2014 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Long-billed Curlew at Morro Bay

The Streak Continues: 334

Yesterday was another day of trying to deal with the challenges of transitioning from a PC to a MAC while at the same time dealing with a nasty Trojan horse virus on my ASUS PC. This blog post, the 334rd in a row, took me about 3 hours to prepare. It […]

3-Camera Quality ID Answers and More & Painstaking? Yes.

The Streak Continues: 333

Yesterday was a day of trying to deal with the challenges of transitioning from a PC to a MAC after a lifetime of the former…. This blog post, the 333rd in a row, took me about 2 1/2 hours to prepare. It was published at about 7:15am from my home at […]

The 7D Mark II: A Better AF System. BAA Mac Attack! Great 7D II/DPP v4.01.0 News.

The Streak Continues: 332

Yesterday was a another day of crossing things off my long to-do list as two months away from home (but for three days in early December) looms closer and closer…. I did make time for my morning meditation and for an easy 3/4 mile swim followed by ten minutes of forced […]