2015 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Wholly Cows! With the Canon 200-400mm f/L IS lens with the internal extender

What’s Up?

I am currently en route to Kodiak, AK. For mail order or other help please contact Jim by phone M-F at 863-692-0906 or via e-mail at the staffbaa address. To register for an IPT please contact Jennifer by phone during weekday banker’s hours at 863-692-0906 or via e-mail to our Verizon address with […]

You Could Actually Do the Whole Galapagos Photo-Cruise With Just the 100-400 II


It is now 5:45am on Monday, August 24, 2015. I have been up for a few hours. We will be departing to the south about 1 1/2 days late for our Inside Passage adventure in a very few minutes.

This blog post is scheduled to be published from the Cloud at 6:00am on […]

Tim Grey's Take on Lightroom RGB Values and On My RGB Value Recommendations. And My Response...


This is another one that I started at my Mom/s last week. I an still sitting next to denise at 35,000 feet. We have one hour, 12 minutes till Salt Lake City. And then only another ten hours till we get to Juneau. 🙂

This blog post should be published automatically at 6:00am on […]