2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

New Species: Fan-tailed Vulture! Why No Teleconverter?

What’s Up?

Early on Wednesday, I tried some pre-sunrise Cattle Egrets-leaving-the-roost blurs from the pier with some interesting results. But nothing spectacular. A quick drive-around did not turn up much in the way of birds, so I headed for the always-dependable vulture trees. Conditions were perfect for flight, but the vultures were not in much […]

Serendipitous Serenading Trio

What’s Up?

On Tuesday morning, Joe and Jenny Casey enjoyed a second wonderful session at Indian Lake Estates. Joe, inspired by the Blurs and Moons and Suns gallery here, fell head-over-heals in love with creating pleasing blurs. You can see his neat landscape blurs here. Anyhoo, we started off by doing some vertical cattail pan […]

Fun in the Fog With the Hand Held Sony 200-600 G Lens

Your Favorite?

Which of today’s three featured images do you like best? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

I enjoyed a fun early morning in the fog on Monday. When it cleared, I did lots of vulture flight. Joe Casey and Jenny came over in the […]

Late Afternoon Sunset Quickies

Your Favorite?

Which of today’s two featured images is the strongest? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.

A Late Afternoon Quickie

I am blessed in that I can run down to the lake most afternoons to enjoy short, but often productive shooting sessions. Today’s featured images were […]

A Rare Double Header. And thinking of source material ...

A Simple Question

Do you consider Image #1B to be photography? Why or why not?

What’s Up?

Despite the forecast of “cloudy till 9am,” Saturday dawned clear and still. I spent a solid hour at the vulture trees. I promised myself to concentrate on flight, but the birds were not flying much and the […]

Happy Holidays! Christmas Coots Times Two

What’s Up?

If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a joyous one. I hope that Santa brings you and yours exactly what you’ve been hoping for.

Today is Saturday 25 December, Christmas Day. Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I hope that you too have a great day. This blog post took […]

The Astonishing Snowy Owl Liftoff Original ...

What’s Up?

With dead clear skies and a brisk west wind Thursday morning was a bust, as was my late afternoon silhouette session; heck, I did not even try. I did make a few nice head portraits while working in the last light with the crane family of four. It was clear and still on […]

What Gives? ISO 125: 1/20,000 second at f/8!

What’s Up?

The weatherman was a bit off on the Wednesday morning forecast for Lakeland. It was supposed to be totally cloudy for much of the day, but the cold front came through early and the sun was out by 8:15am at Circle B Bar Preserve. It is an intriguing and beautiful spot with dozens […]

The Best Snowy Owl Image From My Northeast Trip?

Your Honest Opinion Please

Is today’s featured photo as good as I think it is? Be sure to click on the image to see the spectacular high-res pano version.

What do you think of the image? Of the image quality? What are the strong points? Does anything bug you? Is there any evidence of […]

So What's Up With Stick Marsh?

What’s Up?

I spent some time on Monday morning with the crane family of four. After lunch, Jim and I drove over to Circle B Bar Reserve near Lakeland and enjoyed a three mile walk through the Pond Cypress. I brought the 200-600 G lens, the 600mm f/4 GM, and both teleconverters. An Alpha 1 […]

Extraordinarily Uncommon R5 Goldeneye Images. And, if someone held a gun to your head ...

Understanding Wind and Sky Conditions Question

At 5:00pm on Sunday afternoon, there was some gorgeous color in the western sky but with a brisk wind from the west/southwest, I did not even bother setting up my sunset silhouette stepladder. Why not?

Well Done By Joe Usewicz

From yesterday’s post here:


After clicking to see […]

She finally stood up, and I got a nice surprise ...


After clicking to see the high-res versions, compare the optimized image, Image #1, with the raw file, Image #2, and leave a comment detailing the differences that you see. There are at least three or four fairly major ones.

What’s Up?

I had no clue that had I made a nice image of […]

New Kid on the Block: Versatile, & Deadlier Than Ever

70-200 Versatility

In today’s blog post we again see the incredible versatility of the 70-200 lenses, more specifically today, the brand new Sony 70-200 f/2.8 GM II, a huge improvement in virtually all areas from the previous version. All four of today’s featured images were created in a span of less than 15 hours, and […]

Wanted in San Diego! More Depth-of-Field?

Sony FE 100-400mm, F4.5-5.6GM OSS Lens

BIRDS AS ART Record Low Price

Sale Pending

Yours truly, Arthur Morris, is offering a Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6G M OSS lens in like-new condition for a BAA record-low $1297.00. The sale includes the original box, the front and rear lens caps, the lens case, and insured shipping via […]

Upside-Down BLUBB for Ground Level Photography. More on Subject in Shade, Background in Sun!

Your Favorite?

Which is your favorite image from the composite below. Please leave a comment and let s know why you made your choice.

My nine favorites from a great morning at ILE: 16 December 2021. This Just In! Your Pick In-the-Field Sessions

I had a great morning down by the lake. […]

The Sunball Flight Shot: A 536 to 1 Shot Comes Home!

What’s Up?

There was not much going on down by the lake on a cloudy dark Tuesday morning. As it was totally cloudy most of the day, I pretty much gave up on sunset, but things cleared nicely at about 4:00pm. There was a nice 15mph breeze from the northeast, perfect for silhouettes. I was […]

Tips on Creating Effective Bird-scapes. And like it or not?

Like it or Not?

All are invited to leave a comment letting us know what they like or what they do not like about today’s featured image.

What’s Up?

There was not much going on down by the lake in the morning. With a decent wind from the east/northeast and some nice color in […]

I'll Be Busy at Sunset for the Next Three Months! And I have no clue as to how the a1 nailed the focus at 1200mm in a pretty much impossible situation ...

What’s Up?

Most of the severe itchiness from the fire ant debacle is gone. The 30 welts remain, all greatly reduced in size. Each pustule has a raised, yellow center. It could have been a lot worse. Several decades ago my friend Carl R Sams put his elbow squarely atop a fire ant nest […]

When and Why to Bracket. And a New You-Tube Video

What’s Up?

Today is Sunday 12 December 2021. I was up and out early. I was working the edge of the lake, walking around in about a foot of water. I felt a few insects biting my legs, but ignored them until I couldn’t. When I got back to my SUV I realized that I […]

Glad that I asked myself, Why Not? And Marsh Rice Rat?

Image Questions

Which of today’s featured images do you like best, the loosely framed image, #1, or the tightly framed image, #2? Please let us know why you made your choice.

Do you prefer the warmer tones in Image #1 or the somewhat cooler tones in Image #2?

What’s Up?

Yesterday, I continued trying […]