2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Flapping-After-Bath Soup-to-Nuts Tutorial. ISO on the Rear (Thumb) Wheel. Why not use the live, in-viewfinder histogram with the Canon R5? And What Makes a Good Flapping-after-bath Image?

Give it a Go

If — after reading and learning from this blog post — you would like to improve your editing/picking your keepers skills, please leave a comment denoting what you think is the strongest image in each of the three groups. And let us know why you made your choices. You can indicate […]

ID Quiz Winner. Definitely not an Anhinga! And a mystery (leucistic?) juvenile Reddish Egret ... R6 bodies in stock!

Canon R6 Bodies in Stock now at Bedfords/R5 Bodies on the Way!

Steve Elkins asked me to let you know that he is receiving a good number of Canon EOS-R6 bodies today. Get yours by clicking here. Enter the BIRDSASART discount code at checkout, save 3%, and enjoy free second-day air Fed-Ex shipping. And shoot […]

Getting what I went for, in spades, at 1200mm ...

Your Favorite

All are invited to leave a comment letting us know which of today’s four featured images they like best. As always, please let us know why you made your choice. Comparative comments are also welcome. I will share my favorites in order from one to four here in a few days. Along with […]

THE Best Image from a Really Great Afternoon! Exposure is so much easier with SONY Zebras. And a Left Bank Dinner

What’s Up?

North Beach was dead again on Saturday morning. And again, the weather was gorgeous and the wind perfect. I did not wait long before heading to my back-up spot, intent on making some nice head portraits of a killer-plumaged Laughing Gull at 1200mm. And I did just that. Miraculously, the single most beautiful […]

Killer Afternoon at DeSoto. RF 100-500 Close-focusing MFD. Age and ID Quiz: Earn a $25.00 credit in the BAA Online Store. And ask yourself ...

Ask Yourself This

So far, four folks have signed up for the three currently scheduled IPTs. All of them have been on multiple IPTs. Ask yourself, why do you think that is?

What’s Up?

As noted previously, North Beach was terrible on Friday morning. When I spoke to other photographers, the words “hit or […]

Zero Birds at North Beach; Join me at DeSoto on Saturday! Or Sunday.

Twenty-five of my favorites from Friday morning at Fort DeSoto. […]

Why Bother Getting Down and Dirty?

What’s Up?

Me, early, on the way to Fort DeSoto on Friday morning for a busman’s holiday.

Photography on Thursday morning at ILE was fair. I did some of the larger crane chicks. They act as if I do not exist. They were hanging in a spot where the grass was too high. I […]

Live Near Fort DeSoto?

This Just In!

I took one look at the weather forecast for St. Petersburg for the next few days: clear with southeast winds for Friday and Saturday mornings switching to southwest in the afternoons, and booked an AirBnB for two nights. Sunday morning is looking good also with partly cloudy skies and south winds. I […]

White Pelican Pastel Masterpiece in Simplicity. Why Zebras? More New Used Gear. And What ISO 800 Noise?

What’s Up?

I had hoped for some huge flocks of ibis in flight at Circle B Bar Preserve before the sun came up and there were. But they were about two miles distant. I did make some half-way decent blurs. I headed for my favorite morning American White Pelican spot and did quite well. I […]

Fort DeSoto in Spring! Announcing Two DeSoto IPTs. New and Selected Used Gear Listings. The Under-Appreciated Laughing Gull. And an Image Perspective Question

Image Perspective Question

Why would today’s featured image have been twenty times better if I had gotten down on my belly?

All of the images were created at Fort DeSoto in April or early May. Click on the card to enjoy a larger version.

Fort DeSotoIPT card […]

Too Cute!

All of the images (plus lots more) were created on a very short visit at the end of January. Click on the card to enjoy a larger version.

Merritt Island NWR IPT […]

Is Photographing at a Road-Kill Cafe (or at any bird feeder) Cheating? Grackles Displaying at Sunset. And Getting the Right Exposure for Silhouettes (with RawDigger help!)

Is Photographing at a Road-Kill Cafe (or at any bird feeder) “Cheating”?

The other day someone commented that setting up a road-kill cafe “seemed like cheating” to her. We exchanged several e-mails. I pointed out that road-kills were natural (or un-natural if you would) food sources for the vultures but that leaving them on the […]

Two-system Insanity: American White Pelican Success in Lakeland. Saved by my Own Guide! And Sometimes Loving What Is is a Better Choice than Bitching and Whining ...

All of the images (plus lots more) were created on a very short visit at the end of January. Click on the card to enjoy a larger version.

Merritt Island NWR IPT […]

Come On Down! And inspired by Jon Pearson

Your Call?

Do you like the inclusion of the out-of-focus head of the adult crane in today’s image or would you prefer a straight head portrait. (I have several of those). If you leave a comment, please let us know why.

Come on Down

Again I am blessed with a ridiculously tame crane family. […]

1DX III Price Drop. Canon Bargains. Announcing the Merritt Island NWR IPT. And AF Strategy for Head Bobbing Birds

All of the images (plus lots more) were created on a very short visit at the end of January. Click on the card to enjoy a larger version.

Merritt Island NWR IPT […]

Is the Canon RF 100-500 the Most Versatile Super-Telephoto Zoom Lens Ever? R5 Face detection + Tracking AF Improved! Knowing When to Toast the Sun. And a Pleasant Surprise that Bodes Well for the Future ...

From Bob Peltz via e-Mail

Oh my god Artie… The R5 AF Method-switching set up detailed in the R5/R6 AF e-Guide is much more user-friendly than the ridiculous back button set up! Many thanks, Bob

Your Favorite?

Which of today’s two three featured images is your favorite? Please leave a comment and let us know […]

Two Florida IPTs coming soon. Old Canon Favorites. A Serious Depth-of-Field Mistake ??? And DeSoto in April!

Your Favorite?

Which of today’s two featured images is your favorite? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.


There is lots of great news. The American White Pelicans have returned to my favorite morning spot in Lakeland. I will soon be announcing two IPTS — a first-ever […]

Bombshell R5 Autofocus News. Blue Sky Osprey. The Best AF Method for R5 Flight Photography. R5 Sharpness and Fine-Feather Detail. Sun Angle and Underwing Shadows

What’s Up?

It was foggy and overcast on Monday morning. I took a walk with the R5/RF 100-500 and worked on creating some more fun, funky, foggy in-camera HDR flight images. For the rest of the day I worked long and hard on the Canon R5/R6 AF e-Guide and finished it early yesterday evening. Bart […]

Tons of Like-New Used Gear. An Almost Forgotten Image and an Almost Forgotten Plug-in: Revisiting NIK Color Efex Pro Detail Extractor. And a Specular Highlight Question

Specular Highlight Question

With today’s featured image, would you have taken steps during post-processing to reduce or eliminate all or some of the super-bright specular highlights in the background, or left them as is? Reduce, eliminate or leave them as is? Why?

What’s Up?

It was pouring at 5:00am. It was cloudy-dark at 8:00am. […]

ISO 5000 Snail Kite IQ with the R5/RF 100-500/RF 1.4X TC Combo. And R5 Firmware Update Version 1.2.0

What’s Up?

Clemens and I enjoyed one last, short session by boat on Lake Kissimmee. We used the public ramp at Coleman Landing at Shady Oaks, about 15 minutes from my home. The day began as cloudy-dark and ended when it began to rain at about 9:00am. Snail Kites were hard to come by. My […]