2014 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Incoming Magic. And to think that I figgered it out myself...

What’s Up?

My flights home were a piece of cake. Jim picked me up at MCO just after 2:00pm on a very rainy Monday afternoon. I almost slept on the plane a few times…. And as I type, I am falling asleep again in the car. After a stop at Publix we arrived at home […]

Civil War Battlefield Blastoff

What’s Up?

Today is a travel day. I woke to the alarm at 2:30am, finished packing, loaded the car, and headed down to ABQ. I checked in (TSA pre-check!), and dropped my bags at Southwest curbside, returned my rental car, took the shuttle bus to the terminal, and headed to the gate.

This blog […]

Oh, What a Day/8 Second Pre-dawn Exposure & Used Gear Listings

Did I miss your e-mail?

Obviously, I have been swamped and with my trip to the Southern Oceans beginning this coming Friday, I will continue to be swamped. If I missed an e-mail from you, especially one dealing with the sale of used gear, please shoot me an e-mail and I will try to get […]