What’s Up?
On the final morning of the second Fort DeSoto IPT we enjoyed yet another great session. The tern/skimmer flock was nowhere to be seen so we quickly made our way to the large pool and set to work photographing yet another very active feeding aggregation.
With Jake Levin and Jim Miller having […]
Whats Up?
Though I did not create as many images on Wednesday morning as I had on Monday, the 3rd morning of the second DeSoto IPT was fantastic. The terns and skimmers were great right at sunrise but all the birds took flight and left without explanation. So we headed for the calmest pool to […]
What’s Up?
Tuesday morning was good, but nowhere as good as Monday morning on the second DeSoto IPT had been. With our best pair of copulating Royal Terns — in the very shallow water on the edge fo the Gulf in sweet early light, we got photo bombed as a tern with a dirty breast […]
What’s Up?
The DeSoto IPT got off to an incredible start on Monday. The morning session was filled with pairs of copulating Royal Terns, a dancing Reddish Egret, two wonderfully cooperative Laughing Gulls in a perfect setting, and a nice variety of shorebirds, including and especially some fairly bright Sanderlings molting into breeding plumage. The […]
Which is the Best Image?
Selecting my four favorites from the 48 keepers (out of 436 sharp images) after the first edit was a challenge. Now you face a tougher one: which of today’s four featured images is the strongest? All are invited to leave a comment and share their thoughts as to why.
What’s Up?
Donna Bourdon, Clemens Van der Werf, and I enjoyed a stellar, cloudy-bright Saturday morning on Lake Blue Cypress. We enjoyed another fine dinner on the pool deck: rib-eye steak done rare on the grill, barbecued Brussels sprouts, and some more fine wine. After we ate, I edited the 2287 image folder from that […]
What’s Up?
Donna, Clemens, and I spent Friday morning on Clemens’ flats boat at a local lake trying for Snail Kites. Clemens’ strength, height, and skill stole the day. We headed back to my house for brunch. I took too long a nap and when I woke, they said, We are head to Lake Blue […]
Whats Up?
Anita North and I visited Stick Marsh on Thursday morning and with a brisk north wind, we did not do very well. Jim picked up Donna Bourdon from the airport and Clemens Van der Werf showed up just in time for yet another grilled fresh tuna dinner on the pool deck. After said […]
What’s Up?
Anita North and I spent two cloudy hours with the growing crane chicks on Wednesday morning. In the afternoon, we took an airboat ride and learned some important lessons. Airboats have no way of slowing down as there is no reverse. Anchoring an airboat is a lengthy procedure. With their flat bottoms, airboat […]
What’s Up?
Tuesday was dark, dingy, overcast, and gray; it rained softly most of the day. I never got down to the lake even once as I had to run lots of errands in town. I answered lots of e-mails and worked on a few images.
Today is Wednesday 21 April 2021. The forecast for […]
What’s Up?
On Monday morning, the thunder, lightning, and rain stopped at about 10am. I headed down to the lake at about eleven. The two crane chicks and the large colt were healthy and accounted for. I created a few flower images; none of them were any good. I continued my second and third edits. […]
IR Survey
However you feel about infrared (IR) photography — love it, hate it, or could care less, please leave a comment and let us know why. Those who like it, are invited to let us know their thoughts on which of today’s five featured images they feel is the strongest of the lot.
What’s Up?
On Saturday morning I spent some quality time with the quickly growing crane chicks sitting on the ground behind the tilted rear screen of my SONY a1, and then some quality time with the large surviving colt and lots of tickseed blossoms working from the driver’s seat of my SUV, all — because […]
Your Fave?
Of today’s two featured images, which one is stronger? Image #1, the habitat shot? Or Image #2, the head portrait? Leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.
What’s Up?
Again, not much. Yesterday was the first day in months that I did not make a single image. […]
Image Design Question
With today’s featured image, why did I place the bird on the left side of the frame looking out?
What’s Up?
Not much. Today is Friday 16 April 2021. The forecast here at ILE is for cloudy skies and southwest winds. I probably will not head down to the lake this […]
What’s Up?
I had a great Wednesday morning with the large crane colt and the two getting-bigger-by-the-day crane chicks that are now about three weeks old. And I made some truly great images at sunset last night by walking one hundred yards to line up a perched bird with the beautifully-muted setting sun.
Today is […]
What’s Up?
The two big Canon RF super-telephoto lenses are now available for pre-order. If you know that you will be getting one, do not hesitate to pre-order now. They will be hard to get and the lists will be long. Folks living in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, California, and Pennsylvania may wish to order from […]
Click on the image to see a larger version.
Wednesday morning all with the hand held 200-600 G and the Sony Alpha […]
A Tough Question
If you had to delete one of today’s two featured images, each admittedly superb, which one would you put in the trash? Why? Comparing the strengths and weaknesses (if any) of each image might reveal the answer. Or not. One thing is for sure, comparing the merits of these two images will […]
What’s Up?
Thanks to the very few folks who commented on their favorites in the last two blog posts. They included Michael Shaw, Elinor Osborne, James Saxon, David Policansky, and Paul Campbell. And not a single person commented on the Willet video. You gotta love it!
The forecast for Sunday morning was dire; there was […]