2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Bosque 2020-2021: the handwriting was on the wall. Why So Much ISO 800 Noise? And More Great Topaz Tips!

What’s Up?

I did wind up going down to the lake on Tuesday morning, but with clear skies and northwest winds, there was nothing to shoot so I did my walk and headed home early. On the pier, I observed more carefully than I usually do and noted lots of small pellets with the pink […]

RawDigger, Black Subjects, and White Skies. I thought the Gila Monster was a Boat-tailed Grackle Pellet. But ... And Introducing the Y-Perch

What’s Up?

I shipped the Canon loaner gear back to B&H yesterday. With thanks. Then I ordered an R5, an RF 14X TC, an RF 100-500, and an extra battery from Steve Elkins at Bedfords. As they are almost impossible to get right now, I will need to be a bit patient. If you are […]

Morris to Sump Video! And From Wes Welker to the Flying Duckman ...

What’s Up?

As I got to know BPN-friend Brian Sump, it quickly became evident that this was a guy who was good at everything he chose to do: all-state band in clarinet, a football star in college and in the pros, a family man with high values, a force in his church, a very successful […]

Gila Monster in Central Florida?

What’s Up?

I drove around on Saturday morning looking for relatively small, interesting scenes so that I could create some in-camera Multiple Exposures and some in-camera HDR images for the BAA EOS R5 User’s Guide. I did fairly well. I did find lots of old oaks with patches of Baton Rouge (Strawberry) lichen, but none […]

A Blasting Highlights AF Tip: Focus Manually!

What’s Up?

Conditions were perfect for the road-kill cafe on Friday morning. There was a brisk wind from the southeast along with clear skies. I put out the bait — a half-eaten opossum carcass, some rotten smoked salmon skins, and two large, recently-thawed fish heads courtesy of Mike at Junior’s Fish Market in Lake Wales. […]

Circle: the years keep rollin' by. A strikingly beautiful image from more than 60 years ago. Ordinary People; Extraordinary Lives. And happy 64th Pat and Stokes!

What’s Up?

There were lots of Ospreys at Sebastian and lots of photographers. Conditions were dead-solid perfect with a 15mph southeast wind and clear skies. But, there were no fish in the inlet, so the Ospreys were not diving. “You should have been here three days ago. The birds were diving and coming out of […]