2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Loving White Sky Days. Midair Battling. The Realities of 30 frames per second. And How Fast is a Blink? (Nictitating Membrane Insurance ...)

Your Call?

According to you, which is the stronger image (by far)? Why?

What’s Up?

For the first time ever, I spent 13 hours at the beach. With the delayed entry time at Nickerson Beach, I had been thinking about staying all day to avoid having to re-enter at 6pm. So when private In-the-Field client […]

Hungry Beach Babies! And Loving Cloudy Days

Your Call

Which of today’s two featured images is the strongest? Which is the cutest? Please let us know why you made your choices. Also, would you lose the dark smudge in the upper left corner of Image #2? Why or why not?

What’s Up?

I had a great, still, soft-box of a morning […]

Murder on the Beach, This Time for Real ... Glad That I Brought the 1.4X TC. Or Not? And Beach Clean-up

This Just In

I began work on this blog post on Tuesday evening and almost finished it, but decided to hit the sack. Then I looked at the weather for Lido Beach — cloudy with light and variable winds. I set the alarm for 5am but woke at 4:39. I headed for Nickerson Beach and […]

I Kid You Not; the 70-200mm f/2.8 for Bald Eagle Flight!

What’s Up?

Well, I finally got out to photograph on Monday afternoon. In spades! I left Ronkonkoma at 2:30pm and made it to JBWR in an hour with little traffic. I made my way to the northwest end of the East Pond to find very muddy conditions. I almost went down/got stuck in the dangerously […]

Blacklit Discovery & Strategy Map. And Used Canon Gear!

What’s Up?

With the unusually cool August weather here on Long Island I have been leading the league in relaxing, and sleeping nine to ten hours every night. I have been taking a nice walk and doing my bursts every day, and will be hitting the community pool at my sister Ilene’s home soon.


Murder (???) on the Beach!

Telling the Story

Which of today’s three featured images best tells the story on its own? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

On Saturday 31 July (can you believe it?), younger daughter Alissa, her husband, Ajiniyaz, and I drove up to the Anderson Center for […]

Working the Best Available Subject. a1 AF and OSS Systems at 1200mm. Leaf Removal. A Background Question. And a free and improved Divide and Conquer Tutorial

What’s Up?

I got to younger daughter Alissa’s home in Lake Ronkonkoma at about 9am and spent the day relaxing. Once the storm passed, it was a dry, beautiful, sunny, cool day, quite unusual for August on Long Island. At about 3:30pm, we headed to Cedar Beach for a nice swim in the Sound. Then […]

A Very Long Day That Ended Very Wet!

What’s Up?

Today is Friday 30 July 2021. Keep reading to learn about my very long Thursday that ended very wet.

I was glad to learn that BPN friend Kevin Hice was the third to sign up for Homer. Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I hope that you too have a […]

Young Little Blue Herons and the 600mm Lens Three Ways!

Your Fave?

Which of today’s three featured images is your favorite. Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

I finished packing on Wednesday morning and left early, headed for the Auto Train station in Sanford, FL, figuring I could nap on the way down if need be. […]

Abstract Flower Center: Any Better?

The East Pond

The East Pond at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Queens, NY was the place to observe and photograph North America’s southbound migrant shorebirds from 1975 through about 2010. Then, for reasons noted below, the place pretty much went down the tubes due to high water levels. At present, it seems that the folks […]

A Trip Down Memory Lane/A Bit of Bird Photography and Personal History: the East Pond at JBWR and BIRDS AS ART

The East Pond

The East Pond at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Queens, NY was the place to observe and photograph North America’s southbound migrant shorebirds from 1975 through about 2010. Then, for reasons noted below, the place pretty much went down the tubes due to high water levels. At present, it seems that the folks […]

Will the Real Swallow-tailed Kite Please Swoop Down For a Sip? Mega-challenging Bird Photography. And the Realities of Hand Holding Super-telephotos Lenses ...

The East Pond

Homer Bald Eagles Winter 2021

Yes, this is an expensive (but competitively priced) trip. The price of the boat and the price of the fish have risen astronomically since my last visit in 2020. But the photography is beyond amazing. Flight photography with any lens till you cannot raise your arms, creative […]

My Very Favorite Image From Two Mornings on a Swallow-tailed Kite Adventure ... And More Topaz DeNoise Magic

A Focus Stacking Question …

As far as I know, none of the SONY bodies feature auto focus-stacking. If I focus bracket manually — Focus Peaking would make that relatively easy, is there a program that will auto-assemble the focus-bracketed series? If yes, which one is easiest to use?

Homer Bald Eagles Winter 2021 […]

This Image is Not Up to Contemporary Professional Standards ...

What’s Up?

Several folks commented or e-mailed on the difficulty of photographing the Swallow-tailed Kites near Deland. They were 100% correct. It was my first time ever at this location. We have one more morning on Lake woodruff and I will use what I learned to do much better today than I did on Friday […]

Variety is the Spice of Flower Photography

Your Call

After clicking on each image to enlarge it, please leave a comment and let us know which one you like the best and why you made your choice. Image #1 was made at the wide open aperture, Image #2 was made at f/8, and Image #3 was created at f/16.

What’s Up? […]

The Wind Direction. And For What It's Worth ...

Following Up

Everything below in today’s post has to do with questions raised in the recent blog post here. Wanna learn? Keep reading.

What’s Up?

I spent most of Wednesday morning watching the Milwaukee Bucks defeat the Phoenix Suns for the 2021 NBA Championship. After the game, I reveled for hours in the celebration […]

A Zebra at ILE ??? Your Thoughts? Be Honest. Be Brutal.

What’s Up?

Most of the time, I know a day or two in advance what the subject of an upcoming blog will be. I woke this morning with no clue. So I decided to look at my ILE July 2020 file. I was surprised to see flowers, flowers, and more flowers. Along with a very […]

Happiness Is ... And a Near-Mint Canon EOS-1DX II

Need Your Help

Of today’s four featured images, which one do you like best? Of the three tern chick images, which one is best, and why? Do you like the one with the wing in the upper left, the one with the wing in the upper right, or the one with the clear light-blue sky? […]

Wind Against Sun Begging Chick Strategy. A Near-Mint Used a9 ii. And Beach Clean-Up

What’s Up?

The last morning of the 2nd JAX IPT was more of the same, more of an early southwest breeze and more wind against sun condition. None-the-less, we had a great morning. Donna Bourdon did chicks on the face of the dune early and wrong-way flight after that. Then she joined Lou Newman and […]

Things Are Going Swimmingly on the 2nd JAX IPT!

Your Fave?

Please take a moment to leave a comment; let us know which of today’s two featured images you like best, and why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

Though the weather has been a challenge — nothing but sun all day every day, with a slight breeze from the southwest early each […]