What’s Up?
Monday morning began with the discovery of an eagle pair re-building — and copulating in — an old Osprey nest in a pine tree down by the lake. When it cleared, I enjoyed another great vulture flight session with the SONY 600 GM and the a9ii (on a tripod, of course). It has […]
What’s Up?
Photographically speaking, Sunday morning was an interesting one. I worked at the Vulture Tree for a while when the sun broke through, got some nice tight stuff on a sweet Anhinga with a distant, killer-green background working from the car at 1200mm, and had a Red-shouldered Hawk atop the new, tall perch. With […]
What’s Up?
Saturday was a foggy, hazy, lazy, rather warm grey day in Central Florida. I went out briefly in the morning and then relaxed for the rest of the day. No bursts. No walks. No swim.
For the first time in recent memory, I finished this blog post the day before it was […]
What’s Up?
Friday morning down by the lake began clear and still. With no birds. No vultures. No cranes. No Cattle Egrets. No Red-shouldered Hawks. I scouted around a bit without any luck. Using the SONY 600 GM/1.4X TC/a9 ii set up on the tripod in the car with the Levered-clamp FlexShooter Pro of course, […]
What’s Up?
I had my teeth cleaned at 7am yesterday and was done by 7:22am. Jim drove me to Lakeland where my first morning stop had zero American White Pelicans. In previous years there had always been dozens of the huge, beautiful, easy-to-approach pelicans resting on the bulkheads around the lake … Things were better […]
What’s Up?
I did half-way decent with Cattle Egrets and vultures on a very still Wednesday morning. And yesterday evening was quite good. I spent most of the day selecting images for the second RawDigger video, this one on the Adapted Histogram that Patrick Sparkman came up with to make everyone’s life easier, no matter […]
What’s Up?
Yesterday morning turned out to be pretty good. In addition to a nice series of a very cooperative Cattle Egret posing in blooming tasselflowers, I go a few nice frames of a Red-Shouldered Hawk taking flight. As I was not quite ready (I should have been), the keepers are in need of some […]
What’s Up?
I enjoyed a modicum of success on Monday morning before the wind came up and switched to northwest. Working from the car with the SONY 600 GM/1.4X TC/a9 ii on the tripod from my SUV, I learned a lot photographing a Little Blue Heron standing on a cleat on a small boat dock. […]
What’s Up?
Last weekend, five of the six teams I was rooting for in the NFL playoffs won. This weekend two of my four favorite teams lost. All-time great Drew Brees and his New Orleans Saints went down the tubes, vanquished by G.O.A.T Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Chiefs managed to eke […]
What’s Up?
It is 8:30am on Sunday 17 January 2021. I am sitting in my SUV working on today’s blog post. Conditions are perfect for vulture flight: cloudy bright skies with the wind from the east. Both eagles flew over the fish heads and smoked salmon skins that I put out even before I got […]
What’s Up?
I got some nice stuff on Sandhill Cranes on Friday morning. My favorite was mildly backlit, with a shaded foggy-water-with-all-dark tree-reflections background. Then I drove to the North Field, put on my heavy-duty waders, got out the loppers, and opened up a nice viewing window for my sunset photography. The sunset looked promising […]
What’s Up?
Thursday morning was same old same old. A few crane images and a few vulture images. I gotta get out of this place 🙂 Last night I went down to the lake to try for some more wading bird landing/reed images. There was some color but not much wind so I did not […]
What’s Up?
Wednesday was another totally grey day. I walked the pier with the a9 ii/200/600 and created 360 intentionally blurred images. I kept four. None will probably ever see the light of day, or be featured on the blog … Many times when I walk with a zoom lens — be it a SONY […]
What’s Up?
The birds on the pier railings are forever painting the floor boards with whitewash. As I walk, I see all sorts of Rorschach birds and animals in the patterns of the white poop. As it was cloudy-grey on Wednesday morning, I walked the pier with the SONY 100-400 and an a9 ii and […]
What’s Up?
Monday morning turned out rather nice weather-wise. It was quite still early, with some sweet light as the sun occasionally broke through the clouds. I started with a few images of my favorite crane family. Then after driving around a bit scouting, created a nice bird-scape or two of a Great Blue Heron […]
A Different Opinion I liked the Armada Best (gasp!)
It was unanimous: eight out of eight folks who left a comment on the Cackling Goose flocks in low light images in yesterday’s blog post preferred Image #1, the Flotilla. I like them both, but liked the Armada — Image #2, best. I love the more […]
What’s Up?
With the huge black cloud that appeared seemingly out of nowhere on Saturday morning I took the a9 ii/200-600 on my morning walk on the pier. I tried but failed to create any really good pleasing blurs. I did keep three cormorant blurs and one American flag blur. I enjoyed watching the Buffalo […]
What’s Up?
Friday morning turned out to be a lot better than expected. With the wind first from the south and then switching to the southwest, I created 325 images including lots of vulture flight shots. I got a few good ones. I never realized that at this time of year, with the sun rising […]
What’s Up?
I enjoyed lots of action (story below) at my road-kill cafe set-up on Thursday morning. Then I got a ton of work done on the RawDigger e-guide. Though it is nearly finished, I created a PDF of the current version and sent to all who have saved $10.00 by purchasing the pre-publication version. […]
What’s Up?
With wind against sun conditions, Wednesday morning was not very productive. I did manage a few nice tight vulture images at 840mm using my vehicle as a blind. But that was it. I got home early and got a tremendous amount of work done on the RawDigger Guide. As some folks are having […]