2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Ye of Little Faith. And Out of the Crane Box Twice ...

What’s Up? Ye of little faith …

On Wednesday morning, in perfect conditions, Anita, Clemens, and I made our way into the marsh at 6:40am. We did not see a single Black-necked Stilt anywhere. It seemed as if we were in a dead zone. I said, “I’m outta here,” and headed north for the two […]

Ballerino or Danseur Noble. With Zebras, Eye Tracking AF, Topaz, and RawDigger, Is Bird Photography Too Easy Now?

What’s Up?

Clemens Van der Werf, Anita North, and I sat in the marsh on a gorgeous Tuesday morning. The courtship behaviors and the number of squabbles have gone way down but we had some good chances with several Black-necked Stilts feeding in still blue water tinged by the reflections of some grey clouds in […]

Not Bad, But Knot What I Was After ...

What’s Up? Paradise Lost

On Monday morning, Anita North and I returned to our favorite Black-necked Stilt spot. For the most part, the birds did not cooperate. I took a walk with my tripod-mounted 600 GM/1.4X/ai and my milk crate and found a cooperative stilt in a nice setting and worked low with the legs […]

Thanks again, Anita! When f/4 is more than enough. And Super-telephoto Basic depth-of-field Lessons

What’s Up?

On Sunday morning we sat in the marsh again and enjoyed another great day with the Black-necked Stilts. Again, they landed right in front of us and copulated. Twice. In addition, we got some great stuff on Boat-tailed Grackles grabbing snails. Toward the end of the session, I did some ultra-low-level shooting off […]

I Thought She Was Totally Nuts! How Observation, Intelligent Planning, Forethought, Patience, Belief, Skill, Faith, and Determination Led to a Big Pay Off!


Which of Anita North’s five images do you think is the strongest? Why? Also, you may wish to learn something by trying to answer the Aperture Errors Question below.

What’s Up?

Early on Saturday morning, I sat on a plastic milk crate in the marsh behind my tripod-mounted 600 GM/a1. Anita was to […]

Is it possible to make beautiful, small-in-the-frame images of shorebirds that include habitat? And Sony Alpha a1 AF Magic

Need Your Help

In general, shorebirds live in flat, featureless, — usually pretty ugly places. There is not usually much of interest on a sandy beach or a mudflat. Your best chance of creating an artistically pleasing image is to get right down on the ground as close as possible to the bird’s eye level. […]

Soft Light Flight. Exposure Basics Lesson. And ISO Savings versus Shoulder Shoulder Pain and Dysfunction ...


Which of today’s two featured images (made only minutes apart), is the strongest? Why?

What’s Up?

I wound up staying in on Thursday morning and worked on an e-mail for the Sony Alpha a1 Info and Updates group. New member Mike Liddick asked about the Custom Set. Memory menu item. In that highly […]

Cleaning Up at the Beach. And My Three Steytler Faves

What’s Up

On our last morning at DeSoto there were some egrets in the washover pond, but with few baitfish, there was very little action. Working on the Panning Ground Pod with the 600 f/4GM lens, I went after some more eye-level Marbled Godwit images using the rear monitor. After a bit, I added the […]

The Canon EOS R5: Rockin' in the right hands!

What’s Up?

We had a second great morning at DeSoto with a big wading bird feeding spree. Before the sun came over the one big cloud in the east, I got a few killers on Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron hand holding the 600 f/4 GM lens. Once again, the Red Knots proved to be […]

BBWD Operator Errors

What’s Up?

Monday morning at DeSoto was epic. It started with still blue water and five pink and carmine birds with spatulate bills. Woohoo! Throw in 3 dozen Snowy Egrets, six Great Egrets, a few skimmers, and a tidal pool full of fish, and you have a full-fledged feeding spree with tons of activity, I […]

Rookeries are Cluttered, Messy Places ... And So are Wood Stork Nests! Insane Tripod Set-up ...

What’s Up?

I had a great morning session photographing birds at ILE on Sunday, with lots of variety. In addition to the baby crane family, I got some nice stuff on Black-necked Stilt, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, and, my first-ever ILE images of a drake Wood Duck. I did get my feet wet.

Yesterday afternoon I […]

Winning the Lottery? And a Multiple Choice Quiz

What’s Up?

It has probably well more than a decade since I had been to Wakodahatchee Wetlands in Delray. Heck, probably two decades. I began with digital in 2001, and do not think that I have a single digital image from Wako … During my absence, the Wood Storks have taken over the joint. In […]

Australian Lady Bird Photographer Georgina Steytler Creates High-Key, Soft Light, and Dramatic Stunners ...

A Very Difficult Chore

All are invited to leave a comment listing no more than three of their favorite images created by the quite amazing Georgina Steytler. Be sure to let us know why you made your choice or choices. I will share my three favorites here in a day or three.

Remember that […]

How Low is Too Low?

What’s Up?

On Thursday morning I stayed in to finish yesterday’s blog post while Anita went down to the lake. Again, she came back with some fine images. I ran some errands in town, had a great swim, and answered lots of e-mails. Thanks to the many who purchased the video webinar on day one. […]

Announcing the Video Webinar: Designing and Creating Pleasing and Dramatic Natural History Images. Low Carb Seafood Curry. Why the Larger, Heavier, More Difficult to Hand Hold 600mm f/4? And Why the Subject to Background Distance is More Important Than Aperture!

What’s Up?

After many, many consecutive days of photography, I opted to take a day off on Wednesday. Anita went down to the lake and came back with some beautiful wing-stretch images of the large surviving colt.

I spent several hours working on this blog post and getting the webinar into the BAA Online […]

Tall, Shorter, and Snail Meat Two Ways

What’s Up?

On Tuesday, Clemens, Anita, and I had another very good morning at Lake Blue Cypress. The highlight was a just-fledged Osprey on a relatively clean (but tall) perch. I got lots of practice hand holding at 1200mm. Clemens kindly dropped me back at the dock at 8:45am so that I could make my […]

Aperture/Depth-of-Field Multiple Choice Question. And Turn-around is Fair Play: Viveza Revisited

What’s Up?

On Monday, we put Clemens Van der Werf’s flats boat in at Coleman Landing at Shady Oaks, just 20 minutes from my home. The highlight of the morning occurred early on when a male Snail Kite landed very close to us right down sun angle with a large snail and then extracted the […]

Osprey with Black Crappie: Cool Light/Warm Light. And Hand Holding a 600mm f/4 Lens ...


I forgot to ask, which of the two favorite images is your favorite, the wider habitat shot, or the tighter vertical?

What’s Up?

Anita North, Clemens Van der Werf, and I had a great morning on Lake Blue Cypress. Again, we were blessed early by an Osprey with a fish with the head […]

Simply Deadly ...

What’s Up?

As noted in yesterday’s (published-rather-late) blog post, Anita North and I enjoyed a fine session with the two crane families on Saturday morning. I took an early nap and an early swim. I edited several folders of images and did some image-sharing and Photoshop with Anita. Clemens Van der Werf came by for […]

Slow Canon RF Lenses and Topaz Denoise AI. Laguna Seca Ranch. Which is your favorite Joel Eade R5 image? And There’s No Telling What You Might Learn on the BAA Blog ...

What’s Up?

Donna and I photographed down by the lake for a bit on Friday morning. We found and photographed the large colt, but could not find the two small colts. Jim and I got Donna to MCO in plenty of time for her flights to Chattanooga (via ATL). Then Jim drove me to the […]