Season’s Greetings « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Season's Greetings


Breathe deeply. Have fun. Love what is. Don’t take it personally. Happiness is a choice ๐Ÿ™‚

Image Questions

Which is your favorite crane? Which is your favorite goose?

later and love, artie

Interesting Bosque Note

On my not-so-recent twentieth visit in late fall to the refuge (12 days of photography and teaching) I probably created at least 6,000 images. I just finished my fourth and final edit. Here is the tally: 429 RAW files, 12 in-camera HDR JPEGs, and 2 movie (.MOV) files kept. 85 images optimized so far. Keeper rate: 7.35%. I am a ruthless when it comes to editing. Now it is time to copy the Bosque 2013 to Transfer file to the Drobo system on the office computer.

25 comments to Season’s Greetings

  • Richard Stoner

    Beautiful pictures. Loved scrolling through them while looking for the Pics taken of grandaughter at Lake Wales High School performance of Nutcracker. Are they still available? Sorry looking so late. Just found your note you gave on scrap of paper. Thanks.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      I e-mailed Jen and asked her to shoot you the link if the images are still up; they should be. artie

  • Ted Willcox

    A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours. “Light On The Earth” just came in my email from Neat to have the front cover, you certainly deserve it. Thanks again for all you do.

  • Vincent Scarnecchia

    Arti -Many thanks for all of the great images and lessons. In the image above ( middle of the screen) there is a face looking at the viewer. Can you spot it? Vincent

  • Bruno cesaroni

    Bellissima fotografia Tanti Auguri di Buone Feste a tutta la vostra equipe

  • Allan Warner

    Wonderfull shot, but I am not sure I can identify all the geese in this photo. Up among the cranes there are all-white ones except for typical snow goose primaries peeking out, but I am not so sure about all the fellows resting in the foreground. One in the upper middle appears gray with a black crown, for instance. The way the folded wings look, I wondered if any were blue morph snow geese…?

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Hi Allan, Thanks for stopping by. There are normally 2-5% dark morph or blue geese at Bosque. I do not, however, see any adults or juveniles in this image. The gray birds are all young of the year Snow Geese with some of the backs of their heads looking dark because of individual variation and the position of the heads.

  • Ruth Schueler

    Dear Artie,
    I wish you continuing success in whatever you do. Although your explnations are very often too technical for me I have learned a lot, especially how to look at birds and how to frame a picture.
    I wish you would visit us once when thousands of european cranes have a stopover in the Hula Valley in northern Israel.
    I wish you, your family and all the photographers and helpers a Happy Holiday.
    As far as the cranes and the geese are concerned I agree with Dave Klein.

  • Ron May

    Art, Seasons Greetings to you and yours and to Denise. All the best for the New Year. I will always remember the IPTs of 2013.

  • John Van de Graaff


    Best wishes for the holidays and the New Year to you (and Denise).

    Remembering all the good times we’ve spent together.

  • Jim Amato

    Peace, Love, Joy and Good Health to you, your Family and all your Co Workers. Merry Christmas.
    i like and enjoy the entire “Season”s Greeting” image!

    jim Amato

  • Mark W.

    Merry Christmas Artie to you and yours!!!! SO MANY THANKS for the great images from 2013 and here is looking to 2014 for many more!!!!

  • Dave Klein

    Greetings of the season, Artie! Best wishes for 2014 with continued health, happiness and success in all your ventures. I hope we may meet up again one day on the road of life. I, too, like the crane and goose in the lower left, both looking directly out at the viewer. Your point on an approach toward living life is well made ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Thanks Dave. I really enjoyed meeting and working with you at Bosque. Have a great 2014!

  • David Policansky

    Easier said than done, Artie, but great advice, which I try hard to follow. Same to you re greetings. My favorite crane is the one in the lower left corner and my favorite goose is the one closest to that crane. Which are your favorites? Lovely image.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      It is easier said than done David, but only if you believe your own story that it is easier said than done. Give up that story and it is easy… (Byron Katie–

  • Tom Ambrose

    Both in the lower left looking at the camera.