Two of My Very Favorites … And Nikon Menu Help Needed « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Two of My Very Favorites ... And Nikon Menu Help Needed

What’s Up?

After aking Sunday off, I’ve gotten right back on track. I walked 2.8 miles this morning and am headed for the pool late today, Tuesday, September 17, 2019.

There will be some big news — possibly shocking to many — here soon …

There is lots of room on the Bosque IPT. Scroll down for details.

Nikon Menu Help Needed

Does anyone know how to save a Custom Settings Bank on a D850 (or similar Nikon body. I follow the instructions below and nothing happens 🙂

Please leave a comment or give me a buzz at 863-221-2372 if you know how to do it 🙂

Custom Settings Bank

Custom Settings menu

Custom Settings are stored in one of four banks. Changes to settings in one bank have no effect on the others. To store a particular combination of frequently-used settings, select one of the four banks and set the camera to these settings. The new settings will be stored in the bank even when the camera is turned off, and will be restored the next time the bank is selected. Different combinations of settings can be stored in the other banks, allowing the user to switch instantly from one combination to another by selecting the appropriate bank from the bank menu.

The default names for the four Custom Settings banks are A, B, C, and D. A descriptive caption up to 20 characters long can be added as described in “Text Entry” (0 Text Entry) by highlighting the menu bank and pressing 2.

This image was also created somewhere in South Africa by many multiple IPT veteran George Golumbeski. For this one he use the tripod-mounted Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS III USM lens with the Canon Extender EF 2X III and the Canon EOS-1D X Mark II dSLR. ISO: 1000: 1/500 sec. at f/9.

Image #2: White-backed Vulture head portrait

Image courtesy of and copyright 2019: George Golumbeski. Click on the image to enjoy a larger version.

The First-ever Used Like-New Canon 600 III for sale. Super-sharp Images: Leopard (at 840mm) and Vulture (at 1200mm) blog post here, featured two of George Golumbeski’s superb images. I wrote, Which of George Golumbeski’s two featured images do you like best? Scroll down to view and let us know why.

Both images garnered some support. Heck, they are both very strong images.

Jake Kneale wrote: I love the unusual framing of the vulture – it is really interesting. I also think the colours go very well together.

And Wayne commented: The vulture. The background and lighting are perfect along with the head angle as you stated …

My vote also went to the vulture. I love the sharp details of the face and neck and enjoyed the perfect 90-degree head angle that was perfect for this pose.

This image also was in St. Paul, AK by good friend Patrick Sparkman. For this flight image, he used the handheld Sony FE 400mm f/2.8 GM OSS lens and the Sony Alpha a9 Mirrorless digital camera body.. ISO: 800. Multi-metering. Exposure determined via the Zebra feature: 1/800 sec. at f/2.8.

Image #3: Tufted Puffin incoming flight

Image courtesy of and copyright 2019: Patrick Sparkman. Click on the image to enjoy a larger version.

My Favorite of Patrick’s Three Images

In the Patrick Sparkman’s SONY 400mm f/2.8 GM OSS lens visits the Pribilofs and is then put up for sale! Why? blog post here, I ran three of Patrick’s superb images and asked folks which one they liked best. All who commented went for the spectacular Red-legged Kittiwake head portrait and I liked that one a lot too. But for me, the Tufted Puffin flight shot above was and is a far stronger image. Flight shots of puffins are difficult at best and then you need to add in the fact that tufted is by far the most beautiful puffin in the world. The incoming pose is superb, we have a nice view of those orange feet, the image is mega-sharp, and the dark background is a perfect fit. Sign me up.

Used Gear Sales

I am proud to say that both George’s and Patrick’s big lenses sold the first day that they were listed for quite a lot more than they would have gotten selling to one of the big camera stores. And that includes B&H. It’s just the way it is. If you have a big lens to unload, please shoot me an e-mail.

Bosque del Apache 2019 IPT

Notice the incredible variety of images that you can learn to make by developing your skills and your creative vision on a BAA IPT.

2019 Bosque del Apache IPT

Return to Bosque Reduced Rate Scouting IPT #1. NOV 26-28, 2019 — 3 FULL DAYS: $1199.00. Limit: 8/Openings: 6. Introductory Meet and greet at 7pm on MON 25 NOV.

Extra Day Options: Join me for one to three In-the-Field Days as follows: FRI 29 NOV, SAT 30 NOV, and SUN 1 DEC for only $300.00/day.

I quit going to Bosque several years ago as conditions had worsened each year for several seasons running. My understanding is that things have improved dramatically in recent years. Photography-wise, I know Bosque better than anyone. Join me to learn how wind and sky conditions influence bird photography, how to create dramatic sunrise and sunset silhouettes, how to be in the right place at the right time, and how to create contest-winning blurs. As usual, you will learn to get the right exposure every time, to use your camera’s AF system to create pleasing, balanced image designs, and to improve your flight photography skills.

We should get to photograph many thousands of Snow Geese, more than a few blast-offs, some Ross’s Geese, and lots of Sandhill Cranes in the water, taking flight and flying. Depending on local conditions we may get to shoot some ducks: point-blank American Wigeon and Wood Duck. With any luck, we might enjoy sunrises and sunsets that leave you in tears. Live, eat, and breathe photography with one of (if not the) world’s premier photographic educators at one of his very favorite locations on the planet. Top-notch Photoshop instruction. Join me to learn to think like a pro and to recognize situations and to anticipate them based on the weather. Every time we make a move, I will let you know why. When you get home, applying what you learned will prove to be invaluable.

Lunch is included.

To Register

To register, send your non-refundable $500 deposit — check made out to BIRDS AS ART — via US Mail to PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855. Or call Jim weekdays at 863-692-0906 to put your non-refundable deposit on a credit card. Balances must be paid in full by check no later than two months before the IPT. If you cancel, all but your deposit will be refunded only if the IPT sells out.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance for both big international trips and US-based IPTs is highly recommended as we never know what life has in store for us. I strongly recommend that you purchase quality travel insurance. Travel Insurance Services offers a variety of plans and options. Included with the Elite Option or available as an upgrade to the Basic & Plus Options you can also purchase Cancel for Any Reason Coverage that expands the list of reasons for your canceling to include things such as sudden work or family obligation and even a simple change of mind. My family and I use and depend on the great policies offered by TIS whenever we travel. You can learn more here: Travel Insurance Services. Do note that many plans require that you purchase your travel insurance within 14 days of our cashing your deposit check or running your credit card. Whenever purchasing travel insurance, be sure to read the fine print carefully even when dealing with reputable firms like TSI.

11 comments to Two of My Very Favorites … And Nikon Menu Help Needed

  • Matt

    Big news– shocking to many–

    I call dibs on your 500 PF

  • OMG, the vulture image is so clean and sharp even after using 2x extender with the version III EF 600mm f/4!

    Perhaps Canon has done their homework before releasing this glass. They did so with 400mm f/2.8 as well. However, no indication re the 500mm f/4L!

    Best regards.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Unfortunately Canon AF is still Canon AF 🙂
      with love, artie

      • Good morning Guru.

        I’m not a Canon brand ambassador and nourish various grudges against many of their equipment. If I’m pictured with a DSLR hanging around my neck, I stamp out the brand name from that image and wear the neck strap upside down. No free lunch anywhere.

        Wish there were at least one brand on earth without any issue whatsoever! I’m convinced Nikon is a great brand as I see many of my friends using it with satisfaction.

        However, the century old scenario remains the same:

        This bank of the river regrets “I can imagine all the happiness lies on the other bank”,
        The other bank echoes “Alas if I could enjoy the bliss that flourishes on the opposite bank.”

        I tried to translate from a famous poem in Bangla (my native language).


    • Ryan Sanderson

      Beware use of the 600III. There are some very clear image stabilization issues going on with it in shutter speeds of around 1/100 to 1/200, worst at 1/160. It appears that the IS is not playing well with the shutter at these speeds which then causes some sort of vibration in the IS. I have been discussing with Canon for about three months. There is a very long thread at Fred Miranda I started about this. It is worst with the 5DIV. I’d think twice before I spent any money on the 600III until Canon offers a fix (which there has apparently not been any promise there will be). Hopefully I just saved someone $13,000 by writing this… in all other respects I’ve found the lens to be fabulous and at least the match of the 600II.

      • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

        Thanks for sharing that info, Ryan. Again, I ask, knowing what you know now would you take your money back?

        with love, artie

        • Ryan Sanderson

          If I could get a refund for full $13K I would take it now and repurchase if/when there is a fix. Right now since I’ve already purchased it, I’m going to keep it and hope that a fix comes as it really is fantastic for handholding.

  • Neil Hickman

    Hi Artie! This will drive you nuts, but I saw a Youtube video to set up the video (red) button to pop up the A B C D settings when you hit the info button. You scroll between the 4 with the back thumb wheel. However, coming from Canon the next bit will be a big change. When you get to a setting, generally you will always make a few changes – when you switch off with Canon they are reset – with Nikon the minor changes you made will be the new setting next time you switch on – UNLESS YOU REMEMBER TO RESET THEM BEFORE YOU SWITH OFF. Also, within each setting (e.g A) it is possible to have 4 more settings. That gives a possible 16!! I freaked out and have not gone there. Krishna’s offer looks good!!

  • I recently set up my custom bank menu in both D850 and D500. You can call/email me if you have any questions.

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