2012 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Hand Holding the Canon 500mm F/4 L IS II


Thanks to all those who took the time to wish my Mom a happy 90ieth birthday in yesterday’s blog post. I flew from Orlando to Islip early this morning and am sitting here with my Mom in her Holbrook, Long Island, NY home actually watching Sports Center! The big party is on Sunday.


Today and Tomorrow

Hazel Morris just before her 90ieth birthday. Happy bird-day Mom. Looking good!


Join me in wishing my Mom, Hazel Louise Morris, a happy birthday. She is 90 years old today. Who’d a thunk it? She’s been a great Mom for as long as I have known her and has spent a lifetime helping […]

How Dan Cadieux Masters Canon EOS-7D Image Files

Saw Whet Owl. Image copyright 2012: Dan Cadieux.

This image was created with the following gear hand held:

Get a better browser! How Dan Cadieux Masters the Canon EOS-7D

Dan Cadieux, a Canadian federal government employee, lives with his wife Chantal in Ottawa Canada. He is the proud father of two boys and […]