Important Notice
After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit the blog by visiting or bookmarking
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my […]
Important Notice
After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit the blog by visiting or bookmarking
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my […]
A Practically Free IPT
If you would like to learn about joining me east of Jacksonville, FL for a week of great photography and instruction this July — for next to nothing, please shoot me an e-mail. Share and AirBnB and ride to, on, and from the beach with me. Airport pickup possible.
Your […]
A Practically Free IPT
If you would like to learn about joining me east of Jacksonville, FL for a week of great photography and instruction this July — for next to nothing, please shoot me an e-mail. Share and AirBnB and ride to, on, and from the beach with me. Airport pickup possible.
Your […]
Take Time to Laugh
When dying of cancer, basketball coach Jim Valvaono was often asked how he found the strength to carry on. Speaking quite emotionally, he would answer: “To me, there are three things we all should do every day every day of our lives. We should find the time to laugh, to […]
Canon EOS 5D Mark III/24-105 Infrared Rig with Many Extras!
Price reduced $100.00 on 29 May 2024
Morro Bay IPT veteran Dane Johnson is offering a Canon EOS 5D Mark III (converted to infrared, as noted below) in near-mint conditions with the BG-E11 battery grip (in like-new condition) and a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L […]
Image #1: “Left of the pier down by the lake near my home” […]
Important Notice
After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit the blog by visiting or bookmarking
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my […]
Your Call?
Is larger in the frame always better? Why or why not?
Which two of today’s featured images is the stringer image? Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choice?
Important Notice
After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue […]
Important Notice
After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit the blog by visiting or bookmarking
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Same Old Same Old
As far as the blog post notification problem, the harder I try, the more hopeless the situation seems to be. Best to bookmark the BAA Blog and visit every other day.
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate […]
Catch-22 is a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule.
What’s Up?
The above exactly describes my efforts to get post notifications for the blog working again. They had been working perfectly for 15 years. The harder I try, the worse […]
Help Needed I
I got a response to a ticket at Homepage Universe stating that they think they found the problem with post notifications.
If you received a post notification for this short post via e-mail, please forward it to me at Many thanks, artie
Repair Sony Raw (ARW) Files?
Question: Does anyone […]
a9 iii E-mail Set-up and Info […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Thanks to Adam, Muhammad (Moe) Arif, and Cliff Beittel for their helpful comments at yesterday’s Lake Blue Cypress — It Ain’t Just Ospreys. Part I blog post here. I often learn a ton from the comments and that was the case yesterday.
Your Call?
After clicking on each to enlarge, which of today’s featured […]
Apologize for What?
In the To Improve Your Bird (and Nature) Photography By Leaps and Bounds, Be Sure to Bookmark and Study this Page blog post here, I wrote:
I told him right off that the good news is that he is making sharp images and that he had captured some interesting behaviors. But. […]