You Tube Video: The World Class Nature Photography of Anita North. With Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

You Tube Video: The World Class Nature Photography of Anita North. With Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

What’s Up?

Photography has been so good in Colorado that I need to hit the sack early. We are heading to Red Rocks very early. Enjoy today’s 18 minute video featuring some really great photography. And leave a comment letting us know which three of Anita’s images you like best. It will not be easy

The World Class Nature Photography of Anita North. With Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

For the past ten years, Anita North has been traveling the globe striving to create a portfolio of stunning natural history images. She has visited many of the world’s top wildlife locations and enjoys re-visiting them as well. And while she loves creating beautiful photographs, she has a strong conservation ethic. And on many occasions, she has put her heart and her money where her mouth is. And she wishes that photographers and eco-tourists around the world would do more to support conservation efforts to preserve habitat and wildlife.

For the past three years, she has been away a lot more than she has been home!

Anita North is a retired neurosurgeon living in Toronto, Ontario Canada. In the summer of 2012 she came across an eagle with a broken left wing on the lake at her fishing camp in Northern Ontario, Basket Lake. She caught Walleye and Northern Pike every day and fed the bird she named Eddie for nearly five months. In 2013 she purchased a Canon 100-400 and an EOS 7D and was determined to create some good images of Eddie, the bird who changed her life.

By chance, we were on the same ship, the Ortelius, on a triple-header Southern Ocean photography cruise. I was leading a group. Curious as to who was the guy teaching photography to a small group — she had never heard of Arthur Morris or BIRDS AS ART, she joined the group on the spot. On our zodiac landings at various locations in Antarctica, South Georgia, and The Falklands, she stuck to me like glue and asked a zillion questions every day. And she attended each and every shipboard session. She really wanted to learn.

To continue her photographic education, she joined more than 25 BIRDS AS ART Instructional Photo-Tours IPTs) and in short order she was consistently producing world class images of birds and other wildlife. Anita is one of my very best-ever students. I am incredibly proud of how hard she has worked, how much she has learned, and most of all of her wonderful portfolio. Do understand that she has thousands of images just as good as those in the video.

7 comments to You Tube Video: The World Class Nature Photography of Anita North. With Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

  • Bruce Dudek

    I’m a bit late to to the party here. What a treat to see Anita’s work. Incredible range of subjects compositions, and techniques. Is there time in her busy travel schedule to do her own narrative series? Powerful conservation messages in there.
    Three favorites? It was a somewhat random choice from a first list of 12:
    Backlit Macaques (were they macaques?)
    King Penguins triangle composition
    Black Grouse courtship

  • Artie/Anita

    Sounds to me like you kids are having fun and what a great video and Anita is truly gifted in her eye to see a photo and put herself in the spot she needs to be in.
    I love your Photography Anita and the Bears are perhaps my favorites the huge mama coming in with her cubs to show them off and to pose for the camera. The Polar Bears are amazing as well, oh to only be able to go there.
    I love the loons with the young chick on her back and the light really amazing. Then to top things off you have the grand elephants omg your amazing Anita I love them all. Artie even cut you off a few times during the video like kids I want to talk…lol
    Love you much Anita, Artie

    Always with love b

  • Steven Pumilia

    Anita is a fantastic photographer. I look forward to seeing her images posted online. Impossible to pick a favorite!

  • 18 minutes well spent! Great to see the progression and the clear passion not just for the photos but more importantly for the animals themselves.

    Hope to see you both again one day

  • Mike Moynihan

    One word: “Special!”

  • Lugene Gerber

    Awesome video! I feel very lucky to have met both of you!! I also feel incredibly lucky to own one of Anitas photographs on tin!!! Thank you Anita and thank to Kevinit is hanging on my wall. Hope to see you both next year!!

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