas at the Iguana Park in Guayaquil, Ecuador on Monday. After watching the first draft of Patrick Sparkman’s a7R iii/SONY a/9 video, I am getting much much better and feeling much more comfortable using the a7R iii. Based on his suggestions, I made several important changes to my set-up that tremendously improved the handling and performance of the camera with the 100-400 GM.

We fly to the archipelago today. I look forward to seeing you all again here in two weeks. If you would like to chime in on what photo gear you would bring on a bucket list trip to the Galapagos, please see yesterday’s blog post here.

B&H Event Space Program

I will be doing (another) B&H Event Space Program — Lessons From the Field BIRDS AS ART-Style — on Monday, August 12, 2019, 1:00 to 3:00 PM eastern time. You can register to attend in person or to view the event live online by clicking here. Here is the location: the second floor of B&H NYC SuperStore at 420 9th Avenue, New York NY 10001. Those planning on attending should register asap as spaces are limited.

3 comments to B&H Event Space Program on August 12, 2019: Lessons from the Field: BIRDS AS ART-Style

  • Hey Arthur, My favorite B&H event space from you is Lenses for Bird and Nature Photography.

  • Jordan Cait

    Hi Arthur, I just logged into B&H to save a space and noticed the following wording in the description (that I think requires updating):

    Arthur, one of the original “Explorers of Light,” has been a Canon contract photographer for the past fifteen years and continues in that role today.

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