Artist’s Reference & Rendering
I created this page because I often get e-mails from artists asking permission to use a BIRDS AS ART image as artist’s reference. Those who do e-mail are thanked for their honesty. Most, however, are 100% ignorant of the correct terminology and of the copyright law that governs such usage. All copyrighted work is protected and all photographic images are automatically copyrighted to the photographer at the moment of capture. That means that you do not have to file for copyright to have your work protected under the law.
After reading the information below, all should understand that it is a violation of copyright law to use an online photo for reference or to paint or draw or copy it outright. If you do this in your own home for your own enjoyment I will — of course — never know. If you plan on selling a creative work that is at all based on a BIRDS AS ART image you might or might not get into trouble somewhere down the line. Again, folks’ honesty is always appreciated.
Artist’s Reference
Photos used for artistic reference are used by the artist for reference or detail for a painting or drawing. The original photograph will not be recognizable in the final creative work. To purchase the rights to use a BIRDS AS ART image as artist’s reference, please contact me via e-mail and let me know exactly how you will use the image and the final creative work. That done, I will be glad to quote a fee for the use of the image. Fees for an artist’s rendering usage are usually fairly low.
If you can recognize the photo in the final creative work, then the usage becomes an artist’s rendering.
Artist’s Rendering
If the photograph in question is recognizable in the work that you have created, then this is an artist’s rendering usage. Artist’s rendering usage rights are generally more costly than artist’s reference rights. Both of course depend on the intended use of the final product. Please contact me via e-mail, let me know exactly how you will use the image and the final creative work, and I will be glad to quote a fee for artist’s rendering.