2021 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

How Old is that Least Tern Chick? Part I

What’s Up?

The Royal Tern/Laughing Gull/Brown Pelican rookery near Jacksonville was breathtakingly amazing. The beach is gorgeous, and there are an estimated 10,000 pairs of nesting birds in the protected dunes. With clear blue skies and a stiff onshore wind from the east (wind against sun …), photography was very difficult at best.

With […]

800+ Images of the Same Bird ... Right Down the Barrel. Practice Fishing. And the Rocky Point

Your Favorite?

Please leave a comment letting us know which of today’s three featured images you like best, and why you made your choice.

What’ Up?

It is 11:30am on Sunday 27 June 2021. Clemens Van der Werf and I are headed up to Jacksonville Florida for the Mini-IPT. We are both excited. Wherever you […]

White-Mouth Dayflower: Wider or Tighter? A Depth of Field Question. And Focus Magnifier and Focus Peaking

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Please leave a comment letting us know which of today’s two featured images you like best, and why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

I took another morning off from photography on Friday; I got lots of work done, but don’t ask me what I got accomplished. Since my 75th birthday 10 […]

Ten of Anita North's Best Images from Tanzania

The Best Three?

Please leave a comment letting us know which three images you think are the strongest, and why you made your choices. Thanks to Anita North for allowing me to share her fine images with you here on the blog.

Anita’s African Gear Bag

Sony Alpha a7R IV Mirrorless Digital Camera (Body […]

Nest Distraction Display. The SONY 200-600 G Lens in Low Light? Part II. And Using All the Tools!

What’s Up?

Wednesday dawned totally overcast and dark. It brightened up by 8:00am, so I grabbed the macro lens and tooled around in the butterfly garden for a while without much success. So I headed to the front yard and spent a half hour sitting on the wet grass with the White-mouthed Dayflowers. I worked […]

No More Mud Patterns ... And Lots of Used Canon Gear

What’s Up?

The clouds covered the sun early on Tuesday morning. I could not resist photographing the large colt family on the small hill next to the bathroom building. I was home and back to work by 7:30am. I answered lots of e-mails, worked on some images, and worked hard on some Used Gear Business. […]

Like-New Canon 1DX Mark III for Sale. Images not included ... And Sarah Vaughan - Broken-Hearted Melody

Your Fave?

Please be so kind as to leave a comment and let us know which of Clemens three featured 1DX Mark III images you think is the strongest. And why.

What’s Up?

I enjoyed my morning off from photography and was thinking of making it two in a row. But the sky to the […]

It Was a Wet Muddy Night in the Marsh. The SONY 200-600 G Lens in Low Light? Part I

What’s Up?

The White-mouthed Day-Flowers are blooming profusely in my front yard. I spent an hour with them sitting on the ground with the splayed Induro GIT 304L and the Levered-Clamp Mini (just two left in stock!). Then it was down to the lake to check on the large colts and the small colts. All […]

Bud Strategy. And WDYT? I & II.

What’s Up?

There was not a lot going on on Saturday morning. I saw both two-young crane families, but did not stop to photograph them. I did photograph a goldenrod blossom that I had spotted on an afternoon walk. I headed home and photographed a somewhat strange, green and reddish brown Sea Grape leaf that […]

Two Like-New Nikkor Lenses. Why the 600 f/4? And a sneaky way to save over-exposed , detail-less whites ...

What’ Up?

I headed down to the lake yesterday not expecting to do many birds. I wound up sitting in the wet grass for almost an hour with the latest crane family at the end of Palmetto. I can no longer call the two young “chicks” as they are more than half as tall as […]

Wind and Sun Together. And Truly Superb When the Sun Shines -- the SONY 200-600 G Lens

What’s Up?

I enjoyed one last session at the thriving Least Tern colony on Thursday morning. I was home just before 1pm with 7609 raw files to edit. I got through 4758 of those, keeping 362 after the first edit. I will be doing a Picking-Your-Keepers video on the last file of 2851 images soon. […]

A Whole New World: Picking Flight Keepers

Your Fave?

Which is the strongest flight shot? If you leave a comment, please let us know why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

I got to the beach at 6:30am on Wednesday. Clemens was off biking with his group; they did a tidy 25 miles. Then Clemens had a Zoom meeting. It was […]

The Quest for Something Different/Birthday Gift #2. Flying Adult Least Tern Carrying Halfbeak for Young!

What’s Up?

On Tuesday morning Clemens and I enjoyed another challenging morning of Least Tern photography in Southeast Florida. Mostly cloudy bright sky conditions were just about perfect. A breeze from the west/southwest? Not so much. But again, we both made some very good ones. The Nikonians webinar went very well, in part thanks to […]

The Quest for Something Different/Birthday Gift #1. Four is a Crowd: Least Tern Chicks Food Fight!

What’s Up?

My 1 1/2 hour drive was not too bad. Since I left early, I was able to grab a 30–minute nap at a 7-11 ten minutes from the spot were I met Clemens on Monday morning. The Least Tern colony we visited is thriving. I think there are more than 100 young birds […]

Mommy Long-legs and Still Need One for Jax In-the-Field ...

What’s Up?

I left the house at 6:00am on Sunday morning and headed west on SR 60 in hopes of some color sunrise tree silhouettes. That fizzled quickly so I gassed up at Jimmy’s and headed back to ILE and down to the lake. As expected, I came across the crane family at the north […]

Sunday Morning Mommy Long-legs Screw-up :)

What’s Up?

Monday’s blog post was published by mistake on Sunday morning (13 June 2021). Please enjoy the Get on Line Now for the Canon EOS R3! Clemens Van der Werf & the Canon EOS R5 — Not Bad At All at 1200mm … The 600 mm f/4 + a 2xTC Rocks with Canon and […]

Get on Line Now for the Canon EOS R3! Clemens Van der Werf & the Canon EOS R5 -- Not Bad At All at 1200mm ... The 600 mm f/4 + a 2xTC Rocks with Canon and SONY Systems

Your Fave?

Please be so kind as to leave a comment and let us know which of Clemens four featured images you think is the strongest. And why.

What’s Up?

I never made it down to the lake on Saturday morning. I worked on flowers in the butterfly garden for an hour, and then […]

Lucky Shrike Means Fine Tobacco? And It's Much Better to Try and Fail Than Not to Try at All...

What’s Up?

I did drive down to the lake for a short visit, but there was not much going on so I headed back home and did some flowers from our butterfly garden. I pretty much finished the Nikonians webinar program and spent an hour critiquing images in the Avian Forum at Bird Photographer’s.Net. BPN, […]

Hey Bud, Does Viveza Work? A JAX In-the-Field Opening for One. And lots more on exposing to the right ...

What’s Up

Thursday morning was another beauty at ILE. I took an exploratory walk along the edge of the marsh and took some pretty bad images of White Ibis. And I fanned on a micro-second chance on two river otters as well. I am sure that a third pair of stilts has a nest, this […]

How Low Can You Go? Panning Ground Pod Techniques. And Getting Sand and Mud on Your Camera Body. Part II

Your Fave?

Which of today’s featured images is your favorite? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

Conditions were perfect on Tuesday morning, but again, there were few birds around but for two of the three crane families. So I made a long series of images […]