Greenwich Village Restaurant Recommendation Three of Cups
I enjoyed a superb meal at a new restaurant in Greenwich Village, Three of Cups. My rare hangar steak was perfectly complemented by roasted potatoes and charred Brussels sprouts. I had the pleasure of being waited on by the owner, Michael Polesny, the former owner of both Doma […]
What’s Below? Comments on the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV On owning the Canon 500 II and the Canon 600 II BIRDS AS ART High Key Pelican Action Updated Thoughts on Shutter Speeds for Flight and for Action Your Fave?
Which of today’s two featured images is the strongest? Leave a comment and let us […]
What’s Up?
Today is Monday 13 September 2021. I will finally be headed south on the Auto Train on this coming Thursday afternoon. Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I hope that you too have/had a great day.
Thanks for all the positives on Image #2 in the previous post. Opinions were […]
Hi-Res JPEGs
New visitors are reminded to click on each jpeg to enjoy a higher-resolution version.
You Fave?
Which of today’s two featured images is the strongest? All are invited to leave a comment explaining why they made their choice.
What’s Up?
Not much. I am getting ready for the trip south on […]
What’s Up?
It is late on Friday 10 September 2021. I walked 4.4 miles in Central Park with the 200-600GM and the a1. I saw lots of migrant songbirds: American Redstarts, several Northern Parulas, two Bay-breasted Warblers, a few Common Yellowthroats and Black and White Warblers, a Northern Waterthrush, an Ovenbird, and a Red-Eyed Vireo. […]
Word Press Disappearing Act
For the third time in a week, a published blog post disappeared. I am re-publishing this one — with apologies, on the morning of 12 September 2021.
Unanswered e-Mails?
If you send an e-mail to us and you do not hear back in a day or two, please call Jim […]
What’s Up?
Not much. Today is Wednesday 8 September. It is another warm day here in New York. I am getting ready to head south on the Auto Train this Monday afternoon. Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I hope that you too have a great day.
Remember that you can find […]
I am devoting a ton of time each week to creating meaningful content on the BIRDS AS ART YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe by clicking here.
Roger Williams
Please phone Jim in the office at 863-692-0906. Your e-mail requesting Items for Sale info came in with a corrupted e-mail address. Thanks with love, […]
What’s Up?
Today is Monday 6 September 2021, Labor Day. Speaking of labor, I have been working hard for several hours at my sister Ilene’s home creating some new YouTube videos. A ten-minute video takes about 15 minutes to record and then well more than an hour to edit. It is a labor of love. […]
What’s Up?
I took me only four hours to create, record, and edit today’s video. I must be getting better (and surely) faster. Learn to Create BIRDS AS ART features 58 new images, a ton of photography tips, and lots of solid info on the birds. Scroll down to view. I have lots of ideas […]
BIRDS AS ART on YouTube!
Be sure not to miss anything by subscribing to the BIRDS AS ART YouTube channel by clicking here.
What’s Up?
It was Saturday 4 September 2021 when I hit Publish on this post. It subsequently and inexplicably disappeared over night. None-the-less, the streak remains intact. It was another cool day […]
BIRDS AS ART on YouTube!
Be sure not to miss anything by subscribing to the BIRDS AS ART YouTube channel by clicking here.
What’s Up?
I spent more than a few hours preparing the 3rd Create BIRDS AS ART at Fort DeSoto in Fall YouTube video. It features all new birds and lots of […]
BIRDS AS ART on YouTube!
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here.
YouTube Help Needed
If you have basic knowledge about customizing a YouTube channel, I could really use your help. If so please contact me via e-mail. Many thanks, much love. a
What’s Up?
I spent most of […]
What’s Up?
I spent more than a few hours on Tuesday gathering and optimizing images for the Photographing Fort DeSoto’s Fall Wading Birds video. Though only six minutes 31 seconds long, there are lots of strong images along with some solid wading bird info and photography tips. All are invited to leave a comment letting […]
What’s Up?
I spent more than a few hours on Tuesday gathering and optimizing images for the Photographing Fort DeSoto’s Fall Wading Birds video. Though only eight minutes long, there are lots of good images along with some solid wading bird info and photography tips. All are invited to leave a comment letting us know […]
Saturday Past!
Both of today’s featured images were created last Saturday on a very stormy day when no other photographers ventured out. With 250-odd keepers after the first edit (out of 5300+), it was a memorable day. And it proves the old adage: the worse the weather, the better photography. You will be seeing lots […]
Higher Res Viewing
Please note that the small JPEGs in each blog post are for display purposes only. Clicking on each blog image to enlarge it will bring up a stunning high resolution image. For unknown reasons, the smaller images simply do not look sharp. I am attempting to rectify that situation. In the meantime, […]
What’s Up?
At 7:00am on Saturday morning it was teeming rain with a 25mph north wind. By 8:00am things had calmed down a bit so we headed out to the beach. There were thousands of skimmers blasting off into a stiff east wind up and down the beach. But I knew exactly where we needed […]
What’s Up?
As detailed in the opening of yesterday’s blog post, Friday morning was challenging at best. I kept very few images from a very short session. Today’s featured image was my favorite. Today is Saturday 28 August 2021; we may be headed to Plumb Beach to look for the reported Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Wherever you […]
What Should Be Up?
For morning bird photography, you should be up. Very early … Learn more below.
What’s Up?
Thanks to the many who commented on the two pleasing blurs featured in yesterday’s blog post. I will share my thoughts with you on those images here tomorrow.
On Thursday, multiple IPT veteran […]