2024 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

The Sky was On Fire! Thank You Elaine

Your Call?

Which three of today’s nine featured images do you think are the strongest? If you have a moment, please let us know why you made your choices. Much appreciated. Please put the best one of the three first, and so on.

From an i-Phone 15+ raw file Image #1: November 20, […]

Sony a-1 II Pre-order Update. When I Expose Well to the Right on Cloudy Days, My Photos Look Washed Out

Sony a-1 II Pre-order Info Updated

Those who wish to receive my Sony a-1 II settings for free in the form of a CAMSET.DAT file with instructions and an explanatory Buttons and Dials Guide should pre-order from one of my affiliate programs as below.

To pre-order your Sony a-1 II from B&H, you must […]

Sony Alpha 1 Version II

Sony Alpha 1 Version II

If you already have your mind made up on the a-1 II, read no further; click on this link at 9am today to pre-order and watch the B&H product announcement presentation.

I will be ordering one today and will be creating a .DAT file and a Buttons and Dials […]

Dealing With Wind Against Sun Conditions.

What’s Up?

On Saturday, multiple IPT veteran Sandra Calderbank joined Bob Eastman and me for a morning of instruction at Sebastian Inlet. Following the #1 rule for wind against sun conditions, we arrived very early to be in position to work the sunrise. Here is how I helped Sandy set up for Shutter Priority with […]

Shutter Priority -- Please Do Not Tell Me That Real Photographers Must Use Manual Mode 100% of the Time

Your Call

Which of today’s three featured images do you think is the strongest? Why?

What’s Up?

Conditions were perfect on Thursday morning: cloudy bright conditions with an 18 mph wind from the southeast. There was not much going on until about 9am when the tide began to ebb. Both Bob and I had some […]

Wanted -- One Boreal Forest Bird & Bald Eagle Photographer

Sony a-1 II

If you are thinking of purchasing a Sony a-1 II soon, do not pre-order one. Wait till I can supply a link so that you can earn a free setting guide when and if I purchase one.


Thanks for all the erudite comments on the last blog post. That would be […]

My Sebastian Mantra -- Give Me One Good Chance

What’s Up?

John Johnson drove up from Naples to spend three days at the inlet with Bob Eastman and me. Monday morning was like August in Florida. It was hot and still (with no-see-ums!). We worked the northwest pool and had a very few good chances. The South Jetty was not a whole lot better […]

Teachable Old Dog. New Trick. Atlantic Ocean Art. Fred X2!

Huge Thanks!

Huge thanks to Allan Warner of Seattle, WA for his very generous BAA Blog Thank You Gift! Allan, it is greatly appreciated that you appreciate my effort here. Lots of love your way. artie

Still Room at the Inn

If you would like to join Bob Eastman and me at Sebastian Inlet for […]

The Osprey and the Thieving Brown Pelican/A Fabulous Story-telling Photo Sequence by My Friend, Bob Eastman

What’s Up?

Sebastian Inlet is on fire. On Wednesday morning, Bob Eastman and I enjoyed a huge feeding spree with the pelicans, terns, and Ospreys diving on bait for hours. On Thursday morning, the action shifted to the end of the (soon-to-be-closed-for-nine-months) North Jetty. The added bonus was a juvenile Sabine’s Gull, insanely rare for […]

The Amazing Life of a Very Happy Man

What’s Up?

On Tuesday, Bob Eastman and I had another great morning at Sebastian. It was a dreary high ISO session, with a perfect wind from the southeast and as many as 50 Ospreys patrolling the inlet. They were doing lots of diving but not a lot of catching. As we headed home, I told […]

2 November 2024 -- Just Another Day at the Office

Your Call

Which are the two strongest of today’s nine featured images? Why?

What’s Up

Sunday morning belonged to Bob Eastman. We were ready to give up and head back to our AirBnB for some eggs. Just as Bob started the car, we noticed five Ospreys in the air right in front of us. We […]

Sony a9 iii Amazing with All Lenses and Both Teleconverters

Your Calls

Autofocus-wise, which of today’s six featured images do you think is the most amazing? Separate question: which is your favorite image? Why? for both.

What’s Up?

Bob Eastman and I are having fun every day at Sebastian Inlet. On Thursday afternoon we spent lots of time with the very cooperative white morph Reddish […]

Come On Down Right Now for Ospreys and More

What’s Up?

Bob Eastman and I had a fabulous morning at Sebastian Inlet on Wednesday. We had three Ospreys dive into the water within 20 feet of us. All caught a fish. Each struggled to get it out of the water. Each failed. But oh, what an adrenaline rush. Check out the images then get […]

Geri Georg Does Nickerson Beach Quite Well

What’s Up?

Bob Eastman and I had a great first morning at Sebastian. Aside from a zillion Ospreys fishing the inlet, a cooperative white Morph Reddish Egret on the beach made our day. The afternoon looked like bird photography death with a strong SE wind and sunny blue skies but I scouted around and found […]

Brand New Sony 600mm f/4 OSS GM Lens! And an a9 iii

A First Ever Request

The item below appeared in the Safe to Go in the Water. Six images made with a v2.02 a-1 blog post here.

Your Call

The challenge today is to put today’s six featured images in order with the strongest one first and the weakest image (in your eyes) last. As each […]

Safe to Go in the Water. Six images made with a v2.02 a-1

It’s Safe to go in the Water Now Sony a-1 Firmware Update Update

Last spring, Sony announced firmware update v2.00 for the a-1, its flagship camera body. In short order the firmware story became an embarrassing fiasco. Over time, the announced v2.01 that caused terrible problems with the camera was used with the hugely popular […]

Rebuilding in Progress. Sony a-1 Firmware Update Update

What’s Up?

Steve Zarate sold all of his Canon items, including the near mint RF 600mm f/4L IS lens, within two days of their being listed in the last blog post.

Yesterday I sent the SONY Alpha a1 Set-up and Info Notes e-Mail J (23 OCT 2014) Firmware Update Update item to the entire group; […]

Like-New Canon RF 600mm! San Diego Ain't Just Pelicans!

Your Call?

Which of today’s five featured image is your favorite? Why did you make your choice? I love them all but have a clear favorite.

My Call and Reasons

In the Tricolored Heron Second Edit YouTube Video blog post here, my favorite was Image #2, the Tricolored Heron non-breeding adult vertical front-end portrait. […]

Tricolored Heron Second Edit YouTube Video

Tricolored Heron Second Edit (with Fine Points)

Today’s mirrorless gear is so good and the frame rates so high, that it is often necessary to delete dozens if not hundreds of perfect images. I originally made about 800 photos of this cooperative wading bird working from the front seat of my vehicle at 1200mm […]

Urgent: If You Are a Woman, or Know One, Check These Out

What’s Up?

November 20, 2024 will mark 30 years since the death of my 2nd wife, Elaine Belsky Morris. She was diagnosed, she followed and endured the horrific chemo and radiation therapies, and she suffered.

Four months prior, they told us “It’s a miracle, the tumor has disappeared.” Then she was dead in short order. […]