2024 « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Two Sony a-1 Black-bellied Action Images

What’s Up?

My right hand continues to heal nicely. The thumb (trigger finger) was as good as new the next day. The stitches come out next Tuesday. Though the crushing, tingling pain in the hand is gone, it appears that I will have some lingering tenderness along the inside of the ring finger of my […]

Florida Is Trying to Ram Development of State Parks, "Skirting the Legal Process" By Jason Cochran

What are They Thinking?

After reading the article below, please take a moment to sign and share the petition below. I did, and it only took a minute as most of the work has been done for you.


In addition, call the Governor’s office at 1-850-717-9337. Press option 1 and voice […]

Judy Proves that Bird Photography is Not Rocket Science

Your Call?

Judy Stepenaskie showed up barely understanding how to operate her Canon gear. After a 90-minute camera body setup session, and a bit of in the field instruction, she began making some excellent images. And she continued to do so for the next five days. When she got back home, she shared some of […]

New Video: Juvenile Black Skimmers Practicing Skimming

What’s Up?

My surgery went well. I am healing nicely at younger daughter Alissa’s home in Ronkonkoma in Suffolk County, Long Island. The best news is that the tingling pain that came and went in the first four fingers of my right hand is pretty much gone. And, I have not had to take any […]

A Magical Evening on All Counts

Your Call?

Which of today’s three magical evening images do you like best? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

Today is Wednesday 21 August 2024. I will be heading to St. Charles Hospital in Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY at 7:30am for “two for the […]

16,124 Image Lowlight Nickerson Beach Party

Your Call?

Which, if any, of today’s three featured images do you like? Why did you make your choice. If none of them, why?

What’s Up?

I’ve been busier than the proverbial one armed paper hanger. Today is Sunday 18 August. On Monday morning, I head out to eastern Long Island for pre-surgical testing […]

Two for Action, One for Art (Pardon the Play on Words)

What’s Up?

While we continue to battle the wind against sun conditions, we have continued to make some very fine images each and every session. You can see three of those in today’s blog post. Your comments on each image are welcomed.

On Thursday morning there were five of us in good position to […]

Sometimes, I am Just Plain Lazy: 70-200mm Versatility, a Quasi-Jiggle Blur, and Captivated by a Beach Plant

What’s Up?

Please remember that the blog is designed to be interactive, to make you think, to help you become a better photographer, to inspire you, and to help you to develop both your eye for image design and your creativity. Toward that end, while considering the fact that this blog post took more than […]

Seventeen Neat Nickerson Beach Before and After Images

What’s Up?

I am between extended IPTs without any clients. The Killing Shoreline is once again open for business on Saturday morning. Pretty much in the dark, I saw a Great Black-backed Gull approach, kill, and rip apart a surf-weakened Black Skimmer fledging — see the two ISO 12800 images at the end of the […]

A Distressed Black Skimmer Chick Story in Four Pictures

What’s Up?

The forecast on Tuesday for Lido Beach was for rain all day on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Other than a light mist here and there, it did not rain at all on Wednesday or Thursday. I went out early on Wednesday morning, made some nice blurs, photographed a lovely beach plant, and […]

Young Black Skimmer Developmental Flight Strategy: First You Run Fast, Then You're An Orville, and Then You Fly!

Your Call?

Which of today’s three featured images is the strongest? If you are so kind as to leave a comment, please let us know why you made your choice.

What’s Up?

The images that 86-year old, new-to-Sony Pat Fishburne has been making at Nickerson Beach with her 300mm f/2.8 GM/a9 iii rig have […]

Three Versions of Two Very Similar Backlit Flight Photos

Your Call?

Which version (of basically the same image) do you like best? Why?

What’s Up?

After seven days of photography and learning, Monte Brown left on Saturday morning for his 1 1/2 day drive back to Indiana. Heading north ahead to beat Tropical Storm Debby, 86-year old Pat Fishburne few in a day early […]

The Un-banded American Oystercatcher Family of Four: A 10,000 to 1 Against Head Angle/Juxtapositional Miracle

What’s Up?

Despite the challenging conditions, photography has been great on the Nickerson Beach (extended) #1 IPT. Judy headed back to PA yesterday and Monte begins his drive back to Indiana tomorrow.

Momma Said, Life was Like a Box of Chocolates

My favorite line in the clip above is the woman saying, “My […]

Monte Brown Flying High at Nickerson Beach with Sony

Your Call?

Which of Monte Brown’s four excellent flight images is the strongest? Why?

Catching Up

Check out the comments in the previous blog post to learn the answer to the Sun Ball Perspective Question.

Monte Brown in Action with his favorite flight rig Monte Brown

Monte Brown was born in Muncie, Indiana […]

Sun Ball Perspective Question. Can an inch matter?

What’s Up?

After just an afternoon and a morning session, Judy Stepenaskie amazed everyone with her surprisingly excellent hand held Canon RF 100-500mm f/4.5-7.1 L IS USM lens/Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless camera body images. Monte Brown and I were blown away. She is pretty much a beginning bird photographer and showed up not […]

The Eclectic Photography & Life of Dr. Greg Gulbransen

What’s Up?

Nickerson Beach has been excellent; I have been loving the cloudy conditions but the sun is coming. I saw Billy Joel’s last and fiftieth performance at Madison Square Garden last. It was an amazing experience. At 75, his voice is still great and his strength and stamina amazing; he was on stage for […]

Nickerson Beach Gloomy Morning Cherry Picking

What’s Up?

In this short YouTube video(12:05), I share the 64 keepers that I cherry picked from the 6206 images that I created in less than four hours at Nickerson Beach Park on Long Island on the morning of July 24, 2024. Watch to the end to learn the fine points of selecting your […]

Why a Wide Angle Lens on the Beach for Birds?

Trinity Thomas — an amazing young […]

A Great Ending to the JAX IPT. And the a1/a9 iii Dilemma ...

Your Call?

Which of today’s two featured images is the strongest? Why?

Canon Lays Off Beloved Camera Guru, Rudy Winston

From the PetaPixel article here. Thanks to blog regular David Policansky for sharing the link with me.

Last week, Canon USA initiated layoffs that affected multiple departments. While the exact number affected was not […]

Beyond Killer Handheld Flight Rig! White Sky/Black Sky

What’s Up?

It is 4:25am on Friday 19 July as I type. Today is get-away day. We will photograph till about 8:30am, head back to the AirBnB, clean up and pack up, and then get all of my stuff and Steve’s bags and cases into in my SUV. Then I drop Steve at JAX for […]