2019 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

2 November 2024 -- Just Another Day at the Office

Your Call

Which are the two strongest of today’s nine featured images? Why?

What’s Up

Sunday morning belonged to Bob Eastman. We were ready to give up and head back to our AirBnB for some eggs. Just as Bob started the car, we noticed five Ospreys in the air right in front of us. We […]

Sony a9 iii Amazing with All Lenses and Both Teleconverters

Your Calls

Autofocus-wise, which of today’s six featured images do you think is the most amazing? Separate question: which is your favorite image? Why? for both.

What’s Up?

Bob Eastman and I are having fun every day at Sebastian Inlet. On Thursday afternoon we spent lots of time with the very cooperative white morph Reddish […]

Come On Down Right Now for Ospreys and More

What’s Up?

Bob Eastman and I had a fabulous morning at Sebastian Inlet on Wednesday. We had three Ospreys dive into the water within 20 feet of us. All caught a fish. Each struggled to get it out of the water. Each failed. But oh, what an adrenaline rush. Check out the images then get […]