2014 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

7D II ISO 3200 Spoonbill & Hooptie Deux FEB 2015 Breeding Plumage Roseate Spoonbill IPT Announced

The Streak Continues: 328

Yesterday was a typical day of work at BAA for me. As is usual, I made time for my morning meditation, an easy swim followed by ten minutes of forced laughter, and an ice bath. This blog post, the 328th in a row, took me more than 5 hours to prepare […]

You Wanted Canon EOS-7D Mark II Birds in Flight Images? You Got 'Em (Incoming) & Best-ever Hand Held Flight Photography Combo?

The Streak Continues: 327

Yesterday was a typical day of work at BAA for me. With help from daughter Jennifer, I am working on transitioning to my new Apple 15.4″ MacBook Pro Notebook Computer with Retina Display (Mid-2014). I worked with right hand man Jim Litzenburg getting six images ready to print for the […]

Canon EOS-7D Mark II Mystery Image, Bill Eaton Stuff, and 7D II Ship-date News

The Streak Continues: 326

I photographed at DeSoto yesterday morning with client-friend Bill Eaton who drove over on Sunday afternoon from his home in Stuart FL. (See more on Bill below.) Despite what most would rate as dismal conditions, we had a great morning and we both learned a ton. We used lots of high […]