What’s Up?
We had a good morning in the bay behind the Convention Center on South Padre Island on Tuesday. There were lots of birds and lots of slick sticky slippery mud. On Wednesday morning we headed early to Laguna Atascosa NWR. There were no birds (and no fence-posts) on the highly touted road to the refuge, and no birds and no water on the refuge itself. As it was blessedly foggy, we headed back to the bay for more birds and more mud. Though the birds are not easy to approach, we both got some good stuff. Anita is missing the Fort DeSoto.
Late-afternoon on Wednesday we decided to pay the $12.00 entry fee to get into Isla Blanca Park at the south end of the island and explore the jetty area. Inlets are often great places for bird photography. It turned out to be the best twelve bucks we’d ever spent. There were several hundred Brown Pelicans (and a few Caspian and Royal Terns as well) diving for bait, and we enjoyed some decent sunset color as well.
Today is Thursday 12 November 2020. We will try again in the bay.
Topaz Still on Sale!
Right now Topaz is offering price reductions on the Utility Bundle and the Creator Bundle. The former normally sells for $359.96. It is on sale for an amazingly low $199.95. Click here, scroll all the way down to the sale, and enter the ARTHUR15 code at checkout to save an additional 15%! The Creator Bundle usually sells for #279.97 and is now on sale for $249.99. Using the ARTHUR15 code at checkout brings the price down to $212.49!
Please Remember
With income from IPTs approaching zero, please, if you enjoy and learn from the blog, remember to use one of my two affiliate programs when purchasing new gear. Doing so just might make it possible for me to avoid having to try to get a job as a Walmart greeter and will not cost you a single penny more. And if you use Bedfords and remember to enter the BIRDSASART code at checkout, you will save 3% on every order and enjoy free second-day air shipping. In these crazy times — I am out at least forty to sixty thousand dollars so far due to COVID 19 (with lots more to come) — remembering to use my B&H link or to shop at Bedfords will help me out a ton and be greatly appreciated. Overseas folks who cannot order from the US because of import fees, duties, and taxes can always help out by clicking here if they see fit.
The BAA Used Gear Page
The Used Gear page continues to be red hot! It is BAA Used Gear Page is the place to sell your used photographic equipment. We will help you to get your gear sold quickly for 20 to 60% or more than what the big guys are offering … Doubt me? Check out the Recent Sales list for the past ten months at the bottom of the page.
Huge Price Drop
Canon EOS-1D X Professional Digital Camera Body/with Extras!
Price dropped $300 on 14 FEB 2020!
Price dropped $400 on 26 JUNE 2020!
Price dropped $200 on 21 AUGUST 2020!
Price dropped $200 on 12 NOVEMBER 2020!
Joe Randle is also offering a used EOS 1D-X camera body in excellent condition for only $1,099.00 (was $2,199.00). The sale includes an extra LP-E4M battery, three Delkin Devices CF1000X UDMA 7 64GB cards, 4 Delkin Devices CF1000X UDMA 7 32 GB cards (all in a nice Pelican CF card case), the interface and stereo AV cables with cable protector, the EOS Digital Solution Disk and Software, instructions Manuals. Insured ground shipping via major courier lower-48 US addresses only. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made.
Please contact Joe via e-mail or by phone at 1-620.353.8398 (Central time zone).
Two fast, rugged 1D X bodies served as my workhorse cameras for more than four years. I used them to create hundreds of family-jewels-type images. I actually liked the 1D X more than I liked my 1D X IIs … artie
BIRDS AS ART is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Great Topaz News!
Folks who use the BAA Topaz link to purchase Sharpen AI, DeNoise AI, or the Utility Bundle (or any other Topaz plugins) will receive a 15% discount by entering the ARTHUR15 code at checkout. To get the discount you must use my link and you must enter the discount code. Be sure to start with this link.
Topaz Stuff
As I said just a while back and have said often many times before, I should have listened sooner. If you, like me, are new to the Topaz party, please use this link to purchase. Right now I can wholeheartedly recommend both Topaz Sharpen AI and Topaz DeNoise AI. Though I have not yet worked with JPEGtoRAW AI or Gigapixel AI, I have installed both of these plug-ins and look forward to trying them on some I-Phone 11 images fairly soon. If you are thinking like me, consider the Utility Bundle that includes all four plug-ins mentioned above at a money-saving price.
Again, those who purchase Sharpen AI or DeNoise AI using my link, can e-mail to request a short Getting Started with Topaz e-Guide. I had a bit of trouble getting the two plug-ins installed and having them appear in the Photoshop Filter Menu. In addition, I will explain how to best learn about the two plug-ins by applying them on a Layer (in Photoshop). I amazed myself yesterday by completing this guide in the car on the way to and from Sebastian. Huge thanks to Anita for doing the driving. Please include a copy of your Topaz order when requesting the guide.
New and Better Bedfords Discount Policy!
You can now save 3% on all of your Bedfords photo gear purchases by entering the BIRDSASART coupon code at checkout. Your discount will be applied to your pre-tax total. In addition, by using the code you will get 2nd day air shipping via Fed Ex.
Grab a Nikon AF-S Teleconverter TC-14E III and save $14.99. Purchase a Canon EOS R5 and your discount will be $116.97. Purchase a Sony FE 600mm f/4 GM OSS lens and save a remarkable $389.94! Your Bedford’s purchase no longer needs to be greater than $1,000.00 for you to receive a discount. The more you spend, the more you save.
120 sold to rave reviews. The SONY e-Guide by Patrick Sparkman and Arthur Morris |
The Sony Camera User’s e-Guide (and Videos)
Click here to purchase the guide with one Camera Set-up Video. Be sure to e-mail us by clicking here to specify your camera body so that we can send you a link for the correct video.
Click here to purchase the guide with two Camera Set-up Videos. Be sure to e-mail us by clicking here to specify your two camera bodies so that we can send you links for the correct videos.
Click here to learn more about the SONY e-Guide.
Money Saving Reminder
Many have learned that if you need a hot photo item that is out of stock at B&H and would enjoy free overnight shipping, your best bet is to click here, place an order with Bedfords, and enter the coupon code BIRDSASART at checkout. If an item is out of stock, contact Steve Elkins via e-mail or on his cell phone at (479) 381-2592 (Eastern time). Be sure to mention the BIRDSASART coupon code and use it for your online order. Steve has been great at getting folks the hot items that are out of stock at B&H and everywhere else. The wait lists at the big stores can be a year or longer for the hard to get items. Steve will surely get you your gear long before that. For the past year, he has been helping BAA Blog folks get their hands on items like the SONY a9 ii, the SONY 200-600 G OSS lens, the Canon EOS R5, the Canon RF 100-500mm lens, and the Nikon 500mm PF. Steve is personable, helpful, and eager to please.

Gear Questions and Advice
Too many folks attending BAA IPTs and dozens of photographers whom I see in the field and on BPN, are–out of ignorance–using the wrong gear especially when it comes to tripods and more especially, tripod heads… Please know that I am always glad to answer your gear questions via e-mail. Those questions might deal with systems, camera bodies, accessories, and/or lens choices and decisions.
This image was created at Fort DeSoto Park in Pinellas County, FL on the morning of 19 OCT 2020. Again, I used the handheld Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS lens (this one at 600mm) and the blazingly fast AF King, the Sony Alpha a9 II Mirrorless Digital camera body. Exposure was determined via Zebra evaluation with ISO on the rear dial as detailed in The Sony Camera User’s e-Guide and One Camera Set-up Video. ISO 1600: 1/2000 sec. at f/6.3 in Manual mode. The raw file brightness was confirmed as dead-solid perfect by RawDigger. ABW at 7:49 am on a clear morning with just a hint of moisture in the air. Center Zone Continuous AF was active at the moment of exposure and worked well. Click on the image to see a larger version. Image #1: Royal Tern preening in butter light with bathing Black Skimmer in background
The Unanswered Question
In the Seated Knee-pod versus Lens Hood on the beach (using the articulating rear monitor): Perspectives and Tips. And More Topaz DeNoise AI Auto Tips blog post here, I posted this under the image above:
High Level Shutter Speed Question
Why did I opt to go with a shutter speed of 1/2000 second (along with a relatively high ISO) for each of today’s featured images when I could easily have dropped down to at least 1/1000 second (and cut the ISO by half or more)? The clue is in Image #2.
Alas, not a single reader ventured an answer … Keep reading to learn a ton.
FYI: the image above was by far my favorite of the two featured in the blog post linked to above. I thought it was a very clever juxtaposition and loved the super-low perspective (without having to get sandy and wet)!
As you will see below, I stayed with high shutter speeds so that I could create sharp images of the bathing birds and of the birds taking flight after their baths.
Bathing bird/sun angle/wind direction diagram
Flight Strategy with Northeasterly Winds on Clear Mornings
On the last Fort DeSoto IPT, we had northeasterly winds for all four mornings. South or southeast or east are generally best, but NE is not bad. The lesson that follows was hammered home on that IPT. You are sitting lower left as shown above. The sun is coming over your right shoulder. Just to the left of sun angle is the perfect depth for bathing birds. When you see birds split from the flock to bathe, 9 times out of ten others will bathe in the same small area, the spot where the depth of the water is perfect for a tern, gull, or skimmer bath. After the bath, the birds will almost alway flap in place (as in Image #2), and then take flight right into the wind. By positioning yourself just right of sun angle to the bathing birds, you can photograph single birds in flight right down sun angle as they take flight.
This image was also created at Fort DeSoto Park in Pinellas County, FL on the morning of 19 OCT 2020. Again, I used the handheld Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS lens (at 600mm) and the blazingly fast AF King, the Sony Alpha a9 II Mirrorless Digital camera body. Exposure was determined via Zebra evaluation with ISO on the rear dial as detailed in The Sony Camera User’s e-Guide and One Camera Set-up Video. ISO 640: 1/2500 sec. at f/6.3 in Manual mode. ABW at 8:22 am on a clear morning. Center Zone Continuous AF was active at the moment of exposure and worked well. Click on the image to see a larger version. Image #2: Black Skimmer flapping after bath image
Bathing Bird Strategy
When you see a bird dipping its breast in the water, it will flap its wings in place after its is done bathing. Sometimes they might dip and splash as many as 20-30 times while taking a bath. As a photographer, you are praying the whole time to flap. When they do, they will often rise up out of the water a bit before taking flight and heading for the beach (or other firm ground) to preen. SONY’s Center Zone AF-C does usually does a great job with the flapping and the flight. Note that the wind direction will determine the direction that the birds will flap and the direction that they will take flight. If you spot a bird bathing while facing away from the wind, you can be confident that it will turn around and flap into the wind when it is done dipping and splashing.
Image #2A: Topaz DeNoise on the Black Skimmer flapping after bath image at 100%
Topaz DeNoise on the Black Skimmer flapping after bath image
As part of my now-regular workflow, I began with Topaz DeNoise AI on Auto. It is worth the time it takes to run DeNoise even on perfectly sharp, perfectly exposed images as they will be rendered that much cleaner and that much sharper.
This image was also created at Fort DeSoto Park in Pinellas County, FL on the morning of 19 OCT 2020. Again, I used the handheld Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS lens (this one at 600mm) and the blazingly fast AF King, the Sony Alpha a9 II Mirrorless Digital camera body. Exposure was determined via Zebra evaluation with ISO on the rear dial as detailed in The Sony Camera User’s e-Guide and One Camera Set-up Video. ISO 800: 1/3200 sec. at f/6.3 in Manual mode. ABW at 8:05 am on a clear morning with just a hint of moisture in the air. Center Zone Continuous AF was active at the moment of exposure and worked well. Click on the image to see a larger version. Image #3: Sandwich Tern in Flight
The Payoff
In these situations, the payoff is a decent flight image with the bird angling slightly toward you and right down sun angle. With Image #3, I was a bit unlucky on the placement of the horizon. But I love the sharpness and the wing position.
This image was also created at Fort DeSoto Park in Pinellas County, FL on the morning of 19 OCT 2020. Again, I used the handheld Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS lens (this one at 594mm) and the blazingly fast AF King, the Sony Alpha a9 II Mirrorless Digital camera body. Exposure was determined via Zebra evaluation with ISO on the rear dial as detailed in The Sony Camera User’s e-Guide and One Camera Set-up Video. ISO 800: 1/4000 sec. at f/6.3 in Manual mode. ABW at 8:16 am on a clear morning with just a hint of moisture in the air. Center Zone Continuous AF was active at the moment of exposure and worked well. Click on the image to see a larger version. Image #4: Sandwich Tern in Flight
Same Deal — Even Better!
Another one from the same session but even better. I got luckier with the placement of the horizon and this one is perhaps 1/4 degree off perfect sun angle. Understanding the combined effects of wind direction and sun angle can go a long way toward making you a better flight photographer.
Note: both of the Sandwich Tern images had Topaz DeNoise AI on Auto and
Topaz Sharpen AI//Stabilize (that latter on a selection of the whole bird) applied with great results.
San Diego offers a wealth of very attractive natural history subjects, including and especially the Pacific race of California Brown Pelican. With annual visits spanning more than four decades, I have lots of photographic experience there … Click on the composite to enjoy a larger version. |
San Diego 2021 COVID-conscious Brown Pelican IPT
January 12 thru the morning session on January 16, 2021. Four full and one-half day: $2299.00. Deposit: $599.00. Limit: 8 photographers/Openings: 7.
Introductory Meet and Greet at 7:00pm on the evening before the IPT begins; MON JAN 11, 2021.
Join me in San Diego to photograph the spectacular breeding plumage Brown Pelicans with their fire-engine red and olive green bill pouches; Brandt’s (nesting with eggs and possibly chicks) and Double-crested Cormorants; breeding plumage Wood and Ring-necked Duck; other duck species possible including Lesser Scaup, Redhead, and Surf Scoter; a variety of gulls including Western, California, and the gorgeous Heermann’s, all in full breeding plumage; shorebirds including Marbled Godwit, Willet, Sanderling and Black-bellied Plover; many others are possible including Least, Western, and Spotted Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Black and Ruddy Turnstone, Semipalmated Plover, and Surfbird; Harbor Seals (depending on the current regulations) and California Sea Lions; and Bird of Paradise flowers. And as you can see by studying the IPT cards, there are some nice bird-scape and landscape opportunities as well. Not to mention a ton of excellent flight photography opportunities and instruction.
Please note: where permitted and on occasion, ducks and gulls may be attracted (or re-located) with offerings of grains or healthy bread.
Learning Exposure, Whether You Like It Or Not
Whether you like it or not, we will be beating the subject of exposure like a dead horse. In every new situation, you will hear my thoughts on the exposure situation along with my thoughts on both Nikon and Canon histograms and the subject of blinkies. Whether you like it or not, you will learn to work in manual mode and to get the right exposure every time as long as a bird gives you ten seconds with the light constant. And you will learn what to do when the light is changing constantly. What you learn about exposure will be one of the great takeaways on every IPT.
Though the pelicans will be the stars of the show on this IPT, there will be many other handsome and captivating subjects in wonderful settings. Click on the composite to enjoy a larger version. |
It Ain’t Just Pelicans
With gorgeous subjects just sitting there waiting to have their pictures taken, photographing the pelicans on the cliffs is about as easy as nature photography gets. With the winds from the east almost every morning there is usually some excellent flight photography as well. And the pelicans are almost always doing something interesting: preening, scratching, bill pouch cleaning, or squabbling. And then there are those crazy head throws that are thought to be a form of intra-flock communication. You will be guided as to how to make the best of all of those opportunities. And depending on the weather and local conditions and tides, there are a variety of fabulous photo chances available in and around San Diego.
Did I mention that there are lots of great birds and natural history subjects in San Diego in winter? Click on the composite to enjoy a larger version. |
The San Diego Details
This IPT will include five 3 1/2 hour morning photo sessions, four 2 1/2 hour afternoon photo sessions, four lunches, and after-brunch image review and Photoshop sessions. To ensure early starts, breakfasts will be your responsibility. And so that we can get some sleep, dinners will be on your own as well.
A $599 deposit is required to hold your slot for this IPT. You can send a check (made out to “BIRDS AS ART) to us here: BIRDS AS ART, PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL, 3385, or call Jim or Jennifer at the office with a credit card at 863-692-0906. Your balance, payable only by check, is due immediately after you sign up. Please print, complete, and sign the form that is linked to here and shoot it to us along with your deposit check. If you register by phone, please print, complete and sign the form as noted above and either mail it to us or e-mail the scan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail. If you cancel due to COVID 19 concerns, all of your payments will be refunded.
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance for both big international trips and US-based IPTs is highly recommended as we never know what life has in store for us. I strongly recommend that you purchase quality travel insurance. Travel Insurance Services offers a variety of plans and options. Included with the Elite Option or available as an upgrade to the Basic & Plus Options you can also purchase Cancel for Any Reason Coverage that expands the list of reasons for your canceling to include things such as sudden work or family obligation and even a simple change of mind. My family and I use and depend on the great policies offered by TIS whenever we travel. You can learn more here: Travel Insurance Services. Do note that many plans require that you purchase your travel insurance within 14 days of our cashing your deposit check or running your credit card. Whenever purchasing travel insurance, be sure to read the fine print carefully even when dealing with reputable firms like TSI.
Variety is surely the spice of life in San Diego. Click on the composite to enjoy a larger version. |
Getting Up Early and Staying Out Late
On all BIRDS AS ART IPTS including and especially the San Diego IPT, we get into the field early to take advantage of unique and often spectacular lighting conditions and we stay out late to maximize the chances of killer light and glorious sunset silhouette situations. We often arrive at the cliffs a full hour before anyone else shows up to check out the landscape and seascape opportunities.
In all blog posts and Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors. Just be right :).
Good morning Guru. Hope you’re doing fine.
Recently Sony A7SIII has been a much talked about camera. Although it’s being promoted as being a great video camera; its still image capabilities are also highly applauded.
To me it seems like “yesterday once more”. In the good old day Canon EOS 5D, Nikon D3 and D700 produced beautiful clean images despite being 12 megapixel DSLRs. Sony A7SIII is also a same resolution MILC however, with far greater low light and high ISO power. IMO, this should produce nice looking clean images in low-light. I have not tried that yet.
May I request you to kindly throw some light, if your time permits, on the still image feature of this camera?
Thank you with best regards.
No knowledge, no comment.
with love, artie
Helps to have a little luck! But efforting can help bring the luck your way. And have good company like Ms. North to keep things real…
Sun angle, wind direction, low point of view/perspective & location with beautiful subjects. Best equipment one can afford and learn how to use it so it becomes 2nd nature to you, dress for the occasion and wah lah: you too can become an Arthur Morris Protege. Buy all his books and study his photographs as well as other wonderful photographers work. (work may be the wrong word) What did I miss?
Tanks, Jeff.
with love, a