MKIII « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Do As I Say.... A weather story

Despite a somewhat scary weather forecast, I photographed this morning at Fort DeSoto Park south of St. Petersburg, FL with Chris Dodds ( and Linda Robbins, the Hummingbird Queen. It was cloudy and dark so we were all using high ISOs and fill flash. By about 9am a huge black cloud was creeping up on […]

Should Diagonals Enter the Image from the Corner?

There is often much debate as to whether or not diagonal elements of a composition should enter the frame from one of the corners. As the images below show, I strongly believe that they should. Your compositions will be more interesting and more powerful.

[Not a valid template] This image of a Great Blue […]

More DeSoto Images As Promised & Some Head Angle Fine Points

As mentioned in the last post, the wind and weather on the morning of the 3rd made it one very tough morning. With the wind quite strong from the west, there were fewer birds on the exposed beach, and most of the birds were taking advantage of the small bit of shelter offered by the […]