2014 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Hard to Understand..../Image Design Principles/Shorebird ID/Time is Running Out

The Streak Continues: 304

I have just about finished with my 2013 tax return; today I need to add the car stuff and go over all of the credit card statements with a fine-toothed comb. It was sunny for the first time in what seemed like a month for yesterday’s 2/3 mile swim. Morning meditation, […]

Big-time Exposure Mystery/Blur Haters Welcome. Are you as smart as Denise Ippolito? I was not...

The Streak Continues: 303

Yesterday I made more progress on my 2013 tax return. Swim, nap, meditation, ice bath, and a another good night’s sleep. And lots of boring NFL games on the big screen. This blog post, the 303rd in a row, took me about three hours to prepare. It was published at about […]

Don't Be a Square/How Would You Crop This One? And a Killer, Free, CS-6 Crop Tool Tutorial

The Streak Continues: 302

Yesterday I made more progress on my 2013 tax return. Swim, nap, meditation, ice bath, and a another good night’s sleep. This blog post, the 302nd in a row, took me about three hours to prepare. It was published at about 7:15am from my home in Indian Lake Estates, FL.
