What’s Up?
Bosque continues to be excellent. I have been having so much fun that I am staying two extra days. I fly home on Wednesday, 4 DEC.
It looks as if the great bad weather is over; the forecast is for Boosque morning death: clear skies and NW winds …
IPT Updates The […]
What’s Up?
With the unsettled weather and tons of geese, Bosque has been great. The other day I was standing below the tour loop road at a barrier gate to a maintainece road. We had been there several times as it got us a bit out of the wind and a bit closer to the […]
Wild Turkey tom, Indian Lake Estates, […]
What’s Up?
With the somewhat unstable weather (that is getting worse at the moment), Bosque has been quite excellent. The group is at least tied for the best-ever group. They are all eager to learn, attentive, and they ask tons of questions. Happy campers all. Today our morning session lasted six hours. I have been […]
What’s Up?
Bosque has been so good and conditions at 1:56pm are so perfect that I am skipping Instructor Nap Time to head back down to the refuge early. I meet the complete IPT group tonight 🙂
IPT Updates The 2020 San Diego 4 1/2-DAY BIRDS AS ART Instructional Photo-Tour (IPT) WED JAN 8, […]
What’s Up?
On Thurdsay morning, November 21, I headed down to the lake before I even started packing for Bosque. Though the wind waswest of north, I did quite well with Black Vultures in flight with the a9 II/600 f/4 GM combination. It took Jim about 3 hours to get us up to Orlando because […]
What’s Up?
I headed down to the lake on Wednesday morning hoping to do some vulture flight with my new a9 II and the 600 GM. With a gentle wind from the east and lovely light early on a clear day I had high hopes. I put out a load of smelly fish heads and […]
What’s Up?
I finally got down to the lake with my brand-new SONY a9 II this moorning. I loved that the ergonomics and controls are virtually idenitcal to the a7TR IV. There was no flight and not much around besides the cooperative Black Vultures. So those are what I photographed. Learn more below.
The […]
What’s Up?
On Saturday past, I woke early and decided to go on the local Audubon group walk at Turkey Creek Preserve. I brought my 100-400 thinking that there might be some nice flowers. There were. My two favorites were Day Flower and Silver-leafed Aster, but it was too windy for photos. We saw a […]
What’s Up?
Thursday morning dawned cold and grey — at 9:00am the sky looked like snow (depsite the fact that it was 58 degrees). The pool is down five degrees in just a few days but swimming still feels balmy as compared to the air temps. It is looking like mostly cloudy here this morning, […]
What’s Up?
It is getting chilly down here … On Tuesday morning the sun rose through a light layer of fog and the light was gorgeous for more than an hour, sort of golden and crystalline. But I was sitting on my couch having committed to setting up my brand new SONY a9 II … […]
My Dad at basic training in a rare photo of him with two arms Honoring My Dad, Private First-Class Robert Edward Morris
I’ve told parts of this story here before, but what the hey, it’s Veteran’s Day. My Dad had had both my kindergarten and first grade teachers — sisters Mrs. Wood […]
What’s Up
I awoke to some heavy rain on Saturday morning andgot lots of work done, mostly answering e-mails. I just looked at the ten-day forecast for ILE and Sebasatian Inlet and have only one question: will the sun ever come out again?
On Sunday morning it is clear and sunny here at ILE […]
What’s Up
Yesterday morning the lakefront at ILE was crawling with more than one hundred vultures spread out over several of their favorite areas. So I went down to the lake early, today, Friday November 8,2019. For 45 minutes, I stood on the edge of a canal, eye level with a pile of fish heads, […]
What’s Up?
I will have some great news from 4th Generation Designs about lens plates for the big SONY lenses for the FlexShooter Pro that will have ramifications for the big lenses from all manufacturers for most all tripod heads.
The long-delayed FlexShooter Pro Minis should be ready for shipping to us this […]
Sony Alpha a9 (ILCE 9) Mirrorless Digital Camera Body
BAA Record-low Price!
I am offering my Sony Alpha a9 (ILCE 9) Mirrorless Digital Camera Body in like-new condition (but for a barely visible 3/8″ scratch on the rear LCD) for the BAA record-low price of $2,697.00. The sale includes the original box and everything that […]
What’s Up?
Not much. Swimming every day and eating well. I was thrilled to learn yesterday that Doug Jackson is planning on joining the Bosque IPT. I was glad to learn yesterday that Steve Elkins of Bedford Camera is delivering yet another hard-to-get SONY 200-600mm lens to a happy BAA blog regular this week.
Strong north winds on Friday morning made things close to impossible. This was my best image from the morning session. At least I had a good exposure … What’s Up?
After enjoying an epic morning with the fishing Ospreys last Saturday, I booked an AirBnb for Friday night (November 1). Early in […]
What’s Up?
I am headed to Sebastian early on Friday morning despite the deteriorating weather forecast …
Need System or Upgrade Advice?
These are certainly exciting and volatile times in bird and nature photography: Canon, Nikon, SONY? Upgrade or switch systems? Yikes! If you are thinking about switching or upgrading and have questions, feel free […]
What’s Up?
I’ve been down by the lake most every morning photographing the plentiful Black and Turkey Vultures, some days flight, some days 1200mm head portraits, and some days both. I have been so excited by my experience with the Ospreys at Sebastian Inlet that I am staying over on Friday night and will be […]