2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

The Levered-Clamp FlexShooter Pro Back in Stock. The Levered-Clamp FlexShooter Mini Announced! Perfection? The Whole Turtle Nest Story (with Photos). And more totally amazing Sony Alpha a1 Eye Detection AF Magic ...

What’s Up?

Tuesday morning was lovely with clear skies and a breeze from the east. Aside from the crane families, there was not much around. Again, one of the adults was sitting on the pretty Black-necked Stilt nest (as seen through my Leica 8×32 Trinovid HD binoculars while in my car on the South Peninsula). […]

How Low Can You Go? Panning Ground Pod Techniques. And Getting Sand and Mud on Your Expensive Camera Body ...

What’s Up?

It was indeed cloudy on Monday morning. I checked on and saw all three crane families but did not stop for any photography. I got out late as I was trying to solve a manual focus/magnification riddle with the SONY a1 body. Once I did that, I was hot to find a good […]

Laughing Gull as Devil Crop Percentage. Ho Hum, Another Perfect Exposure. And Right Place + Right Time + Vision + Good Technique Usually Works Out Just Fine ...

What’s Up?

I had an interesting morning photo session on Sunday. It was a bit cloudy with not much going on. As I drove south on the road next to the South Field, I saw a Crested Caracara digging around. I hung a u-turn, put the 600 f/4 on the BLUBB, and approached slowly. The […]

Beggar: a Tricolored Heron Fledgling. The Keep-out Fence and the Rocks. The Incredible a1 Image Quality (and AF!). Repairing Ov-Exp Pixels. And a New Topaz DeNoise Trick!

What’s Up?

Clemens Van der Werf and I went down to the lake early. It dawned totally foggy, but the sun broke through quickly. The stilt nest with four eggs was predated. There were raccoon tracks in the mud. You could see from the South Peninsula that one of the adults was always sitting on […]

Big Baby Osprey in a Low Nest -- Which is the Stronger Image? And Topaz DeNoise Rocks!

Which is the Stronger Image?

All are invited to leave a comment and to let us know which of today’s two featured images they think is the strongest, and why they made their choice.

What’s Up?

The thunderstorms at DeSoto on Friday morning –scattered or otherwise — never materialized. There was no feeding spree in […]

1/500 Second for Flight? What is the best shutter speed for photographing birds in flight? And a Near-Mint SONY a9 ii!

What’s Up

On Thursday morning, the forecast for Lake Blue Cypress was for a light southeasterly breeze — very good for flight photography. It turned out to be a light southwest breeze — terrible for flight photography with the birds turning away from us and the light to land. We did find some handsome large […]

Hills, Mounds, Ridges, and Rises. And to Bee or Not to Bee ...

What’s Up?

I did much better than expected on Wednesday morning. I made a few nice vertical frames of one of the stilts on clean green vegetation when I went to check on the plain nest; it now has a complete clutch of four eggs. The last time I checked, the beautiful nest had two […]

Better: Lessons from the Great Limpkin Morning. And Viveza

Your Favorite?

Which of today’s two featured images do you like best? Why?

What’s Up?

Same old, same old. Conditions were perfect on Tuesday morning, but there was not much to photograph. Both pairs of Black-necked Stilts are incubating their clutches now. The pretty nest has a second egg. With one adult sitting on the […]

Laughing Gull as Devil?

What’s Up?

Despite absolutely perfect conditions, Monday morning was close to a bust. For about two weeks, I had been creating between 850 (on a bad day) and 2800 images (on a good day) in a single session. On the last morning of May, I headed down in hopes of creating a few killer head […]

An Incredibly Beautiful, Intricate Natural Creation. And a Situation With Immense Photographic Possibilities ...

What’s Up?

As alluded to in the This Just In item in yesterday’s blog post, I had a great 90 minutes in the marsh on Saturday morning. See below for the whole story. I was back home early working on images and catching up on the NBA Playoffs and Jeopardy on Tevo. I swam early […]

Huguenot Memorial Park Help Requested. And Fledgling Wood Stork Head Portrait Fine-Point In-the-Field Lessons

What’s Up?

To some degree, our morning luck at DeSoto ran out on Saturday. I headed out with the 600 and both TCs and Clemens did the same, me with my SONY a1, and he with his Canon R5. There were no wading birds in the washover pool, no feeding spree, and with a decent […]

How Still's the Water, Mama?

What’s Up?

Well, there was no feeding spree on Thursday morning. But there was zero wind; the runover tidal pool was as still as glass, a deep mercury blue. And there were a few birds along with their perfect or close to perfect reflections. We started with a lovely young Tricolored Heron. When it flew […]

An Afternoon at the Beach ...

What’s Up?

On Thursday morning, Clemens Van der Werf and I enjoyed a spectacular wading bird feeding spree at Fort DeSoto. The highlights for me were several one year old Tricolored Herons fishing up a storm. Then we spent two hours sitting in four inches of warm saltwater photographing Marbled Godwits, Short-billed Dowitchers, Sempipalmated Sandpipers, […]

Blood Work -- Japanese-style? And 200-600 Versatility

What’s Up?

On Wednesday morning, I thought at first that two of the three Limpkin chicks were lost. But after a great morning, I saw all three with two adults. I got some good stuff on a single Limpkin chick, possibly from a different pair, with and without the adult. I found a Black-necked Stilt […]

It's a Start -- Limpkin with chick

What’s Up?

Tuesday was another gorgeous morning at ILE. I got a few nice frames of one of the crane babies on the short grass on someone’s front lawn. Then, I was off to sit on my milk crate in the marsh. Again, a pair of Black-necked Stilts copulated right in front of me. Working […]

Canon R5 Crop-ability. And A New, Brian Sump, Hand Held, Ground Level/Rear Screen Shooting Technique That is Not for the Average Joe ...

What’s Up?

On a gorgeous Monday morning, I concentrated on the two large colts and the two growing chicks. A rather late visit to the marsh to the left of the pier revealed that at least one pair of Black-necked Stilts might have a nest … I ran down at sunset for a short sunset […]

Ground Level/Rear Screen Shooting Obsession and How-to ...

What’s Up?

I had a very good session on Sunday morning. I photographed the crane colts and the crane chicks. The latter are getting large enough to be visible above the grass. Recognizing the wind and light conditions, my best images were of an Osprey landing with some chunks of reddish bark for its nest. […]

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy ... The Perch II

What’s Up?

Saturday morning was gorgeous, dead clear with a gentle northeast breeze. I was set-up on the edge of the marsh by 6:45am, but the Black-necked Stilts were nowhere to be seen. None showed up, nothing flew by, and nothing swam by. At 7:15, I left to drive around. There was an Osprey atop […]

The Big Negative With Ground Level Shooting

What’s Up?

Anita and I were down at the lake early on Friday morning. She paid a final visit to the two crane families while I worked on the Black-necked Stilts off the flattened tripod in thee inches of water. It was a still, gorgeous morning, with water like glass. The more ground level stuff […]

I Get By With a Little Help From My (Fit, Talented) Friends

What’s Up?

Thursday morning was my least productive outings in many weeks. Clemens headed home after the morning shoot and Anita spent most of the day packing for her flight home today. Speaking of today, it is Friday 21 May 2021. The forecast is for partly cloudy with a brisk northeast wind. We will be […]