Both denise and I are a lot more excited than we should be about getting back into the puffins. I spent the morning getting my Palouse image folder down from the original 3,000+ keepers down to 535. I spent the rest of the day answering e-mails and working on a few new images for […]
What’s Up?
If things go right this blog post should be published by Peter Kes in Switzerland or Jim Litzenberg from ILE at some point before I get home :). I will be on the Ortelius from 15 DEC and through the morning of 9 JAN. There is no wifi on the ship. That means […]
What’s Up?
This blog was adapted from one originally published here on April 4, 2012. I finished this blog post in the lobby of the Albatross Hotel on the morning of Sunday, December 14, 2014.
Along with the rest of my shipmates I boarded the Ortelius on the afternoon of 15 DEC. We […]
What’s Up?
This blog was adapted from one originally published here on August 8, 2012. As I did with many others, I finished this post in the lobby of the Albatross Hotel on Sunday, December 14, 2014.
We boarded the Ortelius on the afternoon of 15 DEC. We get back to dock on […]
Breathe deeply. Have fun. Love what is. Don’t take it personally. Happiness is a choice 🙂
Season’s Greetings 2014–2015
Here’s to wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, and a safe, happy, healthy, and productive new year. Filled with lots of learning and great images.
What’s Up?
I wrote this blog post in the Albatross Hotel on Sunday, December 14, 2014.
Along with the rest of my shipmates I boarded the Ortelius on the afternoon of 15 DEC. We get back to dock on the the morning of 9 JAN. There is no wifi on the ship. That means […]
What’s Up?
I wrote this blog post on my red-eye flight from Atlanta to Buenos Aires, Argentina. If things go right this blog post should be published either by Peter Kes from Switzerland or by Jim Litzenberg from ILE sometime fairly soon after we set sail. Thanks Guys.
Along with the rest of my […]
What’s Up?
This blog was adapted from one originally published here on July 3, 2013. I finished this post in the lobby of the Albatross Hotel on Sunday, December 14, 2014.
Along with the rest of my shipmates I boarded the Ortelius on the afternoon of 15 DEC. We get back to dock […]
What’s Up?
I wrote this blog post in the Albatross Hotel on Sunday, December 14, 2014.
Along with the rest of my shipmates I boarded the Ortelius on the afternoon of 15 DEC. We get back to dock on the the morning of 9 JAN. There is no wifi on the ship. That means […]
What’s Up?
If things go right this blog post should be published sometime on Tuesday morning, either by Peter Kes in Switzerland or by Jim Litzenberg from Indian Lake Estates. Thanks Guys.
I will already be aboard the Ortelius heading towards the Falklands. We will be back at the dock to disembark on the […]
What’s Up?
I started this blog post in the lobby of the Albatross Hotel at 11:45pm on Saturday, December 13, 2014. It is two hours later in Ushuaia than in Florida. I finished an published it at 5:33am from the same spot.
Along with the rest of my shipmates I will board the Ortelius […]
What’s Up?
If things go right this blog post should be published by Peter Kes in Switzerland well before I arrive in Argentina on Saturday afternoon. Thanks Peter.
Along with the rest of my shipmates I will board the Ortelius on the afternoon of 15 DEC and disembark on the morning of 9 JAN. […]
Important Notice
I fly to Atlanta this afternoon (12 DEC) continuing on to Buenos Aires, Argentina via a Delta redeye flight, arriving at 7:39am local time the next day. Then I need to get from the international airport (EZE) to the domestic airport (AEP) via taxi or van for my flight on Saturday afternoon down […]
Important Notice
I fly to Ushuaia, Argentina on 12 DEC arriving on the late afternoon on 13 DEC. I board the Ortelius on the afternoon of 15 DEC and disembark on the morning of 9 JAN. There is no wifi on the ship. That means that I will effectively and absolutely be without internet at […]
What’s Up?
I did a lot of catching up yesterday and got to the laundry as well. More of the same today plus beginning to pack for the next big trip. Leaving on Friday. See more on that below. This blog post took about two hours to write and was published from my home sweet […]
What’s Up?
My flights home were a piece of cake. Jim picked me up at MCO just after 2:00pm on a very rainy Monday afternoon. I almost slept on the plane a few times…. And as I type, I am falling asleep again in the car. After a stop at Publix we arrived at home […]
What’s Up?
Today is a travel day. I woke to the alarm at 2:30am, finished packing, loaded the car, and headed down to ABQ. I checked in (TSA pre-check!), and dropped my bags at Southwest curbside, returned my rental car, took the shuttle bus to the terminal, and headed to the gate.
This blog […]
Did I miss your e-mail?
Obviously, I have been swamped and with my trip to the Southern Oceans beginning this coming Friday, I will continue to be swamped. If I missed an e-mail from you, especially one dealing with the sale of used gear, please shoot me an e-mail and I will try to get […]
What’s Up?
Friend and multiple IPT veteran Geri George–Bosque twice, San Diego, SW FLA twice, Panama Hummingbirds and Herps, Everglades twice, and a week of slumming it in SE Florida with Denise and me–hired me for a morning of private instruction on Friday. At first it looked B-O-R-I-N-G with clear skies so we left the […]
Sincere thanks to those who have and those who continue to leave congratulatory comments on the streak. No worries. This is not a new streak. 🙂 Everyone’s kind words are greatly appreciated.
What’s Up?
Thursday was a rare day off. Though it looked like a total bust with heavy cloud cover at […]