MKIII « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Pelee the Pits; Rondeau Rocks!

Well, my poor warbler luck continued at Pelee this year. While there were a very few warblers most were up high. The beach on the west side of the tip that used to be great on some afternoons is totally gone, eroded away by storms. When there was a bird down low there were often […]

The New Store, The Sale, BAA Bulletin 289, Arrived at Pelee

[Not a valid template] This male Yellow Warbler was photographed this afternoon at Pt. Pelee National Park, in Leamington, Ontario, Canada. Canon 800mm f/5.6L IS lens with the 1.4X II TC and the EOS-1D MIII. ISO 800. Evaluative metering +1 2/3 stops set manually: 1/320 sec. at f/9. Fill flash with Better Beamer at […]

Painted Bunting Heaven Part II

[Not a valid template] Canon 800mm f/5.6L IS lens with the 1.4X II TC and the EOS-1D MIII. ISO 400. Evaluative metering at zero: 1/640 sec. at f/8. Fill flash at -2 stops with the Better Beamer.

My last morning at the Cozad Ranch was fantastic. I was joined by my good friend Rex […]