What’s Up?
With the doom and gloom reports of no birds at DeSoto, John Johnson and I had an absolutely killer morning with gorgeous light, spectacularly beautiful Laughing Gulls in full breeding plumage, and a silly-tame flock of Red Knots. Curious as to how I would edit the morning’s 2433 image folder, I did that […]
Your Fave?
Please take a moment to let us know which of today’s three featured items — two photos and a video — that you like best. And why you made your choice. Comments on either or both of the images are of course welcome.
What’s Up?
John Johnson and I enjoyed yet another […]
Your Fave?
Please take a moment to let us know which of today’s two featured images you feel is the stronger, and why you made your choice. Comments on either or both images are of course welcome.
What’s Up?
I enjoyed a great morning session on my own at Stick Marsh on Thursday. I […]
What’s Up?
Tuesday morning with Mike and Morris was very good. Wednesday morning with Mike and Morris was superb. There was little wind and we had lots of spoonies fly in directly at us right down sun angle. We hung around until after eleven thirty in hopes that a few birds might bathe. None did. […]
Webinar Invitation
If you would like to receive a link for tonight’s webinar, click on this link to shoot Jim an e-mail requesting same. The webinar is entitled Designing and Creating Pleasing and Dramatic Natural History Images. It will begin at 7:30pm eastern time zone tonight, Wednesday 7 April 2021. It is being sponsored by […]
What’s Up?
Rajat Kapoor and his son Phillip drove over from Melbourne early on Monday morning. The baby cranes were right where they were supposed to be and continued to be amazingly cooperative. I took them on a grand photo tour of ILE. Working from my SUV, we got to photograph the surviving crane colt, […]
What’s Up?
I headed down to the lake early on Sunday morning hoping to find the new crane family coming off the nest in the South Marsh. I arrived 15 minutes before sunrise, only to find the family of four feeding right where they have been for the past ten days. Needless to say, I […]
What’s Up?
Saturday morning turned out a lot better than the weather forecast. It dawned sunny with a good breeze from the north that turned northeast before swinging to the northwest at about 9am. I found the baby cranes foraging with and getting fed by the adults in the same spot they have been every […]
If …
If you feel strongly either way about any of today’s three featured square crops, please leave a comment letting us know how you feel and why.
What’s Up?
Rajat Kapoor from Kentucky, vacationing in Florida with his wife and younger son, joined me at Stick Marsh for an In-the-Field session on Friday. […]
The Best Image?
Of today’s three featured images, which do you think is the best one? All are invited to leave a comment sharing their choice and the reasons they made it. And while you are at it, let me know what bugs me about Image #1.
What’s Up?
I hope that everyone had […]
What’s Up?
I enjoyed an amazing session with the two baby cranes down by the lake at ILE on Wednesday morning. The fog lifted quickly to reveal clear skies. With some moisture in the air, the light was gorgeous. I found the chicks right were I had left them two days before. They are more […]
This Just In!
Just got back from an amazing session down by the lake at ILE (I created 468 images in a less than 45-minute session!). It is now 8:50am. Despite the “partly cloudy” weather forecast the fog lifted quickly to reveal clear skies. With some moisture in the air, the light was gorgeous. I […]
Whats Up?
On Monday morning, I was thrilled to find the two new crane chicks feeding alongside the parents in the exact same spot as they had been the day before. Again, they were quite accepting of my presence. Because of the dense fog, I opted to work with the 600mm f/4 GM lens and […]
Your Favorite?
Which of today’s four featured images do you like best? All are invited to leave a comment to let us know their choice and why they made it. Comments on any or all of the images are of course welcome.
What’s Up?
I headed down to the lake on Sunday morning not […]
Your Favorite?
Which of today’s two featured images do you like best? Leave a comment to let us know your choice and why you made it.
What’s Up?
As Jim drove away from Stick Marsh last Wednesday — we were headed back to ILE, I was overcome with a feeling of euphoria. I had […]
What’s Up?
Yesterday, Vaughn Larsen and I had yet another great morning at Stick Marsh. Vaughn, visiting from Colorado, worked with his R5/RF 100-500 rig. To say that he learned a ton about his R5 would be a huge understatement. More on that in tomorrow’s blog post.
Monday’s post will reveal a major problem that […]
What’s Up?
Stick Marsh continues to consistently provide some of the very best photographic opportunities I have ever come across in my almost 38 years of bird photography. I screwed up yesterday by switching back and forth from the 200-600 G lens to the 600 GM (with a TC) and back again. Eery time I […]
Your Favorite?
All are invited to leave a comment and let us know which of today’s three featured Canon R5 images is their favorite, along with the reason they made their choice. It is very clear that for Canon shooters, the RF is the best overall body when it comes to creating sharp images of […]
What’s Up?
Joe Usewicz and I absolutely killed at Stick Marsh on Wednesday. The action was so good that we did not head home until 1:00pm!
Are You in Florida and Free on Thursday (and/or Friday) Morning?
If yes, consider joining me on Thursday and/or Friday morning at Stick Marsh for a morning In-the-Field Instructional […]
What’s Up
My hard work is in the process of being well-rewarded as we sold lots of BAA EOS R5 Camera User’s e-Guides on Tuesday. If you missed the announcement of the publication of this amazing guide, see yesterday’s blog post here.
If you paid $25.00 for the R5/R6 AF Guide, you are entitled […]