2019 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

A Magical Evening on All Counts

Your Call?

Which of today’s three magical evening images do you like best? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

Today is Wednesday 21 August 2024. I will be heading to St. Charles Hospital in Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY at 7:30am for “two for the […]

16,124 Image Lowlight Nickerson Beach Party

Your Call?

Which, if any, of today’s three featured images do you like? Why did you make your choice. If none of them, why?

What’s Up?

I’ve been busier than the proverbial one armed paper hanger. Today is Sunday 18 August. On Monday morning, I head out to eastern Long Island for pre-surgical testing […]

Two for Action, One for Art (Pardon the Play on Words)

What’s Up?

While we continue to battle the wind against sun conditions, we have continued to make some very fine images each and every session. You can see three of those in today’s blog post. Your comments on each image are welcomed.

On Thursday morning there were five of us in good position to […]