2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Why Pleasing Blurs on Bright Sunny Days? And How!

What’s Up?

I spent most of Saturday watching last weekend’s NFL games on Tivo, working on the new Used Gear listings below (and others), preparing and distributing e-mail #24 for the SONY a1 Info and Updates group, editing (picking my keepers) from the last two days of Fort DeSoto IPT 5000 or so images, and […]

The Star of the Shorebird Show. And Lugworm City!

Image Questions

Which image features the warmest light?

Which image features the coldest light?

Which is the strongest image? Why did you make your choice?

What’s Up?

The mornings on the DeSoto IPT have continued to be fabulous. In addition to the shorebirds, wading birds, gulls, and terns, about 150 White Pelicans flew in on […]

Atlantic Dune Osprey Backgrounds & Image Re-design Quiz

Wanted to Buy

If you have a Canon 500mm f/4L IS II lens or a Canon EOS 7D Mark II sitting on a shelf and would like to get a good price for it — demand for both is up, please get in touch via e-mail.

Your Favorite?

Which of today’s two featured Osprey […]

Small But Deadly: the Oft-Overlooked 70-200mm Lenses

Your Favorite?

Which of today’s featured images, all made with a 70-200mm lens, is your favorite? Please leave a comment letting us know why you made your choice.

At first glance, it is difficult to believe that all of the images below were made with the same zoom lens, a 70-200mm. I’ve used them […]

Alan Murphy Topaz Webinar 19 October 2021

What’s Up?

On Saturday morning I put out some fish carcasses on the South Peninsula to get the local birds re-accustomed to the location. Then I drove off to do some flowers and by the time I returned there were about twenty Turkey Vultures, a juvie Bald Eagle, and an adult Crested Caracara. Surprisingly, there […]

Prepared Correctly By Luck: The Expected and the Unexpected. Why Low? More on Loving the Sony Alpha 1. And Beyond-the-Beyond Flight Bird-Eye/Face Detection AF

This Just In 4:31pm on Friday 15 October 2021

I just got off the phone with Steve Elkins and learned that Bedfords currently has several SONY a1 bodies in stock and ready to ship.

What’s Up?

I drove down to the lake for a peek on Thursday morning, but there was not much going […]

Why Life Jackets Should Be Mandatory! DeSoto IPT #3

What’s Up?

The last two days I did my 1/2-mile swim by the light of a half moon. On Wednesday evening, the moon was bright enough to create caustics. That leads us to the JP Sears video below. Please take it for what it’s worth. I am sure that opinions will vary.

Note: Caustics […]

Is the SONY Alpha 1/200-600 G Lens Combo Right for You? And When Higher is Better Than Lower ...

Twelve SONY 200-600 G Lenses in Stock at Bedfords! Money Saving Reminder

Many have learned that if you need a hot photo item that is out of stock at B&H and would enjoy free second-day air shipping, your best bet is to click here, place an order with Bedfords, and enter the coupon code BIRDSASART […]

Jim Miller Made My Day. Again. The Great Tern Flight Photography Slaughter. And Tips ... And 30fps Notes

What’s Up?

Today is Monday 11 October 2021. Jim Miller made my day early on. When I checked e-mail, I was delighted to find one from him:

Dear Artie, I write to thank you again for the many opportunities, lessons, experiences, and results on the Ft. DeSoto IPT last week. I would happily do it […]

Rainbow Image Optimization & Color Magic Trick

What’s Up?

As were the first two mornings, the third morning of the second DeSoto IPT was fantastic. Again, we photographed until well after noon so that you could enjoy more amazing flight photography with the incoming Sandwich and Royal Terns. With the wind behind us us, we employed the sitting on the flock technique […]

Miracle Rainbow and Amazing Flight Photography!

What’s Up?

The second morning of the second Fort DeSoto IPT began with a double miracle and then slowed down. But we stuck it out and were rewarded with some incredible flight photography with the terns set against dark storm cloud backgrounds. Scroll down to see the highlights. Today is Thursday 7 October 2021. Wherever […]

BV Abstract ART ???

What’s Up?

Late Monday afternoon I headed over to Gulfport for the 2nd Fort DeSoto IPT. I will be meeting the group at 7am and am looking forward to a great 3 1/2 days with lots of birds and lots of learning. As many did, I felt that Marbled Godwit Image #2 was the strongest […]

Marbled Godwit Image Questions ...

What’s Up?

For the first time since I was about 13 years old, I fit into a pair of 34″-waist slacks on Friday. When I was 16, I weighed 264 lbs. On Friday morning I weighed 171 lbs. It has been a long journey that has consisted simply of eating healthier, i.e., fewer carbs, most […]

Pileated Woodpecker Flight Poses Four Ways

Creating Today’s Featured Images

The first two images in today’s blog post were created by yours truly on September 26. The last two images were created by Anke Frohlich (in virtually the same instant) on September 27. The funny thing is that on Sunday, while using the 200-600, I got several really good images while […]

And then the beautiful owl flew into the shade ... Along with Tons of Photoshop Tips and Learning

Wanted to Buy

If you have a Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II Lens that is sitting on a shelf and would like to sell it for a decent price, please shoot me an e-mail.

Image 1C: This JPEG represents the raw file for the Barred Owl in flight […]

Bird Photography Heaven: Fort DeSoto YouTube Video with Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Your Fave?

Which of the Fort DeSoto images in the video are your favorites? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice or choices.

What’s Up?

On Friday, we had a great morning of Barred Owl photography aboard Clemens Van der Werf’s flats boat on Lake Blue Cypress! Images […]

I Followed My Own Oft-Given Advice ...

What’s Up?

The fourth and last morning of the first DeSoto IPT was nothing short of spectacular. The Fabulous Spoonbill Four posed right in front of us in sweet light and still blue water. They slept and preened and stretched and flapped until the folks on the IPT became tired of them! We had two […]

Early Morning Bath. And an ISO/Shutter Speed Lesson

What’s Up?

The third morning of the first DeSoto IPT was not as great as the first two, but we had many fabulous chances. The stars were a dancing Reddish Egret and a nice variety of cooperative shorebirds including Willet, Sanderling, Red Knot, and Black-bellied, Piping, and Semipalmated Plovers.

There is lots of room […]

Fort DeSoto is Rocking! When f/18 Is Not Enough ...

What’s Up?

Folks on the first DeSoto IPT enjoyed a second consecutive fantastic morning on Monday. We photographed five totally tame Roseate Spoonbills standing in still blue water until folks got tired of them. We had lots of good behavioral stuff including preening, wing stretching, and sky pointing among others. On the beach we had […]

Tons of Bait. And a Topaz Sharpen AI Sandwich Tern Save

This Just In! 10:21am, Sunday 19 September 2021

The first morning of the first DeSoto IPT was mega. We had more than a hundred wading birds feeding in Hidden Lagoon including about a dozen spoonbills. All of the birds were ridiculously tame. They were soon joined by a gorgeous young Red Knot and a perfect […]