2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

SONY A1-s in Stock at Bedfords! And an Extraordinary Over-Exposed (?) Spoonbill/Saving the WHITEs Optimization

SONY Alpha 1 Bodies in Stock at Bedfords!

While working on this blog post, I got a text from Steve Elkins letting me know that Bedfords has a good number of SONY Alpha 1 bodies in stock right now. Order yours, save 3% by using the BIRDS AS ART discount code at checkout, enjoy free […]

Sony a7R IV/600 GM at La Jolla/Part II: Amazing Detail!

Your Favorite?

Which of today’s featured images is your favorite? All are invited to leave a comment and to let us know why they made their choice. Yesterday, I agreed with BAA-friend Bob Eastman with regards to leaving or evicting the bit of wing in the upper right corner. You can see his comment by […]

Sony a7R IV/600 GM at La Jolla: Part I

Wing or No Wing?

Do you like the inclusion of the extra wing in the upper right corner of today’s featured image? Why or why not?

What’s Up?

I was just about to head home at 8:45am on Wednesday when the first Black Vulture landed near the road-kill cafe. That bird was followed by […]

Give Me Five Good Sunset Minutes ...

What’s Up?

Today is Wednesday 17 November 2021. Again, I am working on this blog post while parked on sun angle to this morning’s road kill cafe. It is 8:10am, and again, there has been no action. But at least I am getting some work done. Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I […]

Clipping the Virtual Feet, a Very Common Error. But ...

What’s Up?

I went down to the lake late yesterday afternoon without much success, though I did see a calling Barred Owl in a gorgeous tree with lots of hanging moss. The bird was sitting on an open perch. I would have set up the 600 with the 2X but for a single vine that […]

Announcing the 2022 Stick Marsh Roseate Spoonbill IPTs

What’s Up?

Me watching lots of Sunday NFL games. I have been swimming every day and enjoying it.

Today Monday 15 November 2021, is another cool clear day with a NW breeze in Central Florida so it will be all work and little play for me. I have lots of e-mails to answer, most […]

Foggy La Jolla Miracle Image Optimization ...

What’s Up?

In the recent blog post here, I asked: Which basic compositional rule did I break when I created the second and the fourth images?. Though several folks took a crack at it, no-one has yet come up with the answer … Be sure to check back on Tuesday for the answer.

Today […]

The Pink Skinny on 30 fps with Science-fiction like AF

What’s Up?

Walking in pretty much complete stillness, I enjoyed another wonderful afternoon at my new favorite trail at Circle B Bar Preserve in Lakeland. And there were lots of birds to photograph along with a few gators. If you own a copy of the BAA Middle of Florida Photographic Site Guide that I did […]

Circle B Bar Reserve Anhingas & Bald Cypress Trees. Sony 200-600 G Lens Plate/Low Foot Options. And Why!

Image Questions

#1: Of the four featured images, which is your favorite. All are invited to leave a comment and let us know why they made their choice.

#2: Which basic compositional rule did I break when I created the second and the fourth images?

What’s Up?

Today is Friday 12 November 2021. I was […]

Remembering the Veterans. The Weatherman Blew It. And What Bugged Me About the Spoonbill Flight Image

Remembering the Veterans

Exactly two years ago today, I published a tribute to my late-Dad PFC Robert Edward Morris in the blog post here. Included is a rare photo of Bob Morris with his right arm.

Peter Noyes left this beautiful comment:

Artie, Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful story about […]

A Short Pick-the-Best-Image Video. Seeing the Shot in Difficult Situations. Big Improvements are Best Made During the Raw Conversion. And How I Did Just That!

Picking Your Keepers: A Third Resting Brown Pelican Image Edit

Before you scroll down, watch the less-than 3-minute video and see if you can choose what I thought was the best of the five images. Then keep reading.

What’s Up?

Again. Not much. On Tuesday I finished the second edit of my October […]

Why No Sebastian Inlet Osprey IPTs? What Are You Doing Thursday Morning? And On Softening Harsh Shadows!

My Used Canon EOS R5

If you were the one who purchased my Canon EOS R5, please get in touch with me via e-mail. I have lost track of that sale. 🙁

What’s Up?

Not much. I have been editing my October 2021 image folder. I began the second edit with 1774 raw files […]

Used Gear Snake Oil Salesman. And Two Nikon 500s!

My Used Canon EOS R5

If you purchased my Canon EOS R5, please get in touch with me via e-mail. I have lost track of that sale. 🙁

What’s Up?

Not much. On Sunday, it dawned cold and clear, a crisp 52 degrees. The pool was down five degrees overnight. Can winter in Florida […]

Spoonbills Two Ways: with nesting material & cartoon-like

What’s Up?

I spent a long and wonderful day in Lakeland on Thursday and discovered a gorgeous trail at Circle B Bar Reserve. With lots of tame birds. Details and photos soon. It rained all day on Friday. As noted below, dates and details on the BAA Stick Marsh IPTs will be announced here soon. […]

On Creativity and Seeing & Refining Your Vision. A breeze-driven, focus-stacking opportunity realized! And why f/16?

From Multiple IPT veteran Jim Dolgin via e-mail

“I get everything from Bedfords. They’re the best!” Bedfords Update

Amazingly, Bedfords has Canon R5s and R6s and RF 100-500s in stock as I type. Steve Elkins also has a nice variety of other zoom and shorter lenses on hand. As detailed below, be […]

What Bugs Me About This Spoonbill Image?

What’s Up?

I was about to jump in the pool late on Monday afternoon when I heard a Barred Owl calling in front of my home. I delayed my swim and spent a wonderful hour photographing the owl. Photos and details soon.

Enjoy today’s spoonbill flight image and see if you can figure out […]

What To Do With an Under-exposed Perfect Exposure ...

What’s Up?

I forgot to mention that I was 30 minutes late getting to Sebastian on Thursday morning. As a result, I missed a glorious sunrise … I returned on Friday afternoon and again ran 30 minutes behind. As I was getting my gear out of the car, the air above the inlet was filled […]

The Mosquito and the Feather. And Tons to Learn!

What’s Up?

Conditions on Thursday at Sebastian Inlet seemed perfect for fishing Osprey. Only the baitfish and the birds failed to show … The morning was poor at best, but the forecast strong winds boded well for the afternoon. But the wind died and the storm never materialized. So zero Ospreys from 2-4pm when I […]

Announcing the 2022 San Diego IPT. A New YouTube Video: San Diego/A Bird Photographer's Paradise. And What They Are Saying About BAA IPTs!

What’s Up?

Today is Wednesday 27 October 2022. I woke early and drove toward town on SR 60 with a cardboard box, a heavy-duty plastic bag, and a shovel to pick up a road-killed raccoon that I had been seeing for several days. It was bigger than I had thought, and smelled a lot worse […]

Items for Sale Info Consolidated. And a New Minimum Price

This image was created on 4 January 2020 while scouting for the last San Diego IPT. While standing, I used the I used the Induro GIT304L Grand Series 3 Stealth Carbon Fiber tripod/Levered-clamp FlexShooter Pro-mounted Sony FE 600mm f/4 GM OSS lens, the Sony FE 1.4x teleconverter, and the the 61-MP monster, […]