800mm-f/5.6 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

More DeSoto Images As Promised & Some Head Angle Fine Points

As mentioned in the last post, the wind and weather on the morning of the 3rd made it one very tough morning. With the wind quite strong from the west, there were fewer birds on the exposed beach, and most of the birds were taking advantage of the small bit of shelter offered by the […]

Strong Wings Plus Clouds and Drizzle = Great Images

When I used film-yuck, yuck, and more yuck–I refused to photograph unless it was a clear sunny day. Now I pray for clouds and overcast. Digital outperforms film by light years in gloomy or cloudy bright conditions. It is important to remember that if you are exposing to the right (as you should be) that […]

Tough Conditions, Great Images

When we set sail in the pitch dark from Gibsonton on the Hooptie Deux we could tell that it was a bit foggy. When we got out to Alafia, it was quite foggy. When things are not great, do not fall into the habit of wishing things were better. Think outside the box and try […]

Captain Froggie and the Alafia Banks; Near Dunking or Near Drowning?

For those having image distortion problems related to their browsers, we apologize but will be unable to deal with that problem until we are able to customize Word Press; that will not happen for a while as I am hoping to get my taxes done on time for the first time in years. Anyone who […]

ILE: My Home Turf (and and news of an amazing sighting...)

I wake up at my home-office at Indian Lake Estates (ILE), Florida about half of each year. (Don’t ask me where the estates are….) In any case, ILE consists of 450 modest homes on 4,000 acres surrounded by 17,000 protected acres on the Lake Wales Ridge. My late masseuse, John Lynott, told me that he […]

Little Estero Lagoon

On the morning of March 14 I photographed at Little Estero Lagoon in Fort Myers Beach, FL with IPT veterans Brendan Quigley and Bob Blanchard. While we were amazed that there were so few herons and egrets around we still had lots of great photo opps. The bridge over San Carlos Pass was closed for […]

More Bosque Post-NANPA Images

[Not a valid template] Sandhill Crane flock at sunrise, Bosque Del Apache, NWR, NM. Image Copyright 2009: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART. Canon 70-200mm f/4L IS lens handheld at 135mm with the EOS-1D Mark III. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +2 stops: 1/400 sec. at f/5. Mid-rage telephoto zooms are extremely valuable at Bosque. This group […]

The Bosque Post-NANPA IPT Report

After I attended the NANPA Summit in Albuquerque, I led a 2 1/2 DAY IPT to one of my soul places, Bosque del Apache NWR in San Antonio, NM. As always, we stayed at the Socorro Super 8 in the north end of town and ate lunch and conducted our classroom sessions at K-Bob’s right […]