LAX Travel Adventures & Last Second Morro Bay IPT Miracles « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

LAX Travel Adventures & Last Second Morro Bay IPT Miracles

LAX Travel Adventures

When I checked in on-line on Thursday afternoon for my Friday flights to the west coast, I made sure to check the box for flight delay notification and entered my samandmayasgrandpa e-mail address. For most early morning flights I stay at the Orlando Courtyard Marriott the night before. You can leave your vehicle there for up to two weeks with no charge. So that is what I did yesterday. I got on line early this morning and voila, nothing from American Airlines. All good.

I finished re-packing and got on the 7am shuttle. With three checked bags I tipped the driver a five dollar bill. I was scheduled to fly first class to LA at 9am on American, continue on to Santa Barbara on a puddle jumper, also on AA, and then rent a car–I use and love National after having switched a year ago from Avis, and then drive to Los Osos. I would arrive just in time for the opening reception of the Morro Bay Photo Expo where I will be presenting all day Saturday and leading a Master Class/In-the-Field workshop on Sunday morning, all that thanks to the generosity of Canon USA/Explorers of Light. At curbside check-in at MCO (Orlando airport) I learned that the LA flight was delayed 2 1/2 hours. That would result in my missing my flight to Santa Barbara and missing the reception…. On to Plan B.

The porter brought my stuff inside–another five dollar tip thank you very much, and I explored several possibilities with the agent who was very helpful. The solution was for me to fly to LA on Delta’s 8:30am flight. Best news: they had a first class seat for me. That would get me into LA in more than enough time to make my flight to Santa Barbara, grab the car, and drive down to Los Osos for the reception. Now I needed to get my three checked bags over to Delta to check in. The agent grabbed a porter who was also very nice. And also very helpful as you will see in a minute. As check-in time on Delta was getting close–there is a 45 minute cutoff, the porter suggested that I rush ahead of him and said that he would catch up with all my bags, both checked and carry-ons. Not to worry, he did and I checked in on time.

The porter was nice enough to stay with me till the process was complete. I did not notice that Delta had checked my bags only to LAX. Had he not noticed, I would likely have continued on to Santa Barbara while my bags were going round and round on a carousel in LA. Ten bucks for him. I even had time to stop in the book store and grab yet another John Sandford airport novel in his Prey series. I’ve already started “Broken Prey.” The guy can wrtie! I am sitting up front on the Delta flight and for the first time ever, am online in the air. For only $12.95. Man, you gotta love being addicted…. This is the first time that I have ever posted anything from 35,000 feet!

Why the big tips? I have a theory and it has worked perfectly to date. Whenever I fly I tip the baggage folks and drivers generously to ensure good luck and safe flying. As I said, my system has a perfect record of getting me safely to my location. And if my flight crashes, what good would the extra five or ten bucks do me? I will let you know if it worked this time :).

For greater appreciation of the compostie image, click on the photo; then click on the larger version to close it.

Last Second Morro Bay IPT Miracles

When I was sending BAA Bulletin #404 yesterday I updated the IPT page as I always do. I almost deleted the Morro Bay IPT from the top of the list–there were 9 of the 10 slots filled–but thought what the heck, so I left it. Along with my cell phone number. Last night in the motel I got a call from a Martin Lord. He will be joining the group in Morro Bay on Sunday night for the introductory slide program.

But wait, it gets even better. When I got on line this morning there was an e-mail from old friend and client Jean-Luc Valliant. He will also be joining the IPT. As it says on the web site, BAA always reserves the right to exceed the posted limit by one.

BAA Bulletin #404

BAA Bulletin #404 is on-line and can best be viewed here.


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7 comments to LAX Travel Adventures & Last Second Morro Bay IPT Miracles

  • harvey tabin

    Tell cheapo that tips are taxed in the US

  • Linda

    Glad to know things are working out. I’ll see you tomorrow for your talk. BTW, it would be better if you drove up to Los Osos from Santa Barbara :>}

  • cheapo

    Having worked as a Taxi driver I can tell you that generous tippers are worth their weight in gold. And what’s more, you don’t forget that customer in a hurry! Heh, the UK’s HM Revenue & Customs department think that tips and gratuities should be taxed. To heck with that idea! 😀

  • John

    You had me worried for a second….see you at the reception.