2019 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Killdeers Adults and Chicks are Skittish. What to Do?

Supporting My Efforts Here

If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]

Striving Not to Be Bored of Sandhill Cranes …


Thanks to Adam, Muhammad (Moe) Arif, and Cliff Beittel for their helpful comments at yesterday’s Lake Blue Cypress — It Ain’t Just Ospreys. Part I blog post here. I often learn a ton from the comments and that was the case yesterday.

Your Call?

After clicking on each to enlarge, which of today’s featured […]

Lake Blue Cypress -- It Ain't Just Ospreys. Part I

Apologize for What?

In the To Improve Your Bird (and Nature) Photography By Leaps and Bounds, Be Sure to Bookmark and Study this Page blog post here, I wrote:

I told him right off that the good news is that he is making sharp images and that he had captured some interesting behaviors. But. […]