2019 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

What to Do on a Lousy, Lazy Afternoon?


Catch-22 is a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule.

What’s Up?

The above exactly describes my efforts to get post notifications for the blog working again. They had been working perfectly for 15 years. The harder I try, the worse […]

Help Needed Times Two

Help Needed I

I got a response to a ticket at Homepage Universe stating that they think they found the problem with post notifications.

If you received a post notification for this short post via e-mail, please forward it to me at samandmayasgrandpa@att.net. Many thanks, artie

Repair Sony Raw (ARW) Files?

Question: Does anyone […]

AMOY Birdscape -- Bill Reconstruction & Band Removal

a9 iii E-mail Set-up and Info […]