What’s Up?
With the forecast of clear skies and a wind from the southeast, my plan was to shoot flight off one of the ladders we brought. It was a great plan, but there was a gentle breeze from the west (of all places!!!) That had the birds returning with fish landing away from us. […]
What’s Up?
On the first morning of the second JAX IPT, the hoped for east wind did not materialize until about 9:00am. Early on, it was still. Very still. But there were lots of Royal Tern chicks of all ages on the beach. None of them were silly tame, but if we sat, we all […]
What’s Up?
Well, there were a zillion Royal Tern chicks of all ages out on the beach on the first afternoon of the JAX IPT. But classic wind against sun conditions — clear skies with a 15 knot wind from the southeast — made photography just about impossible. With an east wind scheduled for this […]
What’s Up?
Me, packing for the JAX IPT. Today is Wednesday 14 July and the weather forecast does not matter as I have too much work to do before I leave at about 11:00am. Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I hope that you too have a great day.
Remember that you can […]
What’s Up?
On a very still, partly cloudy Monday morning, I photographed some flowers in the vacant lot at the end of my block. When I was finished, I did a ride-around and found six more blooming Alligatorlilies! On the backroads, I saw two crane families, one with one colt, the other with two colts. […]
What’s Up?
Sunday was a perfect morning for flower photography — cloudy bordering on bright, and dead still. That’s why I spent more than an hour in the garden with my macro rig. And I tried something that might lead to a very neat discovery … I ordered a single item that will allow me […]
What’s Up?
On Saturday morning, I photographed a just-opened Scarlet Hibiscus blossom in our butterfly garden in the backyard. I worked very tight doing the flower center, and came up with a single image that I like.
As I am getting tired of sending out twenty or more e-mails each time that the Sony […]
What’s Up?
I headed out early on Friday morning to photograph the Alligatorlily blossom that I had found late on Thursday afternoon. Read all about it below. I finished and distributed SONY Alpha a1 Set-up and Info Notes e-mail #21: Memory Cards and Lots More, worked on some images, and answered lots of e-mails. Long-ago […]
What’s Up?
Thursday was a relatively nice day with only a few sprinkles here and there. I photographed some wildflowers in the morning. I almost finished e-mail #21 (Memory Cards and More …) for the SONY Alpha a1 Info and Updates group.I will complete and distribute that this morning. The group has been growing pretty […]
Your Fave?
Which of today’s two featured images do you like best? Please let us know why you made your choice.
What’s Up?
It poured in the early morning and then tropical storm Elsa headed north. All in all, she was pretty much a fizzle as far as big storms go. I got lots […]
What’s Up?
Rain, rain, and more rain as Tropical Storm Elsa visits Florida. My planned early morning walk was postponed by heavy thunderstorms. I did hit the streets in late afternoon. It has been pouring (again) since then. I was thrilled to learn the 27-IPT veteran Lou Newman and a friend will be joining Donna, […]
What’s Up?
It’s been amazing here. It has not rained a drop here for the past two days. Prior to that, there had not been a day without at least one torrential downpour in more than a month. I did get out early to photograph the beautiful lily that I found on my walk the […]
Your Preference?
Which of today’s two featured images is the strongest? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.
What’s Up?
Well, I never thought that I’d ever say these words, but after watching the Milwaukee Bucks defeat the Atlanta Hawks in the NBA playoffs in the morning, and […]
A Tough Choice …
Which of today’s three featuered images is the strongest? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.
What’s Up?
As often occurs when I am home, a ton of work got done yesterday. Most of the morning was spent preparing the Michael De Rosa blog […]
What’s Up?
On Friday (I thought it was Saturday …) I worked long and hard on e-mail #20 for the SONY Alpha a1 Set-up and Info Notes: Firmware Update 1.10 and More Odds and Ends. I sent it in the afternoon. I have more work to do on the group today.
It was great […]
What’s Up?
On the mostly cloudy final morning of the JAX IPT, I was looking to do something different so I headed down the beach to work on the nesting Brown Pelicans. It is a very difficult situation as the nests are somewhat cluttered and too many Laughing Gulls kept getting in the way. I […]
What’s Up?
We enjoyed two mega-sessions on Thursday. The morning was clear and sunny with a nice wind from the southeast. As the morning went on, we enjoyed some haze in the east that softened the light just a bit. The afternoon was mercifully cloudy. Having had nonstop action on (mostly) terns in flight, we […]
What’s Up?
Steve Elkins asked me to let you know that he currently has three Sony Alpha 1 bodies in stock. Click here to purchase. Be sure to use the BIRDSASART discount code at checkout to save 3%, enjoy free 2nd-day air Fed-Ex, and earn free entry into the SONY Alpha a1 Info and Updates […]
What’s Up?
We enjoyed a phenomenal morning of bird photography with a southeast wind and mostly sunny skies. It clouded over in the afternoon so we headed back early and enjoyed a phenomenal afternoon of bird photography with the world as a huge soft box. Between the four of us we created many, many thousands […]
What’s Up?
We had a great first morning at the Jacksonville tern and gull colony with mostly cloudy skies and a northeast wind. Mike DeRosa was using his a1/200-600 rig for the first time and made some outstanding images of Royal Tern in flight carrying fish for the numerous chicks. Many multiple IPT veteran Monte […]