2015 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

e-book News, Leucistic Crane, & 400 DO II/1.4X III/7D II Hand Holdability

What’s Up? e-book News

The companion e-book for the exhibit at The Nat in San Diego is in the final stages of editing and I worked like a rented mule all day yesterday. Thanks to older daughter Jennifer, my right-hand man Jim Litzenburg, Alan Lillich, and especially to “Bug” Bob Allen for their amazing help […]

These Reservations Made Three Years Ago. Bearly

Images and card copyright Arthur Morris/BEARS AS ART 🙂

The Really Big News

We have been in contact with an overseas operator who wishes to fill all sixteen slots for the two bear boat cub IPTs below right now!. But both co-leader Denise Ippolito and I wish to give our regular clients […]

Hare-Brained Scheme...

The Exhibit Companion CD Book Cover. The idea for the cover — with Gannets in Love as the featured image and the matching type-face colors — was mine. Milton Heiberg –see more below — helped me fine-tune the final crop and design.

BIRDS AS ART: The Avian Photography of Arthur Morris […]


What’s Up?

I will be scrambling this week trying to get the files for the companion CD book to the CD publishing company by Monday, January 4, 2016 so that we will have product available for the exhibit opening on January 16. I did a lot of scrambling yesterday. Thanks to the many who responded […]

Help Needed Now :)

Kiosk art for my solo exhibit at the San Diego Natural History Museum: January 16 through mid-April 2017. Design by Mary Lou Morreal, Art Director, SDNHM.

Help Needed Now

I am looking for three folks who are good with language and have a bit of free time between now and 9pm […]

Next Season's BIRDS AS ART Bosque del Apache IPT

Please note: This IPT has been cancelled due to extremely poor conditions at the refuge in January 2016. artie

The Best of Bosque 2015

The Facts

Next season, I am offering a 4 1/2-DAY Bosque IPT in mid-January. And yes, there are lots of less costly workshops being offered these days. Many […]

A Nice Holiday Gift from Jim Keener

What’s Up?

I spent most of Thursday writing the new Southern Oceans Guide that I started working on about three weeks ago. I hope to have it finished in two weeks.

I watched lots of NBA basketball. The Golden State Warriors continue to make history every day. The record now stands at 28 wins, […]


What’s Up?

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope that Santa has left some great photo gear for you under the tree. I was thrilled to learn recently that this year Santa began using our BH affiliate links for all lenses and camera bodies. And he does buy his accessories from the BAA […]

Canon 100-400II/Which Teleconverter? & What do you think of the image design: disappointing or fortuitous?

What’s Up?

I answered a few zillion more e-mails yesterday and began work on a companion CD book for the solo San Diego exhibit. I worked hard with the folks from Cheesemans’ organizing the BIRDS AS ART group on next October’s South Georgia/Falklands expedition, their last. I learned from Ted Cheeseman that this voyage is […]

Need Ospreys? Want Ospreys? We've Got Ospreys! And More...

Osprey landing with fish. Image copyright 2013: Jim Neiger/Flight School Photography

Jim Neiger’s Osprey Heaven Workshops 2016 Lake Blue Cypress (Vero Beach), Florida

Flight School Photography returns to Lake Blue Cypress for the seventh year and will be featuring two, five day workshops in spring, 2016. The workshops will be conducted by […]

Lots of Bloody Penguins in a Snowstorm! And Three Great Snowstorm Photo Tips

What’s Up?

I spent a good part of the day working on exhibit-related tasks, the largest of which was writing the captions for the eleven image groupings: Bosque, Galapagos, Gulls and Terns, Japan in Winter, Midway, Odds and Ends, Puffins and Gannets, San Diego, Shorebirds, the Southern Ocean, and Wading Birds. I hope to be […]

Life and Death on South Georgia... Warning: Bloody, Gruesome & Gory

What’s Up?

I had a long to-do list for Sunday but wound up watching too much NFL football. The NY Football Giants one-hand catch phenom Odell Beckham Jr. dropped a sure, wide open touchdown pass on the game’s third play. Using both hands…. A bit later on in the game one of their usually sure-handed […]

How Often Do We Get a Second Chance? Redemption in the Snow at Effective 1280mm: 400mm IS DO II + 2X III TC + EOS 7D Mark II

What’s Up?

I spent a few hours nearly finishing up the 2015 Bosque Current Conditions Guide and an equal amount of time doing critiques on BirdPhotographers.Net where honest critiques are done gently. BPN: it ain’t just birds. With my insane travel schedule, the upcoming San Diego exhibit, and the Bosque IPTs, I have not been […]

The Sickest-ever Canon EOS 5DS R 100% Crop... And to think that I rescued this one from the trash!

What’s Up

By 9:40pm on Friday evening when I was finishing up work on this blog post, I had answered 88 e-mails today. And I got lots of work done on the 2015 Bosque Current Conditions update. It is turning out to be much more involved then any previous update and includes lots of new […]

Shoot First/Ask Questions Later...

What’s Up?

I did lots of work yesterday on the San Diego Exhibit. Things are really coming to fruition. I will be sharing the formal announcement with y’all here soon. In the meantime you can mark the time of the “Choosing and Using Lenses for Bird and Nature Photography” slide program (8:30 to 10am) and […]

A Monday (and a Tuesday) to Remember...

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I did and […]

77mm NDs for intermediate telephoto lenses. And Xume stuff.

What’s Up?

I lay awake on Monday night for more than an hour having a tickle-cough fit. Then I finally figured out that breathing some steam would help. It did. Then I slept till 7:45. Finally went to my doctor in Lake Wales today. He thinks that I have had at least two respiratory bugs […]

5DS R Info and Other Updates including the skinny on the offending crane...

This image was created at Bosque del Apache on a rare morning off between IPTs with the Induro GIT 304L tripod/Mongoose M3.6-mounted BLUBB-supported Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS II USM lens, the Canon Extender EF 1.4X III,, and the incredible Canon EOS 5DS R. ISO 800. Evaluative metering +2/3 stop: 1/200 at […]

Taming Bright, Off-Angled Sun Blast-offs with Long Lenses at Bosque

What’s Up?

I worked hard on the 2015 Bosque Current Conditions Guide and watched a few pretty boring NFL games. I continue to feel better each day.

The Big UFC Fights on Pay per View

So I plunked down $60 to watch two big UFC fights. How’d that go you ask? Pretty good at […]

On Photographing Piles of Cranes and Geese at Bosque del Apache NWR

What’s Up?

I spent most of the day working on the 2015 Bosque Current Conditions Update. That included working on more than a few new images to illustrate key points in the text.

The Week’s Sign That The Apocalypse is Upon Us

For the first time in my life, I forked over $60 to […]